June 29, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video message – What parts of our culture do we want to
change, and what to honor and build upon?

Click on the “CC” at the bottom of the video to see subtitles in various languages.

• Upcoming Global Training Forum and Summit
o Watch an introduction to the Summit’s meeting format here.

The informational document referred to in this video will be linked in next week’s update.
o Invitations to register – 这是中文, English, en español, на русском, em
português, po polsku, in italiano, auf Deutsch, en français

We would love to hear from you via this quick (3 minute) survey. The results of this
anonymous survey will be made public on or before this Forum/Summit as potentially
useful information going into those conversations. We have such a diverse, multicultural
community it is important to hear the full breadth of your voices – not just the loudest, or
those perceived to be in a position of leadership/authority/power.

o Chinese: https://forms.gle/6cyA6i1xAo6YhzBHA
o English: https://forms.gle/AnvXutJPcsToZ8Uk9
o French: https://forms.gle/gKq9TBcqvV4XrYL87
o German: https://forms.gle/XTkAbUUbxivSWwWi9
o Italian: https://forms.gle/t6Wyp5Ai4KKj3iKe8
o Portuguese: https://forms.gle/B1fuAvBurfYK2isf7
o Polish: https://forms.gle/CtNCRi7x3rFZQjiT7
o Russian: https://forms.gle/CrMJWEwpqtJaLw9f7
o Spanish: https://forms.gle/9BB6d24ik5q11rtf7

THE SHADOW OF THE TEACHER – Wednesday July 8th 11:00-13:00 EDT (New York).
Join us live on Zoom or watch the recorded class available after one week. When we face our own shadow with conviction and clarity, much is unveiled to us. The capacity to hold this depth with compassion is a key process to being a Teacher. It’s a universal human predicament; the vastness of our goodness and the length and breadth of our own human shadow. As sacred, powerful and impactful as the Teachings are, the shadow of the genesis years of the Teachings and personality of Yogi Bhajan are an opportunity.With expert guidance in shadow work with Deva Kaur from Florida, we move beyond
the limitations of personality into our true legacy work.

Upcoming Community Dialogue Listening Zoom calls – Before the trainer
forum/summit, we hope that you be able to join a call in your language and time zone.
Check out the bottom of this webpage for the schedule of language-specific zoom calls.

Scientific research shows – Kundalini Yoga and Kirtan Kriya can reduce the risk of dementia.

June 20, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video message here – Next Steps after the recent Global Trainer Forum/Summit.

Click on the “CC” at the bottom of the video to see subtitles in various languages.

  • Global Trainer Summit –  On July 9, 10, 11 KRI had its first Online Trainer Summit.  There were trainers from 47 countries (of the 56 Countries where there is Teacher Training) that participated in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, and Chinese.  The Summit was a completely new format using Open Space Technology.  Using Zoom, the participants were able to participate in any discussion that interested them and were able to freely move about from breakout room to breakout room.  This event was delivered by a team of sevadars from the Academy and Directed by Sat Amrit Kaur, the Trainer Forum Coordinator.  The Magic of zoom was delivered by Priti Darshan Kaur of KRI.  The event generated over 120 pages of notes that are being collated by Sadhu Kaur and a team to allow self-organized working groups (open to all trainers, not just those who attended the forum) to prepare proposals for the Teacher Training Executive Committee (TTEC) meetings September 20, 21 and 22.  These will be online and are open to every trainer who wants to participate.  
  • KRI is interested in expanding its Board of Directors. Our intention is to strengthen and balance Board representation broadly across the globe and to include voices that represent the views and perspectives of our diverse community. To that end, we invite you to self-nominate and/or recommend qualified candidates who are interested in re-inventing KRI to meet the needs, the consciousness, and the heart of this new Age.  Read more about criteria and to request an application here.
  • Supporting you in addressing a recent negative news article – Recently this article appeared in the online edition of the LA Magazine.  It unfortunately mixes and confuses the yogic organization 3HO with the religious organization of Sikh Dharma International.  In case you are asked by students about this article, we are providing this “talking points” document.  Please let us know if there are other ways we can support you through these challenging times.
  • Community Dialogue –  At the Global Summit we heard many request to continue scheduling Listening Circles in various languages and time zones – especially with the report from An Olive Branch soon to be released.  In order to make these happen, we need to have more volunteer facilitators.  KRI will support you to step into this role.  Please click on this link and help support the trainer community in this way!
  • Scientific Research into Kundalini Yoga – Check out our new webpage with links to all the scientific articles about Kundalini Yoga, summary here and full list here.
  • Upcoming online workshops and webinars:
    • New Date for Sexual Harassment – What Every Kundalini Yoga Teacher Needs to Know – Tuesday August 4th 12:00-14:00 EDT (New York).  Replay available one week later.  Presented by Guruka Kaur & Dr. Krishna Kaur.  This course will show you how to:
      • Make your teaching practice safer for you and students
      • Empower yourself and students to be responsible members of the community
      • Work effectively with the Office of Ethics and Professional Standards and Conscious Conflict resolution (EPS)
      • Apply our values as we work together
      • Join in our discussion. Prior to the webinar please email your questions or topics you would like covered to [email protected]
    • Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Yogini – Friday July 24th at 12 Noon EDT (New York City).  Presented by Vedya Amrita Kaur.  As with a kriya or a difficult yoga posture we hold the space to find comfort in the discomfort of the experience. We can hold a similar space for conversations around our community’s relationship with diversity and inclusion. This workshop will require us to relax into the discomfort as we learn a few concepts integrated with storytelling and dialogue. Here’s your chance to ask questions of our presenter and each other.
    • Toward Fluidity: Building New Networks of Understanding – IN SPANISH – Tuesday July 28th 17:00-18:30 EDT.  Replay available one week later.  Recent times have propelled us suddenly into a new reality. We are faced with the challenge of re-understanding the world and to discover new ways of relating to each other and to the teachings of Kundalini Yoga.  Out of fear and uncertainty within our psyche and our resistance to facing the unknown, we anchor ourselves in teaching-learning models that are familiar and comfortable, preventing us from diving into the fluidity of the chaos. We miss the experimentation that allows us to reimagine the knowledge that has sustained us in the past to allow us to be in tune with the times.

June 15, 2020 – Trainer Update

The Aquarian Trainer Updates

Sat Naam Dear Teacher Trainers,

In my various conversations this past week, I was again struck by the strong diversity of opinions in our
community. How will we talk about Yogi Bhajan in the future – in our books, manuals, and trainings?
With the delay of the report into the allegations of misconduct by Yogi Bhajan until mid to late July, we
won’t have that as a reference for a little while longer. But regardless of what is in that report, I think it
is important that we keep our focus on the practice of this yogic technology – our legacy – not on the
personality or certain specific actions of the man who shared this unique body of teachings. How
exactly that focus looks is something for us to talk about together.

Please come to the Trainer Forum and Summit July 9, 10 and 11th to begin this, and many other,
important discussions together.

These times are pushing us to polarize – there are those who think any image or mention of Yogi Bhajan
is unacceptable, and there are those that feel that not maintaining his presence would be a betrayal.
We are strong enough to gracefully handle this polarity! We can give ourselves, personally and
collectively, the time to be with our opinions and beliefs, the time for the report from An Olive Branch to
come out, the time for us to digest that report, and time for a new collective way of holding and
speaking about our practices and our history that is authentic, honest, and empowering.
Yes, these are messy and uncomfortable times. And they are going to stay that way for a little while
longer. But over time we will adapt and evolve a new and better culture and message. KRI will continue
holding the space for our entire teacher trainer community to go through this difficult growth process,
together, with openness, inclusion and transparency.

I am looking forward to seeing you online at the Trainer forum next month, and may Guru Ram Das bless
us all.

Global Trainer Forum and Summit – Register for this important event here.
Upcoming facilitator trainings in Italian and German – If you are open to facilitating calls with other
trainers, to hold the space for sharing and processing about our current circumstances, please
register for a facilitator orientation here.
o In Italiano – Martedi, 16 di Giugno 2020 dalle 15:30 alle 17:00 (Roma, Italia)
o Auf Deutsch – Mittwoch, 24. Juni von 19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr (Berliner Zeit)

Full course catalogue of the Aquarian Development Series professional development online
Watch our course catalogue for updates and new courses! All “live” courses are pinned to the top.
If you can’t catch it live, just watch the replay one week later.
The catalogue is color coded: purple=pedagogy/art of teaching, blue=research, orange=chapter
content, green=inclusion & social justice

o Kundalini Now: Permaculture Perspectives on Organizational Change – Thursday June
18th, 10:30am EDT (New York City). Miguel Mendez, holistic wellness teacher and earth
regenerationist, explores supporting social movements that lead to real systemic
change! From a permaculture perspective let’s make sustainable progress in times of
crisis. Through observation, circular, non-hierarchical leadership, and the centering of
marginalized voices, we can tend to our organizations, together, and be fruitful.
Thursday June 18th 10:30 AM EDT. Join us and dialogue with us as he shares a vision for
truthful change!
o Our ongoing Embodying Anti-Racism: Being the Change! – jump in at any point in the
six-week series to unpack, explore & grow together.
o If you have a topic to present, email [email protected]

June 08, 2020 – Trainer Update

Sat Naam Dear Teacher Trainers,

I’ve been studying and reflecting this week on racism and white privilege.  To me, it has been really eye-opening to gain a little more understanding about how many things I take for granted, and have never questioned, actually contribute to maintaining systems of unfair and unequal access.  I am inspired, and many of the KRI staff are very passionate about this as well, to not let this awareness-raising moment in time pass without committing to long-lasting changes.  KRI will look for ways to make our staff, our board of directors, and our trainings more diverse and accessible to everyone.  We will look at how the culture we create as a community impacts the world around us.   How can we include ethical, 21st century responsibility and learning as a foundational concept, so that our culture of Kundalini Yogis emerges as one that is known for our community presence, our anti-racism, and our service to all?  Though it may be uncomfortable, I encourage all of you to become more educated and aware of systemic racism (which exists in many countries even outside the USA), and do the inner work that we all must do to counteract our unconscious biases.  

As you know, I am a big believer in the power of our group consciousness.  And this area of unconscious bias, and for taking our world-view too much for granted, points to a big reason why.  When we can deeply listen to one another, when diverse opinions can be honored, that diversity naturally counteracts bias.

That is one reason why I’m getting more and more excited about the online Global Trainer Summit and Forum July 9th, 10th and 11th.  It will be held in various times throughout the day, so people from all time-zones can participate.  We are working hard to have live simultaneous translation of the sessions so that non-English speakers can fully participate.  The registration offers a “conscious contribution” option so finances won’t prevent anyone from participating.  

The agenda for this meeting will be determined by the participants, so any KRI topic can be put forth and discussed by any member of our trainer community.  The projects and the priorities that emerge from these meetings will guide us moving forward.  So I very much hope that you all can join in.  Especially those who have not felt heard or represented in the past – now is your chance!  Show up and be heard!  

I am looking forward to creating with you a vibrant, strong community that is serving the world through these teachings – serving better together than separately. 

May Guru Ram Das bless us all, 

Amrit Singh

  • Working together – The upcoming Trainer Summit and Forum on July 9th, 10th, and 11th will be a place for you all to set the agenda and co-create the future of KRI.  This event will be online, and we have a team working to coordinate translators and translation materials in multiple languages. We also have a conscious contribution price option, which allows you to select an amount that you can pay. If you’re passionate about community building, join the team! Email Sat Amrit Kaur at [email protected] to get involved. Register for the event here: https://na.eventscloud.com/ehome/534606.
  • Upcoming Webinars that are part of our Aquarian Development Series:
    • Embodying Anti-Racism; Being the Change! – Tuesdays June 9th through July 14th, 19:00-21:00 EDT (New York City).  Join us for a special live 6 Week series to embody anti-racism and become the change you want to see in this world. This is a by-donation fundraiser for Black Lives Matter and George Floyd Memorial Fund. We will explore cycles of oppression, history of racism and uncover how and where we can help our world heal from a heart centered embodied space. This 6-week series meets live weekly for yogis, teachers, trainers everywhere who want to awaken to understand how to use our privileges in service to end racism.
    • How Kundalini Yoga Works; Vagus Nerve & Polyvagal theory – Thursday June 11th, 12:30-2 EDT (New York City).  Heart centered practices have informed humanity for millennia, giving them that peace and tranquility that is so longed for. Dr. Anne Taylor explains the ancient wisdom of Kundalini Yoga from a scientific approach. What is meant by the “central tuning string” of the body, and how the heart is more than just a pump…. She shares her woven studies of ancient cultures and modern science to support the KY community in the depth of how Kundalini Yoga works!  Join us live or watch the recording after.
    • How Yoga Works in Trauma Recovery; The Scientific Foundations! – Monday June 15th 7 PM EDT (New York City).  In this talk, Dr. Julie Staples (Guru Parkash Kaur) presents the scientific research showing how yoga works to heal trauma symptoms. Trauma affects the entire body taking a toll on the immune system, the endocrine system, and the nervous system. Dr. Staples, author of Reclaiming Life After Trauma  will discuss the latest research studies using yoga (including Kundalini yoga) and meditation for posttraumatic stress.

June 01, 2020 – Trainer Update


Sat Naam Dear Teacher Trainers,

In the past few months, so many of you have served our teachers and students through online support – through group calls, individual calls, emails, and more.  Thank you for your compassionate service that has supported so many on their self-reflective journey following the announcement of the serious allegations against Yogi Bhajan.  Through your service, we believe many of our teachers and members of the ATA have felt the support that they needed as they struggled with difficult questions.  Most have found the path to remain Kundalini Yoga Teachers and Trainers. 

With the anticipation of the report from An Olive Branch being released in late June, we believe that it is more important than ever to strengthen our connections and continue to listen deeply to one another.  An Adhoc Community Dialogue Process committee has come up with a plan to offer Zoom calls in all regions, in many languages, for members of the Trainer Academy.  Everyone will be invited to join a call in June before the report comes out, and to join another call in July, probably after the report and before the Trainer Forum/Summit. 

Why More Zoom Calls?  The intentions of these listening zoom calls are to:

  • Make sure that every member has the opportunity to share and/or express how the allegations have impacted their lives and practice
  • Provide a space of dialogue to listen, heal, and reconcile
  • Find in our collective wisdom a source of inspiration and commitment to deepen our practice and to serve the future
  • Find where there is excitement and passion to work together as a community

Facilitators needed:  We know how much this community means to you, and that is why we are asking if you would be willing to facilitate one or more of these calls.  Here are some questions that might help you decide if you would like to serve in this way:  

  • Are you able to maintain an open heart and a neutral mind during difficult conversations?
  •  Are you in a personal space where you can hold space for others and keep your neutrality in listening?
  •  Are you comfortable setting aside your beliefs and expectations to listen and facilitate this process?

If your answer to the above questions is yes, and are interested in serving in this capacity, we would start by discussing and preparing guidelines for these meetings, and if needed, provide training to help you.  We will organize facilitator orientation meetings as well as debriefing meetings to support you in this service. If you would like to discuss possibly being a facilitator, please contact Hari Charn Kaur at [email protected].  

      We hope you will enjoy these opportunities to connect and share and be heard.  And we look forward to co-creating our shared future with you, starting with the Trainer Summit/Forum July 9, 10, 11th on zoom. 


Hari Charn Kaur 

More on How We Are Moving Ahead Together:

  • Leadership, social change and conscious activism – Check out Amrit’s video this week about service, and share this link for KRI’s upcoming donation-based 6-week webinar series on Embodying Anti-Racism: Being the Change, with all donations collected being donated to the George Floyd Memorial Fund and to Black Lives Matter.
  • Global ATA Trainer Forum & Online Summit: Engage in critical conversation, meditate with community, and create meaningful connections – more details and to register, please click here: https://na.eventscloud.com/ehome/534606
  • Kundalini Now: Permaculture Perspectives on Organizational Change Thursday June 18th, 10:30AM ET (New York City) – Miguel Mendez, holistic wellness teacher and earth regenerationist, explores how to support social movements that lead to real systemic change during this time as our community and orgs are searching for organic ways to evolve. He shares the wisdom from a permaculture perspective as a basis for making sustainable progress in times of crisis. Through observation, circular, non-hierarchical leadership, and the centering of marginalized voices, we can tend to our organizations, together, and be fruitful.  Join us and dialogue with us as he shares a vision for truthful change!

May 18, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Sat Naam Dear Teacher Trainers,

Blessings to the Global KRI Trainer Academy and community.

For the past several months, all of us within the KRI community have been finding individual and collective ways to process the allegations against Yogi Bhajan. There have been many conversations, reflections, face to face meetings, and online meetings with the intention of listening to each other and expressing our experiences, sympathies, and pain. 

For many, it has been a deeply moving experience. These circumstances have given us pause to reflect, ask important questions, and reexamine some of the foundations that we hold dear.

One thing is clear, change is needed! We have a unique opportunity to refine and renew our community and mission. KRI is committed to moving forward with the intent of honoring the inspiration that brought us to these teachings and, at the same time, making the necessary changes to create a safe, open, inclusive, and stronger community. KRI is dedicated to establishing a process with the opportunity for all voices to be heard.

There is a great deal that is unclear as we look to the future, but what we do know is each step forward must reflect values and opportunities to heal the deep pain within our community revealed during these last few months. We are ready to engage in this process in a broader sense and would like for you to join us. We are reaching out to invite and encourage you to collaborate with KRI on a path forward. Our prayer is that all members of the Academy engage wholeheartedly in this community-wide process and conversation.

Going forward together

As part of the next steps, we must ask ourselves (personally and collectively) a very important question:

“What do I need to see from the KRI community to stay engaged and inspired?”

This, in turn, will spark other questions, such as:

  • What are the changes that I would like to see?
  • How do we implement the required changes?
  •  What are the values that we currently hold that you want to retain and enlarge?
  • How do we build a community-wide decision-making process that reflects our values?

KRI’s Intention

The intention that will drive this process is: To honor the inspiration that brought us to this path and to make the changes needed to foster openness, safety, inclusivity and trustworthiness within our community and define our identity as kundalini yoga teachers and trainers.


The goals of this process are to:

  • Make sure that every member has the opportunity to share and/or express how the allegations have impacted their lives and practice
  • Provide a space of dialogue to listen, heal, and reconcile
  • Find in our collective wisdom a source of inspiration and commitment to deepen our practice and to serve the future
  •   Find where there is excitement and passion to work together as a community

 What comes Next:

  1. Reach out – Community members, KRI staff, and volunteers will redouble their efforts to reach out to all members of the Academy and initiate or continue ant open dialogue. This will be done by electronic means, one-on-one calls, invitations to meetings, etc.
  1. Engagement – Reassure that each Academy member knows how important their voice is to our community. Everyone will be invited to participate and engage in a world-wide conversation begin at our first the on-line Forum. 
  1. Global Trainer’s Forum – KRI will host a world-wide online forum July 9th, 10th and 11th where every member of the KRI Academy will be able to share, propose and engage with conversations through dynamic group consciousness tools that will redefine our future. It will be a time and space to hear each other’s voices, and collectively define what we are working towards and how we will work together.

We will emerge stronger, brighter, and more inclusive from the challenges that we are facing today. The world now more than ever needs the yogic technology we can share. Please join us in this process so we can emerge from these challenging times better than ever. Let’s serve the world together. 

May Guru Ram Das bless us all,

Amrit Singh Khalsa 

Some additional items for this week’s trainer update:

  • Trauma Sensitivity for Trainers Webinar Wednesday May 20th 11:30-1 EDT (New York) – Join us to explore together how to best serve your trainees more sensitively in these heightened times….. If so many trainees have some form of psychological, emotional or sexual trauma, what tips or techniques can we use to accommodate those needs? Join Sat Guru Kaur, Somatic Body Therapist, in this live interview or watch the recording afterwards! 

11 May, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Sat Naam Dear Teacher Trainers,

  • New webinars for the broader public – We recently moved the public courses (for yoga teachers and students) to a beautiful new website, please feel free to share with your community! https://drc.kriteachings.org
  • How Kundalini Works – Upcoming webinar Thursday June 11th, 12:30 EDT (New York) – Q & A with Dr. Anne Taylor, Heart Rate Variability & Meditation, Polyvagal Theory and how the ancient wisdoms intertwine with science, why and how KY helps your heart and your nervous system. 
  • Support for Teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic – check out and share with your community this new website from IKYTA.

May 04, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

New video from Amrit Singh – How can all of us together be of more service to the planet and each other?  More thoughts about moving forward, stronger together than separate.

Sat Naam Dear Teacher Trainers,

  • Trainer Licensing is now open – All active trainers need to re-license, but in recognition of the financial challenges many of you are facing, we are waiving the licensing fee this year, making it absolutely free.  Please take care of this now (by logging into your Trainer Portal account) and get it out of the way!  One trainer asked if they could donate toward the cost of licensing (normally $108) to support KRI at this time.  “Of course!,” is the answer, and it is important that each of you also feels the support of KRI.   If you can afford it, a donation of any amount to KRI would be much appreciated.
  • Cold Depression webinar was delayedThursday May 7th , 12:30 EDT (New York) – Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur “Prevention of Cold Depression during Corona Pandemic” webinar delayed by one week to May 7th. Join the Sutra circle for additional info on this four week series to support your immunity in unprecedented times.
  • Possible Zoom calls to share tips about training online – At this time some trainers have asked about Leading their Level Two Courses and 21 Stages courses on line.  Let’s discuss together and share best practices.  Please respond on this super short Google Form if you would like to participate in a Zoom call to discussion online teacher training.
  • International Online Trainer Forum – The event will be held over three days in the second week of July and will accommodate various time zones around the world. It will take place through Zoom and Sutra. Registration and more details will be available soon. 

April 27, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Sat Naam Dear Teacher Trainers,

At this time within our trainer community, and the community at large, there are different opinions about how to move forward.  As trainers we remain united in our collective desire to serve humanity with these teachings.  Our teacher training programs, in all of the diverse forms and styles and approaches that you all bring to them, remain powerful vehicles for transformation for many, many people.  The times are demanding flexibility in HOW we deliver our mission, but the core remains – to inspire and teach, for the benefit of humanity, these precious yogic teachings. 

  • Updated Level One Teacher Training Textbook and Manual – KRI is trying to balance two priorities – an urgent need to have a revised manual out by the fall, so that those trainers who need this to run their upcoming programs have something different than the current manual; and our commitment to an inclusive process in determining the details of that updated manual.  The reality of how much time a new, inclusive process will take would preclude having it done by the fall.   So the plan is to have a two-phased edit of the textbook and manual. 

The first phase of the plan is to prepare and have a digital version available in English by the end of the summer. This first phase version would utilize all of the collaborative input and small working group writings that we’ve been gathering for the last 2 years (which includes major re-writes of the Humanology, History, and Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma chapters).  In addition, this version will include edits that broaden the focus of teaching while we will continue to recognize the contributions of Yogi Bhajan in bringing these remarkable teachings to the world. 

Next, we will begin working on a fully collaborative Phase Two edition of the Aquarian Teacher, via the to-be-determined group decision making process that all trainers will all be invited to help co-create.  This Phase Two version of a new Textbook would probably be ready in English for the fall of 2021.

  • Aquarian Development Series Webinars this week and next – 
    • April the 29th, 19:00 EDT (New York) –  Dhyan Bhakti Kaur Khalsa presents “Understand & Support your Intersex, Gender Non-Conforming, & Transgender Students” Live Webinar join the Sutra Circle today.
    • Thursday April 30th , 12:30 EDT (New York) – Coronavirus: What to do! 4 Part Series, live and pre-recorded.  Join Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur live in this four part webinar series as she strengthens our collective immunity with specific information about viruses and how to strengthen the immune response in the face of pandemics.   Additional webinars will also be held Thursday May 14th 12:30 EDT (New York) & May 28th 12:30 EDT (New York).
    • May 6th – 19:00 EDT (New York)Sound & Mantra: Healing with the Siri Gayatri Mantra.  Dev Suroop Kaur reveals secrets to healing with this special mantra: Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung. She will share her research, experience, correct pronunciation and ways that you can use this mantra in your life to help heal and help others heal. Join us for fun, warmth and exploration of this most beloved of Kundalini Yoga mantras!  Replay available one week after live recording.
    • Every Thursday 12:00 – 14:00 EDT (New York) Heartstorming with Hari Kaur NYC.  We invite you to join us as Trainers share Aquarian approaches for now and the future.  Weekly sharing with Academy members on Content, Issues and Themes to further your Teaching and offerings! Especially for trainers who are still processing our community’s challenges with the Yogi Bhajan investigation.  Join us for Cozy peer dialogue and best practices and tips in ways to bring the Teachings forward with verve and grounded in real practices.
    • Date and time TDA Tommy Rosen shares about Recovery 2.0!  Through more than 20 years of recovery from addiction, noted yoga teacher and founder of Recovery 2.0, Tommy Rosen learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t work in recovery. He shares his techniques and inspirations in this 2-hour long webinar.
    • 3 Wednesdays in June (3rd, 10th, & 17th), 19:00 EDT (New York) – Journey Through the Chakras with Pavandev KaurWhat are new and engaging ways to present the timeless teaching of the Chakras?  In this 3 part webinar series, Pavandev Kaur offers a very brief history of the chakras as they were developed and used in India and how the chakras came to the West.  She offers some tips and techniques for teaching the chakras to help the students have a deeper experience of their own energy system.
    • July 15th, 17:00 EST (New York) – How to be Inclusive for different body types in Yoga Teaching with Ramdesh KaurRamdesh Kaur, author of “The Body Temple,” teaches trainers and yoga teachers how to use inclusion-friendly language to have accepting classes that support and include all body types. Join us for the live webinar. 

Video Message from Amrit Singh – Watch a short video message from Amrit Singh regarding his appointment as CEO of KRI beginning June 1st.

  • International Online Trainer Forum –  This summer, KRI will host an International Online Trainer Forum. While this event will not replace in-person Forums, in this time of uncertainty we want to maintain meaningful connection throughout our global trainer community. The event will be held over three days in the second week of July and will accommodate various time zones around the world. We look forward to a truly multicultural gathering that includes critical conversations, interactive workshops, peer sharing, and community building. Please support the development and planning of the event by taking this short survey: https://trainersupport.kundaliniresearchinstitute.org/international-online-trainer-forum-survey/
  • The Global Healing Meditation continues – every morning at 6:30 AM New Mexico Time.  Everyone can now join through Sutra. Each morning 50+ trainers, teachers, students, and family members join together to send healing to the Planet.  We are separate yet powerfully together.  This meditation will continue at least until June 14th.   Here is an article which you are encouraged to share with your teachers and students.  The meditation is led by a different participant each morning and in different languages.  We close each day by chanting Akal for those who have passed.  https://healing.sutra.co

April 13, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header
March header

Sat Nam. Greetings from New Mexico. 

What an amazing and unusual time we are living in right now! I know the pandemic has affected all of us very personally on many levels. I am so grateful for the beauty of our practice of Kundalini Yoga to help us maintain our elevated spirits and bring harmony to these wild times.

Many have been drastically financially affected as well.  In that way KRI is no exception.  We have had many layoffs here at KRI and are very sad to see some of these dedicated people go. KRI has been built and carried forward by the gifts and strengths of these people and many others as well who have donated time and money and skill to bring these great teachings to the world. 

I myself have learned much in my service as CEO for 14 wonderful years.  It has been my great privilege to witness, experience and help promote the immense gifts and growth and that these teachings give to thousands of people worldwide.  

So it is difficult for me to announce today that I will be retiring a bit earlier than thought, at the end of May.  I do this knowing, with humility and wisdom, that this is best to help the current financial aspects of KRI.  This decision was made after much inner contemplation and discussion with the KRI Board of Directors. It also allows for a passing on of the large responsibilities of CEO to our next generation of leaders. KRI has an excellent and robust future.  Amrit Singh is slated to be the new CEO and President of KRI.  He and I have worked closely together over the last several years and I am confident in his capacity to serve, innovate and lead. I will stay on part time to help with the transition.

Of course I will not be retiring my love and teaching of Kundalini Yoga!  I look forward to seeing many of you at courses and events and in life.  May we all rise and expand in consciousness,

And of course, as always, I am in your service,

All the best with Blessings,

Nirvair Singh

  • Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® – No decisions nor discussions have been had yet. There are rumors out there that KRI has already decided to make changes to the name, “Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®,” as well as to remove Yogi Bhajan from the Teachings.  This discussion has not happened and no decisions have been made.  Instead, we are working to set up a collective decision making process so that we can listen deeply to one another and move together into questions like this.  Amrit Singh is available to join a zoom call to address concerns such as this, if any group (of local trainers, or trainer teams) would like to arrange such a conversation.

  • Online Learning for Teacher Trainers & Teachers

  • Please communicate with KRI in your native language – We are truly a global Trainer Academy, and English is not required.  Please rest assured that you can email us, anytime and about any topic, in your native language and we will get it translated.  

  • Level One Student Practicum Evaluation Form now available as a PDF form – Download this PDF form here to allow you to fill out practicum evaluations on your computer.