Sat Naam Dear Teacher Trainers,
In the past few months, so many of you have served our teachers and students through online support – through group calls, individual calls, emails, and more. Thank you for your compassionate service that has supported so many on their self-reflective journey following the announcement of the serious allegations against Yogi Bhajan. Through your service, we believe many of our teachers and members of the ATA have felt the support that they needed as they struggled with difficult questions. Most have found the path to remain Kundalini Yoga Teachers and Trainers.
With the anticipation of the report from An Olive Branch being released in late June, we believe that it is more important than ever to strengthen our connections and continue to listen deeply to one another. An Adhoc Community Dialogue Process committee has come up with a plan to offer Zoom calls in all regions, in many languages, for members of the Trainer Academy. Everyone will be invited to join a call in June before the report comes out, and to join another call in July, probably after the report and before the Trainer Forum/Summit.
Why More Zoom Calls? The intentions of these listening zoom calls are to:
- Make sure that every member has the opportunity to share and/or express how the allegations have impacted their lives and practice
- Provide a space of dialogue to listen, heal, and reconcile
- Find in our collective wisdom a source of inspiration and commitment to deepen our practice and to serve the future
- Find where there is excitement and passion to work together as a community
Facilitators needed: We know how much this community means to you, and that is why we are asking if you would be willing to facilitate one or more of these calls. Here are some questions that might help you decide if you would like to serve in this way:
- Are you able to maintain an open heart and a neutral mind during difficult conversations?
- Are you in a personal space where you can hold space for others and keep your neutrality in listening?
- Are you comfortable setting aside your beliefs and expectations to listen and facilitate this process?
If your answer to the above questions is yes, and are interested in serving in this capacity, we would start by discussing and preparing guidelines for these meetings, and if needed, provide training to help you. We will organize facilitator orientation meetings as well as debriefing meetings to support you in this service. If you would like to discuss possibly being a facilitator, please contact Hari Charn Kaur at [email protected].
We hope you will enjoy these opportunities to connect and share and be heard. And we look forward to co-creating our shared future with you, starting with the Trainer Summit/Forum July 9, 10, 11th on zoom.
Hari Charn Kaur
More on How We Are Moving Ahead Together:
- Leadership, social change and conscious activism – Check out Amrit’s video this week about service, and share this link for KRI’s upcoming donation-based 6-week webinar series on Embodying Anti-Racism: Being the Change, with all donations collected being donated to the George Floyd Memorial Fund and to Black Lives Matter.
- Global ATA Trainer Forum & Online Summit: Engage in critical conversation, meditate with community, and create meaningful connections – more details and to register, please click here: https://na.eventscloud.com/ehome/534606
- Kundalini Now: Permaculture Perspectives on Organizational Change Thursday June 18th, 10:30AM ET (New York City) – Miguel Mendez, holistic wellness teacher and earth regenerationist, explores how to support social movements that lead to real systemic change during this time as our community and orgs are searching for organic ways to evolve. He shares the wisdom from a permaculture perspective as a basis for making sustainable progress in times of crisis. Through observation, circular, non-hierarchical leadership, and the centering of marginalized voices, we can tend to our organizations, together, and be fruitful. Join us and dialogue with us as he shares a vision for truthful change!