Watch Amrit’s weekly video here
The amazingness of what we are offering, and the importance of pedagogy – ATA being the premier place to improve your skills and share with other trainers.
Regional Meetings Dates and Registration
Here are the dates for the Trainer Regional Meetings. Please save the date in your calendar and register today. You can register for more than one meeting if you want.
February, 9th (Wednesday) from 5pm to 8pm (Eastern) / 2pm to 5 pm (Pacific)
February, 22nd (Tuesday) from 7:00am to 10:00am (Beijing Time)
February, 11th (Friday) from 5:00pm to 8:00pm (CET)
February, 11th (Friday) from 7:00pm to 10:00pm (Argentina/Brazil/Chile Time)
The SSSC is hosting an open Community Forum event, with 2 sessions, March 25th and 27th
Especially with Lead and Professional trainers now able to automatically vote in the upcoming SSSC board elections, learn more about what’s happening, and voice your opinions.
Read more about it, find the meeting details, and links to register here.
Wanting to Qualify as a Level 2 Trainer?
KRI is looking to make sure our training courses serve the ATA by offering opportunities, especially if you have limited access to participating in Level 2 trainings.
- If you would like to qualify as a Level 2 trainer (module by module) by participating on a KRI training team, or
- If you are already a Level 2 lead and are interested in leading a KRI program,
Please email: [email protected]
Upcoming eLearning courses in January
click on any of the images to find out more!