Watch Amrit’s weekly video
The upcoming regional Trainer Forums and July Global Trainer Summit will feature conversations around “hot” topics.
Roll out of a new Anti–Harassment training
KRI is very excited about this new online training course that will be available soon. This is an important addition to our commitment to keeping our community safe. Following best practices, this course will be mandatory for all teacher trainers, and strongly encouraged as an element within each Level One teacher training program. It will be available in English very shortly, and we hope in Spanish and German by the end of the year.
Distributing the Administration of the ATA
This project, initiated by trainers at last summer’s trainer summit, is beginning with Puranjot Kaur in Brazil. She will be both serving as the ATA administrator (basically covering Sarb Jit’s job) for all the Brazilian trainers, as well as printing out KRI certificates. We will be training regional administrators for China and the US/Canada shortly.

“Building Bridges to Enhance our Service”
ATA Global Trainer Summit July 8,9,10,11. Some bridges are necessary to have the urgent discussions on important topics: How do we create safety? How do we discuss the use of the name Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan? Many of KRI’s changes in directions, curriculum and policies, begin at these Global meetings. There will be only one Summit this year; we don’t want you to miss this time of change, this chance to be part of a construction once again. Please save the dates in your calendar, see details at the bottom of this email. If you want to help in any way with this event, please let us know through [email protected].
Fall TTEC meeting dates
Save the dates for our next TTEC meetings, to come together and vote on proposed policies affecting teacher training programs and the Aquarian Trainer Academy – 21st and 23rd Oct for EU and Asia time zones, and 22nd and 24th for EU and the Americas.
In the TTEC page in our trainer support website you can find all the documents from past TTEC meetings – CLICK HERE.
Bi-Weekly update from Just Outcomes
You can read their latest letter about the Compassionate Reconciliation process, just CLICK HERE.
20% off – Upcoming e-Learning courses for you and your students:
Click on the image below to register or learn more.
Use the promo code “ACADEMY” for 20% off any upcoming courses!

Save the Date for the Global ATA Online Summit in July
SAVE THE DATE of the Summit in your Calendar
TRACK 1: For Asia and Australia or night of North America and Mexico
UTC / GMT: JULY, 8th & 10th | 11:00 PM – 04:00 AM
Click here to see the time in your city
Click here to add the event to your Google calendar
TRACK 2: For Latin & North America (day), Europe, Africa, and the Middle East
UTC / GMT: JULY, 9th & 13th | 02:00 PM – 07:00 PM
Click here to see the time in your city
Click here to add the event to your Google calendar
If you want to help in any way with this event, please let us know through [email protected]