Watch Amrit’s weekly video here
Adapting to the online yoga world, delayed SSSC elections, and KRI seeking new board members
Notes about the 2 Proposals
The notes from the 4 regional trainer meetings about the 2 proposals currently under discussion are posted in Sutra (Pre-Recorded Content in Teacher Trainings, and Some Professionals not needing Mentors). The 2 standing committees that drafted them will now take this input and edit the proposals. The new versions will be posted back in Sutra for more discussion, then an online vote will be taken.
SSSC elections are postponed 90 days
You can read the announcement from the SSSC about this here.
November Trainer Meetings
In our November Global Trainer Meetings, we will continue deepening the dialogue regarding the deeper issues surrounding the maintenance or changing of our existing trademark. We will be guided by Just Outcomes through this conversation and we will have two tracks for it, so trainers from different regions around the Globe can gather together. Save the date! (November 13th and November 19th) and Register Here.
KRI is looking to add new board members
KRI is looking for people passionate about our mission who would be willing to volunteer for this important role. You can read the job description here. You can see who the current board members are here. And if you are so inspired, you can apply here. You do NOT need to be a trainer to be a board member, so if you know anyone with the skills and inclination, please share these links with others.