January 23, 2024 — Trainer Update

Watch Jugat Guru Singh’s video

New year’s message from the CEO — I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and express my gratitude for your support, exceptional service, excellence in the field, and all the outreach you do to share these amazing teachings of Kundalini Yoga.

Connect with us on the ATA Trainer Events

Whether online or in-person, ATA events—including Regional Meetings, Trainer Forums, the Global Summit, and local gatherings with a KRI representative—offer valuable opportunities to:

  • Connect with fellow trainers: Share experiences, address local and global realities, and strengthen our trainer community and synergy to better serve through Kundalini Yoga while fostering Sangat Consciousness.
  • Share and collaborate: Bring your questions, inspirations, and concerns to your peers and the KRI team. Together, we can reflect, take meaningful action, and continuously improve the ATA and Pathways to serve you and future generations of trainers.
  • Stay aligned: Stay informed on KRI’s direction and guidelines, receive updates directly from the KRI team, and participate in open dialogues.

Participation in these events is a requirement for all active trainers. These gatherings support the deepening of your knowledge, the development of group consciousness, and the building of a vibrant trainers’ Sangat. The KRI team deeply values your wisdom, perspective, and dedication. The ATA system we have today has evolved over the years through the thoughtful contributions of KRI staff and trainers—your reflections, presence, and voices have shaped it. In our interconnected world, we now have tools that enable us to meet effortlessly, no matter where we are. Let’s embrace this opportunity to connect, collaborate, serve, and grow together. 

We look forward to seeing you in 2025, both online and in person!If you have suggestions or wish to contribute to upcoming ATA events, please contact Ravi Prem Kaur at [email protected].

Online Global Summit

In April 2025, we will hold our Trainer’s Summit. This is an annual opportunity to connect with trainers from different locations, inspire together, connect, learn and grow. Save the dates! We look forward to meeting you there:

  • April 19th-20th, Track One, timezone at service of Asia-Oceania- Europe trainers; 
  • April 26th-27th, Track Two, timezone at service of the Americas & Europe trainers.

Registration and more detailed information coming soon! Any ideas, inspirations & suggestions about this, please let us know by emailing Ravi Prem at [email protected]

Regional Meetings

This past November we held Online Regional Meetings where different dialogues and questions were addressed. Click here for a Summary. Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome! It is our wish that all active trainers are updated and feel inspired to participate in these meetings.

The Certification Committee is looking for a NEW MEMBER

Our deepest gratitude for the invaluable contributions and dedication of each former and current member of KRI’s Certification Committee. We are now looking for a NEW MEMBER to join the committee, preferably from EUROPE or LATIN AMERICA. Please reach out to Jugat Guru Singh if you wish to volunteer to serve the ATA in this role.


Policy for more than 80% Online Level One Teacher Trainings — This L1 program policy was approved in January 2024 and outlines the criteria for delivering KRI-certified Level One teacher training programs more than 80% online. ALL PROGRAMS that are delivered more than 80% online NEED SPECIAL APPROVAL from KRI. 

Calling Spanish and Portuguese Speakers: Level Three Awaits You in 2025!

Are you ready to take your journey to the next level? In 2025, we invite Spanish and Portuguese speakers to join Level Three—a transformative opportunity to deepen your knowledge and practice in three powerful pillars: spiritual maturity, community service, and a meditative mind.

This is a chance to connect with your true essence, create a positive impact on those around you, and walk the path of genuine realization.

  • Save the Dates! The Spanish/Portuguese Mela will take place online on April 11, 12, and 13, 2025. Applications will open soon—stay tuned!

December 23, 2024 — Trainer Update

Message from Jugat Guru Singh Khalsa

It is the end of another year, which has gone incredibly fast and has been incredibly impactful. It has brought so many changes and challenges, and I hope so much joy and inspiration, along with projections for your future—forward to be successful, happy, healthy, and holy, using and applying the teachings of Kundalini Yoga, and sharing this technology wherever you may be. Thank you!

Gratitude message from KRI team

As we wrap up the year, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to each trainer in the ATA. Your commitment and service in fulfilling the mission of sharing the teachings of Kundalini Yoga is truly inspiring! We are grateful to be part of this worldwide community, and look forward to another year together. 

Wishing you a joyful and prosperous New Year!In gratitude, KRI team

In Loving memory of Gurudatta Singh

It is with great sadness that we share that our dear brother Gurudatta Singh Khalsa passed away on November 28th. Gurudatta was a kind, gentle soul supporting all of us in the role of KRI Customer Service agent for almost 20 years. We send loving prayers for his journey back “home”, and thoughts and blessings to all his family and friends. If you feel inspired, please share a memory, story or heartfelt message on THIS KUDO BOARD, which will be delivered to his wife, in Española, NM.

Regional Meetings

Sat Naam trainers and thank you to all who attended the last Online Regional Meetings this past November. Click here for a Summary of the needs, dialogue, and suggestions that were shared from the different regions. Thank you for your presence, voice and wisdom. If you wish to give any further feedback to the KRI team and/or share anything that has come up for you after reading this summary, or if  you wish to access the recordings of those meetings, please reach out to Ravi Prem Kaur at [email protected].  It is our wish that all active trainers are updated and feel inspired to participate, so that we can all keep growing together. Sat Naam.

Global Distributors – Attention Trainers outside the USA and Canada

It has been a long-standing KRI policy for trainers outside the USA and Canada to purchase their Teacher Training materials from a local distributor. When signing a KRI contract for a Level One and/or Level Two program, you agree to get your materials either from KRI (when your programs are in the US or Canada) or from a local distributor. This is a gentle reminder that wherever and whenever there is a local distributor, which often can also be the National Teachers’ Association, please make sure to order your materials from them. In addition to it being cheaper and easier, it strengthens the local community. Please keep in mind that you don’t need to be a member of the local National Teachers Association to be able to order your needed materials from them. Here is the link to find your Local Distributor.

Level Three

2024 was another great year for Level 3! We continue to grow and flourish around the globe. We had three Melas this year: an online Spanish/Portuguese Mela, Online Global English Mela, and one in person Mela in China. Are you looking to join Level 3 in 2025?  Click here to see the L3 calendar

2024 ATA Highlights

We are happy to share some special ATA accomplishments in 2024.  Through their devotion and commitment, we honor the new Mentors and Lead trainers in the ATA

  • Approved Mentors — Mentoring Development Program
  • 6 Approved Lead Trainers in 2024

Mahanraj Kaur (Imbrogno) — Australia

Manjodh Kaur (Zhang) — China

Sat Hari Kaur (Wiskirken-Maurya) — USA

Inderjot Kaur (Pasero) — Mexico

Joti Kaur (Kyralova) — Czech Republic

Angad Kaur (Kaur) — UK

  • 15 trainers qualified as Professionals, 18 qualified as Associates, 34 new Interns entered the ATA.
  • 272 approved KRI programs, in 44 different countries.
  • 1675 L1 certified instructors, and 140 L2 certified practitioners, approximately.
  • 22L3 certified teachers

November 2024 — Trainer Updates

Trainer Update — November 26th, 2024

  • REGIONAL MEETINGS — Thank you to all trainers who attended Regional Meetings!  We appreciate your presence and the chance for all of us to have meaningful discussions. Our team is working on consolidating the topics that were raised by trainers from different regions and the steps to action to share with all of you. This will be available in future Trainer Updates. If you wish to access the recordings, please reach out to Ravi Prem Kaur at [email protected]
  • Last week to apply to become a member on the KRI Board — The KRI Board is welcoming new members to join us on our mission. We are strongly looking for international community participation, based outside the USA. If you are feeling the call to serve and be part of the KRI Board, please apply now! Deadline for applications is December 1st.
  • KRI Certificates — In order to be in line legally with our trademark and to distinguish KRI’s Professional standards, as of August 2024 ALL KRI certificates are issued WITH our registered Trademark, Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. This means that one single version of KRI certificates are available for L1, L2 and L3 teachers receiving a KRI certificate. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Jugat Guru Singh at [email protected].

Trainer Update — November 11th, 2024

  • THERE IS STILL TIME TO REGISTER for the Upcoming Regional Meetings. We start TODAY – We invite you to this online opportunity to meet with Trainers around the globe and with the ATA/KRI team. We look forward to connecting with you in these upcoming Regional Meetings! 

We will have translation for the following languages: Chinese, Spanish, Russian and French. If you need translation into another language, please let us know ahead of time and we will do our best to provide it. You are welcome to attend as many of the meetings as you like, keeping in mind the translations that are presented for each one. 

  • Latin America: Monday, November 11th, from 6pm to 8:30pm Santiago (Spanish translation available). Register Here
  • Europe-Russia-Africa-ME: Tuesday, November 12th, 6pm to 8:30pm CET (French & Russian translation available. If you need a different one, please let us know ahead of time). Register Here
  • Asia-Oceania: Wednesday, November 13th, 9am to 11:30 am Beijing time (Chinese translation available). Register Here
  • North America: Thursday, November 14th,  6pm to 8:30pm EST (no translation available). Register Here
  • KRI’s response to the recent documentary release — We are reaching out to our Trainers and National Associations as part of this global community with some important information related to recent media programming about Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan™️. We wanted to take this important opportunity to engage with you and offer some thoughts and guidance on addressing communications about these issues. READ RESPONSE FROM KRI HERE. Some translations are available.
  • KRI Global Distributors — L1 and L2 Teacher training manuals are copyrighted materials managed by KRI. Any reproduction, transmission, and distribution of these materials without formal and written agreement constitutes copyright infringement. We have publication Global distributors around the world, serving programs outside the USA and Canada. Our Global Distributors are integral in keeping KRI certified Kundalini Yoga alive around the world. In addition, by ordering with the Global Distributors, it offers support for translation projects which are crucial to make titles available in each local language. L1 Distributors / L2 Distributors. For questions, contact Rebecca at translations.kriteachings.org 
  • Level Three: Global English Mela registration is open! — People who have already participated in a Mela and wish to continue their journey on Level Three can register to the Online Global English Mela. Please find more information on the Level Three Website
  • English L3 Mela — November 22-24, 2024  (Online) REGISTER HERE

October 2024 — Trainer Updates

Trainer Update — October 29th, 2024

  • KRI’s response to recent documentary release — We are reaching out to our Trainers and National Associations as part of this global community with some important information related to recent media programming about Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan™️. To the extent this results in conversation around this topic, we wanted to take this important opportunity to engage with you and offer some thoughts and guidance on addressing communications about these issues. READ RESPONSE FROM KRI HERE. Some translations are available.
  • REGISTER NOW for Upcoming Regional Meetings in November – We invite you to this online opportunity to meet with ATA – KRI team and with Trainers around the globe. Looking forward to connecting with you in this upcoming Regional Meetings! We have translations considered for some languages (Chinese, Spanish, Russian and French). If you need translation into another language, please let us know ahead of time and we will do our best to provide it. You are welcome to attend as many of the meetings as you like, keeping in mind the translations that are presented for each one. Please, if you wish to help as Spanish Translator contact Ravi Prem Kaur at [email protected]
    • Latin America: Monday, November 11th, from 6pm to 8:30pm Santiago (Spanish translation available). Register Here
    • Europe-Russia-Africa-ME: Tuesday, November 12th, 6pm to 8:30pm CET (French & Russian translation available. If you need a different one, please let us know ahead of time). Register Here
    • Asia-Oceania: Wednesday, November 13th, 9am to 11:30 am Beijing time (Chinese translation available). Register Here
    • North America: Thursday, November 14th,  6pm to 8:30pm EST (no translation available). Register Here
  • Level Three: Global English and China Mela applications are open! — The applications for the two upcoming November Melas are open. The Global English Mela will be hosted online, and the China Mela will be in person. If you are interested in joining Level Three, this is a great opportunity! Please find more information on the Level Three Website
  • China L3 Mela — Nov 1-3, 2024 (In person) APPLY HERE
  • English L3 Mela — November 22-24, 2024  (Online) APPLY HERE

Trainer Update — October 8th, 2024

  • We are seeking Members to serve at KRI Board— Sat naam trainers. The Current KRI Board is welcoming new members to join us on our mission. We are strongly looking for international community participation, based outside the USA. If you are feeling the call to serve and be part of KRI Board, please apply now! Deadline for applications is October 12th.
  • REGISTER NOW for Upcoming Regional Meetings in November — In an effort to continue our open dialog with Trainers around the globe, we are offering a schedule of Online Regional Meetings. Translation will be available into Spanish for the Latin American meeting, Chinese for the Asia/ Oceania meeting and Russian/French for the Europe/Africa/Russia meeting. 

If you need translation into another language, please let us know ahead of time and we will do our best to provide it. You are welcome to attend as many of the meetings as you like, keeping in mind the translations that are presented for each one.

  • Latin America: Monday, November 11th, from 6pm to 8:30pm Santiago (Spanish translation available). Register Here
  • Europe-Russia-Africa-ME: Tuesday, November 12th, 6pm to 8:30pm CET (French & Russian translation available. If you need a different one, please let us know ahead of time). Register Here
  • Asia-Oceania: Wednesday, November 13th, 9am to 11:30am Beijing time (Chinese translation available). Register Here
  • North America: Thursday, November 14th,  6pm to 8:30pm EST (no translation available). Register Here
  • KRI & EPS in Assisi Italian Festival, October — For trainers from Italy and around the Globe. On October 18, 19 and 20th, Karamjot Singh will be present as KRI Representative at the Assisi Festival in Italy. If you are in the area, please come and join us. You can reach out to Karamjot Singh at [email protected]. We look forward to connecting with you there!
  • Level Three: Global English and China Mela applications are open! — The applications for the two upcoming November Melas are open. The Global English Mela will be hosted online, and the China Mela will be in person. If you are interested in joining Level Three, this is a great opportunity! Please find more information on the Level Three Website
  • China L3 Mela — Nov 1-3, 2024 (In person) APPLY HERE
  • English L3 Mela — November 22-24, 2024  (Online) APPLY HERE

September 2024 – Trainer Update

Trainer Update – September 17th, 2024

  • KRI Certification Committee is looking for ONE NEW MEMBER — The committee is looking for a Lead Trainer, preferably from Latin America, Asia or Oceania. The purpose of this committee is to ensure that all Kundalini Yoga Trainers certified by KRI meet and maintain the professional and ethical standards. If you are a LEAD trainer and would like to apply to be part of the KRI Certification Committee, please email Jugat Guru Singh Khalsa.
  • REGISTER NOW for Upcoming Regional Meetings in November — In an effort to continue our open dialogue with Trainers around the globe, we are offering a schedule of Online Regional Meetings. Translation will be available into Spanish for the Latin American meeting, Chinese for the Asia/ Oceania meeting and Russian/French for the Europe/Africa/Russia meeting. 

If you need translation into another language, please let us know ahead of time and we will do our best to provide it. You are welcome to attend as many of the meetings as you like, keeping in mind the translations that are presented for each one.

  • América Latina: lunes 11 de Noviembre, desde las 6pm a las 8:30pm Chile/Brasil (traducción al Español disponible). Regístrate Aquí 
  • Europe-Russia-Africa-ME: Tuesday, November 12th, 6pm to 8:30pm CET (French & Russian translation available. If you need a different one, please let us know ahead of time). Register Here
  • Asia-Oceania: Wednesday, November 13th, 9am to 11:30am Beijing time (Chinese translation available). Register Here
  • North America: Thursday, November 14th,  6pm to 8:30pm EST (no translation available). Register Here
  • Level Three: Global English and China Mela applications are open! — The applications for the two upcoming November Melas are open. The Global English Mela will be hosted online, and the China Mela will be in person. If you are interested in joining Level Three, this is a great opportunity! Please find more information on the Level Three Website
  • China L3 Mela — Nov 1-3, 2024 (In person) APPLY HERE
  • English L3 Mela — November 22-24, 2024  (Online) APPLY HERE

Trainer Update – September 2nd, 2024

  • KRI new PDC Coordinator — KRI welcomes Kirti Kaur, Christine Plaud (France/Singapore) as the new Professional Development Committee Coordinator. Our gratitude to Siri Sahib Singh (Brazil) for all the commitment and service in all these years working with us.
  • Level Three: Global English and China Mela applications are open! — The applications for the two Melas coming up this November are open. The Global English Mela will be hosted online, and the China Mela will be in person. If you are interested in joining Level Three, this is a great opportunity! Please find more information on the Level Three Website
  • China L3 Mela — Nov 1-3, 2024 (In person) APPLY HERE
  • English L3 Mela — November 22-24, 2024  (Online) APPLY HERE
  • In person trainers gatherings — Please join us in the upcoming gatherings, if you are in the area: September 3rd, Prague (Czech Republic); September 8th, Berlin (Germany); between September 12-15, London (England). Please, contact Ravi Prem Kaur for more information and details at [email protected]
  • Save the date for Upcoming Regional Meetings — In November, we will have our next Online Regional Meetings, to keep the dialogue alive between KRI and you, Trainers around the Globe. Please save the date! Registration will open soon. We will run them in English, so please if you need translation let us know ahead of time.
    • Latin America, November Monday 11th, from 18:00 to 20:30 Santiago (Spanish translation available)
    • Europe-Russia-Africa-ME, November Tuesday 12th, 18:00 to 20:30 CET (French translation available. If you need a different one, please let us know ahead of time)
    • Asia-Oceania, November Wednesday 13th 9:00 am to 11:30 am Beijing time (Chinese translation available)
    • North America November 14th 18:00 to 20:30 EST (no translation available)
  • KRI Certificates — In order to be in line legally with our trademark and to distinguish KRI’s Professional standards, as of August 2024 ALL KRI certificates will be issued WITH our registered Trademark, Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. This means that one single version of the KRI certificate is available to L1, L2 and L3 teachers receiving a KRI certificate. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Jugat Guru Singh at [email protected]
  • Renew your Trainer License — ALL Trainer Licenses EXPIRE ANNUALLY on June 30th and ALL active ATA trainers must renew each year. Discounts are available. ALL TRAINERS WHO DID NOT RENEW WILL BE PLACED INACTIVE IN THE NEXT WEEKS. Contact us if you need support.

More information over the Two-Step Renewal Process below:

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English | 中文 | Español | Français | Deutsch | Italiano | Português | Pусский

August 2024 – Trainer Updates

Trainer Update – August 19th, 2024

  • KRI Certificates — In order to be in line legally with our trademark and to distinguish KRI’s Professional standards, as of August 2024 ALL KRI certificates will be issued WITH our registered Trademark, Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. This means that one single version of the KRI certificate is available to L1, L2 and L3 teachers receiving a KRI certificate. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Jugat Guru Singh at [email protected].
  • Kundalini Beyond Borders 2024: Meet the Grant WinnersWe are delighted to introduce this year’s grant recipients. These remarkable individuals have shown exceptional dedication and creativity in spreading the benefits of Kundalini Yoga within their communities. Click here to make a donation for the next cycle of the KBB program.
  • How to become a Teacher TrainerWe have a new page on our website dedicated to inspiring Kundalini Yoga Teachers to join the ATA Trainer Pathway. We invite you to visit and share with any teacher interested in starting the Trainer journey.
  • Level Three: Global English and China Mela applications are open! — The applications for the two Melas coming up this November are open. The Global English Mela will be hosted online, and the China Mela will be in person. If you are interested in joining Level Three, this is a great opportunity! Please find more information on the Level Three Website
  • China L3 Mela — Nov 1-3, 2024 (In person) APPLY HERE
  • English L3 Mela — November 22-24, 2024  (Online) APPLY HERE

July 15 — Trainer Update

Trainer Update — July 15th, 2024

  • Upcoming In Person Forums —  We will have the blessing to be together in person, on August 3rd during the EYF in France. If you are planning to attend the EYF and/or you are in the area, please come and join us!
  • Level Three: Global English and China Mela applications are open! — The applications for the two Melas occurring next semester are open. Global English Mela, happening online, and China Mela, which will be in person, will take place in November. If you are interested in joining Level Three, this is a great opportunity! Please find more information on the Level Three Website
  • China L3 Mela — Nov 1-3, 2024 (In person) APPLY HERE
  • English L3 Mela — November 22-24, 2024  (Online) APPLY HERE
  • European Yoga Festival, France — From August 3rd to 11th join the European Yoga Festival, to deepen your knowledge, practice, and experience Kundalini Yoga through different workshops, inspiration and Sangat experience; explore devotional practice; and meditate deeply with White Tantric Yoga. Find all the information and Register Here. You have a discount as KRI community, using this code: KRI-10-OFF-2024
  • Level Three in Person Gathering at the European Yoga Festival — We invite you all to join us at Level Three in person gathering at this year’s European Yoga Festival! It will be held on August 10, at noon in the KRI booth. Level 3 participants from around the globe are invited to come together for 3 hours of sharing in community. At this gathering we will have time to share our journey, pose questions and proposals about Level 3 Melas, meditate deeply and have a sharing dialogue on the meaning of Spiritual Maturity in the Aquarian Age. For more information, please write to [email protected]

June 2024 — Trainer Updates

Trainer Update — June 24th, 2024

  • Level 2 Pedagogy Tools — As part of KRI’s commitment to advance and move forward with new methods and different approaches to our teaching methodology and formats, all the Teacher Training courses that KRI holds, have as a result a brief pedagogical report of what worked and what can be improved on. Please find our most recent reports for Level 2 — Conscious Communication 2024 Report and Lifecycles and Lifestyles 2024 Report — All available in the Pedagogy Tools section of the ATA website. We remind you that you need to be logged in as a Trainer on the KRI Website for this to appear in the Menu bar.
  • Level Three: Global English and China Mela applications are open! — The applications for the two Melas occurring next semester are open. Global English Mela, happening online, and China Mela, which will be in person, will take place in November. If you are interested in joining Level Three, this is a great opportunity! Please find more information on the Level Three Website
  • China L3 Mela — Nov 1-3, 2024 (In person) APPLY HERE
  • English L3 Mela — November 22-24, 2024  (Online) APPLY HERE
  • Asia and Oceania Regional Meeting — Come to meet & greet Jugat Guru Singh, KRI new CEO. With the purpose of keeping the dialogue and fluid – direct interaction between ATA trainers and KRI, regarding concerns, needs and inspirations, let´s meet next Friday June 28th, from 8:00 am to 10:00 am Beijing time. MEETING ZOOM LINK (Access Code: Sangat) 

We hope to count on your presence and willingness to dialogue! 

  • Upcoming In Person Forums —  We will have the blessing to be together in person, on August 3rd and during the EYF in France. If you are planning to attend the EYF and/or you are in the area, please come and join us!
    • Château de Jambville (near Paris), August 3rd, right before the European Yoga Festival starts. REGISTER HERE TODAY for the Forum!!
    • Florida, USA, at Winter Solstice in December 2024. Exact date will be announced soon
  • European Yoga Festival, France — From August 3rd to 11th join the European Yoga Festival, to deepen your knowledge, practice, and experience Kundalini Yoga through different workshops, inspiration and Sangat experience; explore devotional practice; and meditate deeply with White Tantric Yoga. Find all the information and Register Here. You have a discount as KRI community, using this code: KRI-10-OFF-2024

Trainer Update — June 10th, 2024

  • Thank you for attending the regional Meetings to connect with the new CEO — In the past weeks, we gathered in the North America, Latin America and Europe, Africa, Russia and ME Regional Meetings, with the purpose of dialogue with Jugat Guru Singh, KRI´s new CEO and the KRI team. 

Soon we will share with you written feedbacks that we are preparing for those who were unable to join us. If you wish to have access to the recordings, contact Ravi Prem Kaur at [email protected]

  • Asia and Oceania Regional Meeting – It will take place in June, with the same purpose of keeping the dialog between ATA trainers and KRI, regarding concerns, needs and inspirations, in order to keep us in a fluid and direct interaction. If you are in Asia or Oceania, we want to inspire you to join our team and meet Jugat Guru. Date and time will be announced SOON.

We hope to count on your presence and willingness to dialogue! 

  • Upcoming In Person Forums —  Once more, we will have the blessing to be together in person again, during June and August. If you are in the area, please come and join us!
    • Española, USA, June 14th, from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. Address will be sent to trainers that register. REGISTER HERE TODAY!
    • Château de Jambville (near Paris), August 3rd, right before the European Yoga Festival starts. REGISTER HERE TODAY!!

May 2024 – Trainer Update

Trainer Update – May 13th, 2024

  • Regional Meetings to connect with the new CEO — Sat Nam trainers. We want to offer you, attuned with how KRI has been working for the last few years, the direct experience of dialogue with Jugat Guru Singh, KRI´s new CEO and the KRI team. We will share a meditation together, KRI´s updates, have Q&A space, and especially will continue listening to your concerns, needs and inspirations, in order to clarify uncertainties and keep us in a fluid and direct interaction.

We hope to count on your presence and willingness to dialogue! Here are the dates and times by region: 

  • North America MeetingThursday, May 16th, 9:30 am to 11:30 am MT (11:30 to 13:30 EST). Calendar invitation already sent to all North American active trainers.
  • Europe, Africa, Russia and ME MeetingMonday, May 27th, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm CET. Calendar invitation already sent to active trainers from this region.
  • Latin America MeetingFirst week of June, exact date and time to be announced soon.
  • Asia and Oceania MeetingFirst week of June, exact date and time to be announced soon.
  • Upcoming In Person Forums —  Once more, we will have the blessing to be in person again. During May, June, and August. If you are in the area, please come and join us!
    • Mexico City, May 19th, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, Sikh Center
    • Española, USA, June 14th, from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. Address will be sent to trainers that register. REGISTER HERE TODAY!
    • Château de Jambville (near Paris), August 3rd, right before the European Yoga Festival starts. Registrations will open soon! We will keep you posted
  • Renew your Trainer License! We recently started the renewal process for all ATA Trainers.

Check your email for a detailed communication on it! More information over the Two-Step Renewal Process below:

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English | 中文 | Español | Français | Deutsch | Italiano | Português | Pусский

April 2024 – Trainer Updates

Trainer Update – 1 Apr 2024

  • Questions?  The new KRI board of directors welcomes questions, concerns, and comments.  Please email anything you’d like to share to [email protected] by Friday, Apr 5th, and he will consolidate them all into a single document and share with all of you and the new board.
  • Global Summit — Registration is now OPEN for our upcoming Online Global Summit, April 2024!  We invite you to reflect on this year’s topic “Serving the World: Honoring what is timeless and stepping up to today’s unique challenges”. Please, come and register here

We will have Two Tracks: 

April 20th & 21st for Track One (Asia, Oceania and Europe Time centered); 

April 27th & 28th for Track Two (Americas and Europe Time centered).

The KRI Team, with the help and wisdom from the Global Advisory Committee, has prepared this event with much care and commitment, to offer this opportunity for connection, discussions and to nurture our knowledge and skills. Check the video prepared for you and all the information here.

Here is a link for Track One Summit Agenda & here is a link for Track Two Summit Agenda.

  • In Person Trainer’s meeting in Argentina, coming next Friday, April 5th. For more information,  contact Ravi Prem Kaur at [email protected]
  • In Person Trainer Forum in Española, June 13th. Save the date and more details coming soon
  • Project to Develop a Safety Concept – Spearheaded by Amrit Kaur in Berlin ([email protected]), check out this project for the European Community that you can be involved in.  Here is a write-up, and here is a short video about it.  

Trainer Update – 15 Apr 2024

  • Questions to, and Communications with, the new KRI board of directors — Many of you submitted questions for the new KRI board (and some for the SSSC board).  Here is the consolidated list of what is now with the new board.  If you have anything additional to ask, please email Amrit Singh.  The new board would like to set up an Information & Communications Committee, made of up 5 elected ATA members. This representative group of trainers would serve as a conduit for regular communications between trainers, the new CEO, and the new board of directors.  Once formed, this Information & Communications committee will work to get these questions addressed. If you are interested in serving on this new committee, please email Amrit Singh.  He will consolidate a list and then hold an online election to choose the 5 ATA representatives.  
  • Global Summit — Registration is now OPEN for our upcoming Online Global Summit, April 2024!  We invite you to reflect on this year’s topic “Serving the World: Honoring what is timeless and stepping up to today’s unique challenges”

Please, come and register here

We will have Two Tracks: 

April 20th & 21st for Track One (Asia, Oceania and Europe Time centered); 

April 27th & 28th for Track Two (Americas and Europe Time centered).

The KRI Team, with the help and wisdom from the Global Advisory Committee, has prepared this event with much care and commitment, to offer this opportunity for connection, discussions and to nurture our knowledge and skills. Check the video prepared for you and all the information here.

Here is a link for Track One Summit Agenda & here is a link for Track Two Summit Agenda.

  • Teacher Training Material on the KRI STORE:  We are completing the process of migrating the Trainer Discount Store to the RESTRICTED Teacher Training Material category under the KRI “The source” store. In a few days, the Trainer store will be deactivated. We have prepared a DETAILED DOCUMENT with the steps to use The Source store to purchase teacher training materials. If you have any questions or are having problems with your store access, please email Puranjot Kaur at [email protected].

New CEO ANNOUNCEMENT – 22 Apr 2024

Dear KRI community,

We are delighted to announce that Jugat Guru Singh Khalsa has assumed the role of CEO at Kundalini Research Institute. With extensive experience in practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga, Jugat Guru brings a wealth of leadership to our global community. We have full confidence that his presence will infuse our organization with strength, humility, grace, and excellence.

Jugat Guru has prepared a special video to introduce himself to you, and we look forward to providing numerous opportunities for further connection, both online and in person, at upcoming events.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Amrit Singh for his years of dedicated service to the Kundalini Research Institute. With deep appreciation, we bid him farewell and wish him the very best in all his future endeavors.

In service,

Harimandir Kaur Khalsa 

KRI Board of Directors, Chairperson

Sat Naam everyone,

It has truly been my pleasure to serve KRI (as board member, Executive Director, and most recently as CEO) for nearly 20 years.  I am grateful to all of you for the love and support over these years — they have truly been transformative and amazing.  

Please join me in welcoming Jugat Guru Singh as KRI’s next CEO.  

I look forward to KRI’s continued success under his leadership.  

In service,

Amrit Singh

Trainer Update – 29 Apr 2024

A farewell video message from Amrit Singh

Click on CC button (icon on the right side) to ENABLE automatically generated translations on the video.

Mensaje de despedida en vídeo de Amrit Singh — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

Un video messaggio d’addio di Amrit Singh — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

Un message vidéo d’adieu d’Amrit Singh — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

Eine Abschieds-Videobotschaft von Amrit Singh — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

Uma mensagem de vídeo de despedida de Amrit Singh — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

Прощальное видеообращение Амрита Сингха — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

阿姆里特-辛格的告别视频信息 — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE