October 26, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video

Click on the “CC” at the bottom of the video to see subtitles in various languages.

• Save the Date for the Global ATA Online Summit in December – In December we will
have another amazing global trainers gathering. Your participation is very important.
We are going to send registration information soon. Please see the dates and times for
this event at the bottom of this message and save them in your calendar! If you want to
help in any way with this event, please let us know through [email protected].

• Meeting between members of SSSC and trainers – On Friday 16 Oct, we held a meeting
between almost 70 teacher trainers and some representatives from the Siri Singh Sahib
Corporation (SSSC), which is KRI’s “parent” organization. The SSSC representatives
answered some of the questions submitted by trainers (and we are working to get more
of them answered in writing in possible), and they had a chance to hear directly from
some of you about the concerns. We plan to talk more about these topics at the
December trainer forum.

Upcoming Webinars for you and your students
o The History of Kundalini Yoga with Pavan Dev Kaur
Last Chance to Register!
Join us for a six week series beginning Tuesday Oct. 20th to Nov. 24th. Meets
weekly: 5 to 7 PM EST (New York).
• Find out where the technology of Kundalini Yoga came from!
• Dip your toes into the vast river of yoga history and discover origins
• The Vedas, Ancient History, Tantra, Bhagavad Gita & Bhakti,
Hatha Yoga and much more
Pavan Dev Kaur (Jeannette Darcy), M. Div., IKYTA certified, RYT-200, is a kundalini
yoga teacher and an independent scholar who lectures on comparative religion,
Indian philosophy, and the history of yoga.

o The Path of Forgiveness With Shama Kaur
October 29th, 11:00AM-12:30PM Eastern Time (New York)
The capacity to forgive is shaped by the past and impacts both the present
and future. In this workshop, Shama Kaur explores the virtue of forgiveness
in association to the 7th body (the aura) and the quality of being
revengeless and fearless. It provides the opportunity to explore your
relationship with forgiveness towards yourself, towards others and to make
adjustments that pave the way for releasing the old accounts to lighten the
load on your magnetic field.
In 2012 Shama Kaur became the first Egyptian Kundalini Yoga Teacher &
Trainer. In Arabic ‘Shams’ means sun and ‘Shama’ means candle, and
together her name means ‘the one who shines the light of her inner soul.’

The Golden Chain Within You: Legacy & Lineage of Kundalini Yoga with
Gurucharan Singh

Friday, November 6th, 12:00 PM Eastern Time
What does it mean to become a part of the lineage of the golden chain?
Embrace your past, present and project into the future as a teacher that
leaves a mark of the legacy of teachings.
Join Gurucharan S. Khalsa, who has been teaching Kundalini Yoga since the
70’s, for this rich experience to learn a useful process to upgrade your
relationship to your personal history as an integral foundation to the legacy
you leave.

Dates and Time for Global Trainer Forum:
DECEMBER 10th & 12th
North America:
04:00 PM to 09:00 PM – San Francisco, Los Angeles
05:00 PM to 10:00 PM – Albuquerque, Espanola
06:00 PM to 11:00 PM – Houston
07:00 PM to 00:00 AM – New York
Latin America:
06:00 PM to 11:00 PM – Mexico City
07:00 PM to 00:00 AM – Lima, Bogota
09:00 PM to 02:00 AM – Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires
DECEMBER 11th & 13th
Europe, Africa, Middle East:

00:00 AM to 05:00 AM – London, Lisbon
01:00 AM to 06:00 AM – Paris, Madrid, Rome, Berlin
02:00 AM to 07:00 AM – Johannesburg, Sofia, Tallinn, Jerusalem
03:00 AM to 08:00 AM – Moscow, Doha
Asia, Southeast Asia:
05:30 AM to 10:30 AM – Mumbai, Delhi
07:00 AM to 12:00 PM – Bangkok, Phnom Penh
08:00 AM to 01:00 PM – Beijing, Singapore, Taipei, Shanghai
09:00 AM to 02:00 PM – Seoul, Tokyo
08:00 AM to 01:00 PM – Perth
11:00 AM to 04:00 PM – Sydney

DECEMBER, 11th & 13th
North America:
07:00 AM to 12:00 PM – San Francisco, Los Angeles
08:00 AM to 01:00 PM – Albuquerque, Espanola
09:00 AM to 02:00 PM – Houston
10:00 AM to 03:00 PM – New York
Latin America:
09:00 AM to 02:00 PM – Mexico City
10:00 AM to 03:00 PM – Lima, Bogota
12:00 PM to 05:00 PM – Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires
Europe, Africa, Middle East:
03:00 PM to 08:00 PM – London, Lisbon
04:00 PM to 09:00 PM – Paris, Madrid, Rome, Berlin
05:00 PM to 10:00 PM – Johannesburg, Sofia, Tallinn, Jerusalem
06:00 PM to 11:00 PM – Moscow, Doha
Asia, Southeast Asia:
08:30 PM to 01:30 AM – Mumbai, Delhi
10:00 PM to 03:00 AM – Bangkok, Phnom Penh
11:00 PM to 04:00 AM – Beijing, Singapore, Taipei, Shanghai
12:00 AM to 05:00 AM – Seoul, Tokyo (December, 12th & 14th)
11:00 PM to 04:00 AM – Perth
02:00 AM to 07:00 AM – Sydney (December 12th & 14th)

October 12, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video –  A vision for the future and TTEC follow-up. 

Click on the “CC” at the bottom of the video to see subtitles in various languages.

  • TTEC Meeting Updates – 
    • Level One programs, in special circumstances due to COVID-19, can be delivered 100% online.  These need pre-approval from KRI, so please email Amrit Singh to discuss your situation.
    • A Spring 2021 Global TTEC is beginning to be planned.  If you are interested in participating on that Steering Committee, please email Amrit Singh.
    • The proposal to change the Level One certification requirements did NOT pass.  Some additional work will be done on it and probably something will be re-proposed soon for an online vote.  
    • Zoom Call with members of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation – The purpose of this call is to begin a dialog between trainers and the Siri Singh Sahib Corp as many concerns were raised at the Global Summit and at TTEC regarding the relationship between KRI and the SSSC.  This call is on October 16th- please find your local time below.  Please register here today.
    • You can find all the notes in Sutra here.

  • December Global Zoom Trainer Summit – Save The Date – December 10-December 13th.   The tracks will alternate days this time.  More details coming soon.  Would you like to participate in the Steering Committee for this event?  Fantastic!  Please email [email protected]

  • KRI Online Training Programs Development Committee – This program, previously titled the Aquarian Development Series, is looking for trainers and teachers who would like to contribute to the development of a variety of training pathways.  Would you like to know more?  Please email [email protected].

  • New Aquarian Teacher Textbook (in English) – Free for Trainers to download, and now available for sale via this webform to all prior Level One students.  It is available for free to all Level One students currently taking the Program (meaning that the classroom time has not ended).  Please email HariShabad Kaur if you need help accessing it yourself, or to get the free copies for your current Level One Program(s).

  • 3HO Listening Tour Zoom calls continue – for you and/or any of your students.  These sessions include a skill-building workshop on active listening and nonviolent communication, as well as an opportunity to come together in community dialogue as we look to the future of Kundalini Yoga and our global community.  Please visit www.3HO.org/listening-tour to register for a call.

  • Trainer Community News – Thank you to all of the members of the ATA who sent prayers for healing to Sada Simran Singh, a trainer from Seattle Washington.  On October 1st Sada Simran Singh passed away from COVID-19.  

  • Check out the local times for the 16 Oct zoom meeting with SSSC representatives:

North America:

  • 05:00 AM to 06:30 AM – San Francisco, Los Angeles
  • 06:00 AM to 07:30 AM – Albuquerque, Espanola, Houston
  • 08:00 AM to 09:30 AM – New York

Latin America: 

  • 07:00 AM to 08:30 AM – Mexico City
  • 08:00 AM to 09:30 AM – Lima, Bogota
  • 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM – Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires

Europe, Africa, Middle East:

  • 01:00 PM to 02:30 PM – London, Lisbon
  • 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM – Paris, Madrid, Rome, Berlin, Johannesburg
  • 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM – Sofia, Tallinn, Moscow, Jerusalem, Doha

Asia, Southeast Asia:

  • 05:30 PM to 07:00 PM – Bombay, Delhi
  • 07:00 PM to 08:30 PM – Bangkok, Phnom Penh, Beijing
  • 08:00 PM to 09:30 PM – Singapore, Taipei, Shanghai
  • 09:00 PM to 10:30 PM – Seoul, Tokyo


  • 08:00 PM to 09:30 PM – Perth
  • 10:00 PM to 11:30 PM – Sydney

September 14, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video –  Hope you are coming to TTEC!

Click on the “CC” at the bottom of the video to see subtitles in various languages.

  • Extensive Questions and Answers about the report from AOB and KRI’s responses have been posted – You and your students and look at these questions and answers and submit new ones via email.  We will also be sending out an email to the entire KRI list that will also give some of these same answers.

  • Summary of the Updates in The Aquarian Teacher – Many of you have asked for a summary of the changes in the Interim version of the Aquarian Teacher.  You can read such a summary here.

TTEC meetings – Check out this welcome video

  • We still need some translators to help.  Helping as a translator would not take you away from participating yourself! If you are willing to help, please contact Manou
  • Pre-TTEC Zoom Calls to Discuss Proposals –  KRI will sponsor two zoom calls for trainers to discuss with one another their thoughts on the proposals that will be voted on at TTEC.  There will be very limited time at TTEC for discussion, so please try to come to these pre-TTEC calls.  This is your opportunity to take as much time as you want to share your thoughts and hear those of others.  Depending on your time zone the calls are on either Sunday, September 13th, or Monday, September 14th(you must register in advance):  
    • Discussion Call #1 –  Monday, Sep 14, 2020, 01:00 AM Amsterdam, September 14th, 9 AM Sydney, 6 AM Bangkok, 7 AM Bali, and China, Aug 13th, 17:00 New Mexico, 16:00 California).  Register in advance for this meeting here.
    • Discussion Call #2 – Tuesday Sept 14, 2020 05:00 PM Amsterdam, 08:00 California, 11:00 NY.  Register in advance for this meeting here.

  • Request for Prayers – for Fatehjeet Kaur and family (Argentina), Atma Sangeeta and partner (Argentina), and Jotroop Kaur (Argentina). Prayers continue for Sada Simran Singh who remains in ICU and continues to recover from Covid-19.

September 07, 2020 – Trainer Update

Watch Amrit’s weekly video –  Is the pace of change too much or too little? 

Click on the “CC” at the bottom of the video to see subtitles in various languages.

  • The Interim Version of The Aquarian Teacher – this has been made available as an automatic update within VitalSource.  All trainers should have access to it now.  Please contact HariShabad Kaur if you are having any trouble. The new version is also available digitally at the Trainer Discount Store on the KRI Trainer Support Website, and will soon also be available at KRI’s publishing partners who are currently selling the English Language manual.

  • TTEC meetings – We still need some translators to help.  Helping as a translator would not take you away from participating yourself! If you are willing to help, please contact Manou

  • KRI Annual Report – Partly in response to your very valid request for more transparency, KRI has produced our first-ever annual report, covering activities in our prior fiscal year from July 2019 through June 2020.  You can access the report here.

  • Do You Want More Zoom Calls for Trainers? – We still have one more zoom call scheduled for Tues 8 Sept at 15:30 Central European Time.  You can register here for that. We’d like to see if there is a desire for more calls.  Please let us know if you would like more calls by email here.

  • Seva Corp – If you or your students are ever in need of some inspiration, check out this new initiative that 3HO is spearheading.  The mission of Seva Corp is to bring communities around the world closer by cultivating a presence and a network of sevadars, as well as sharing information about what is happening in their localities.  The four pillars of work: connection, training, support and projection.  Instagram is their main platform.  Check it out: https://www.instagram.com/globalsevacorps/

El Rescate del Padre: Caída y Ascenso de lo Masculino Como una Gesta Espiritual

With Guru Sansar Singh.  Join us live Monday Sept. 7thh at 12PM Chile Standard Time (Santiago) En Espanol

Join us live Date /Time TBA for English

  • The fall of the father as a universal myth story in our hearts
  • The archetype of redeeming/rescuing the father
  • Separating the wheat from the chaff
  • Reclaiming virtues to embrace the future together
  • From Crisis to Community: What does it mean to be connected?  With  Natasha & Lorenz SellJoin us Thursday Sept. 10th, 12-2 EDT (New York).
    • Come together as a community to create a connection
    • Explore this territory in a safe, supportive, and even playful environment as we bring the nuances of our personal experience into presence in our collective container
    • A relational space to discover our common humanity through the practice of deep listening and embodied presence
  • Uplift Your Asana with Sat Siri.  Join us live Thursday, Sept. 17th at 7 PM EDT (New York City)
    • How to teach postures in trainings/ workshops with nuance, subtlety!
    • Share this grounding foundation, encourage the love of movement
    • Embrace, deepen into asana within your own body
  • The History of Kundalini Yoga With Pavandev Kaur!  Join us for a six-week series beginning Tuesday, Oct. 20th 5 to 7 PM EST (New York) to Nov. 24th.
    • Find out where the technology of Kundalini Yoga came from!
    • Dip your toes into the vast river of yoga history and discover the origins
    • The Vedas, Ancient History, Tantra, Bhagavad Gita & Bhakti, Hatha Yoga, and much more

September 01, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – Compassionate Reconciliation, moving ahead carefully and slowly, and the new Aquarian Teacher Manual. 

Click on the “CC” at the bottom of the video to see subtitles in various languages.

  • New Interim Aquarian Teacher – will be released in English on VitalSource today Sept 1st.  It will be available in two formats – one with Yogi Bhajan’s picture and name on the cover, and one without.  The existing manual can still be used as well for those trainers that would prefer that. 

  • Sept TTEC meetings – Like the Global Summit, there will be two “tracks” or daily time slots available, with each covering the same agenda items (so the expectation is that you will only attend one of the two tracks).  Please register here for the time slot that works for you on Sept 20, 21, and 22.  There is the possibility that we may need to go one hour longer at least on Day 1, but the expected times are:
    • Track 1 will be 8:00-12:00 Central European Summer Time (CEST) and 
    • Track 2 will be 17:00 – 21:00 CEST

  • KRI Staffing changes
    • We are saying goodbye (for now) to Sadhu Kaur, who has served as the Professional Development Coordinator, and we are welcoming Siri Sahib Singh from Brazil who will be covering this position.
    • Beginning in September, Inderjot Kaur from Mexico will be working with Japa Kaur, to keep expanding KRI’s Online Courses. 

  • Certification Committee is looking for a new member – a description of what this committee does (currently – knowing that it may change), the eligibility requirements, and the selection procedure are outlined in this document.  If you meet the qualifications and are interested, please email Amrit Singh.

  • The KRI Board of Directors is looking for new members – The intention is to strengthen and balance Board representation broadly across the globe and to include voices that represent the views and perspectives of our diverse community.  To that end, we invite you to self-nominate and/or recommend qualified candidates who are interested in re-inventing KRI to meet the needs, the consciousness, and the heart of this New Age.  They do NOT need to be teacher trainers.  If you are interested in self-nominating or know of a person who would love to serve the teachings and technologies of Kundalini Yoga, please send a request for more information and an application to Gurusahay Singh Khalsa.

  • Request for Prayers – Healing prayers are requested for Hari Jiwan Singh from Germany, who is awaiting a lung transplant.

  • September Webinars from KRI
    • From Crisis to Community: What does it mean to be connected?  With  Natasha & Lorenz Sell.  Join us Thursday Sept. 10th, 12-2 EDT (New York).
      • Come together as a community to create connection
      • Explore this territory in a safe, supportive, and even playful environment as we bring the nuances of our personal experience into presence in our collective container
      • A relational space to discover our common humanity through the practice of deep listening and embodied presence
  • Uplift Your Asana with Sat Siri. Join us live Thursday, Sept. 17th at 7PM EDT (New York City)
    • How to teach postures in trainings/ workshops with nuance, subtlety!
    • Share this grounding foundation, encourage the love of movement
    • Embrace, deepen into asana within your own body
  • The Rescue of the Father: Fall and Rise of the Masculine as a Spiritual Quest. With Guru Sansar Singh.  Join us live Monday, Sept. 7thh at 12PM Chile Standard Time (Santiago) En Espanol. Join us live Date /Time to be announced for English
    • The fall of the father as a universal myth story in our hearts
    • The archetype of redeeming/rescuing the father
    • Separating the wheat from the chaff
    • Reclaiming virtues to embrace the future together
  • The History of Kundalini Yoga With Pavandev Kaur!  Join us for a six-week series beginning Tuesday, Oct. 20th 5 to 7 PM EST (New York) to Nov. 24th.
    • Find out where the technology of Kundalini Yoga came from!
    • Dip your toes into the vast river of yoga history and discover origins
    • The Vedas, Ancient History, Tantra, Bhagavad Gita & Bhakti, Hatha Yoga and much more

August 24, 2020 – Trainer Update

Watch Amrit’s weekly video – Update on resources to support you and students around the report from An Olive Branch. 

Click on the “CC” at the bottom of the video to see subtitles in various languages.

  • Zoom calls just for trainers regarding the report from An Olive Branch – Many of you have participated in the recent calls KRI held jointly with 3HO to provide information about the report.  We are now scheduling additional calls just for trainers, in several time zones and with translation provided.  Check out the schedule here and make sure to register for the call(s) you’d like to attend.

  • Lead and Professional Trainer Interviews – We will continue to hold these online for the immediate future, and hence are open to receiving applications on a “rolling” basis, rather than needing to wait until the European Yoga Festival or Summer Solstice.  When you and your mentor determine you are ready, you can apply through the trainer portal.

  • Global Healing Meditation continuing – The Global Ra-Ma-Da-Sa meditation is continuing.  You, and anyone in your community (so please share this link!), can join a zoom call to meditate together daily at 6:30am Mountain Daylight Time (Denver, CO) here:


  • Request for Prayers – You are invited to join us in our prayers for Sada Simran Singh, a trainer from the US who is currently hospitalized with a serious case of Covid-19.  Please keep him and his family in your prayers and meditations.

  • Upcoming Webinars for you and your students
    • Self Responsibility of a Teacher/Trainer with Dr. Haridass –  Join us live on Monday August 24th 12-2PM EDT (New York time), or pre-recorded one week after.  Together in this webinar, we will explore the question of how we define our role as a Trainer within the Academy and the training teams and teaching community that we are a part of. Are we simply instructing yoga, teaching broader yogic philosophy, building a yogic community or spiritual coaches? How do we allow each person to find their own place and align with their unique destiny? Let’s discover our guiding light, our touchstone to emerge in our truth that will carry us through the chaos around us.   
    • A Yogic Approach for Grief Recovery with Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur – Join us on Zoom: Thursday, August 27th, 12-14:00 EDT (New York).  Login or register on Sutra, replay available one week later. This webinar explores the real lived experience of the many facets of grief. You will gain simple techniques to transform and integrate the experience of grief and allow new awareness to develop in your spiritual maturity. 

From Crisis to Community with Lorenz and Natasha Sell – Thursday, Sept. 10th, 12-2 EDT (New York).  If you cannot make the live webinar, please watch the recording one week later.  Whatever the global situation might be presenting you with, this is an invitation to consider how we can come together as a community to create a connection. Our time together will explore this territory in a safe, supportive, and even playful environment as we bring the nuances of our personal experience into presence in our collective container. This virtual gathering will offer a relational space to discover our common humanity through the practice of deep listening and embodied presence. This is an experiential and experimental event, where we lovingly step into new ways of being together and hold space for a deeper and more personal understanding of community to emerge. We’ll engage in a social presencing process and have an opportunity to share with each other in a meaningful way.

August 17, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video – Resources for processing the report from An Olive Branch. 

Click on the “CC” at the bottom of the video to see subtitles in various languages.

  • Support in processing the report from An Olive Branch
    • KRI’s letter accompanying the report from An Olive Branch went out only in English.  You can find translated versions here.  The letter from the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation and the entire report will be available in additional languages by the end of August here.
    • KRI and 3HO are co-hosting a series of Information and Processing calls starting Monday 17 August.  These are open for students, teachers, and trainers and are offered in several time slots, and each will have translations available.  Please check out the schedule, and register if you’d like to attend one of these calls.  If the currently scheduled times fill up, more will be scheduled, so please check the above-linked webpage!
    • The report will be translated into 10 additional languages by 25 August.  We will set up additional zoom calls at that time as well.
    • After these information and processing calls, beginning the week of 24 August, KRI will set up calls just for trainers – but please ALSO attend one of these first set of joint calls so that everyone has the basic information as a common starting point.  Please find the schedule of these calls here
    • A Yogic Approach for Grief Recovery with Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur – Thursday, August 27th, 12-14:00 EDT (New York) on zoom live, or watch the recording which will be posted one week later.  This webinar is open to all, so please share this link with others who could benefit from it.
    • Here is a short document to help you with Grief Recovery as the Integration of Change.

  • Key Conversations – If you’d like to participate in the conversations and decisions shaping our collective future, please “JOIN” the specific Sutra circles that are of interest to you. Remember that you can set the email preferences for each circle to select how often you want to be notified of new posts.  We will try to highlight here each week’s key conversations you may be interested in.
    • Online Trainings – should we allow (either temporarily or permanently) 100% of a Level One Program to be done online?  Right now, as an interim policy, we are requiring a minimum of 40 hours in person.  Is that ok, or should that also change?  We must have a decision about this at the Sept TTEC meetings.

  • Events around August 26th – This year, we encourage each local community to make their own decision if or how they want to practice together on this day.  Some alternative suggestions, if a change is desired, could be to gather for a Guru Ram Das meditation, fundraise for women’s causes, or participate in the Global Ra Ma Da Sa Healing meditation together.  

August 11, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – KRI will be with you as you support your communities through the impact of the report from An Olive Branch. 

Click on the “CC” at the bottom of the video to see subtitles in various languages.

  • Trainer Summit Sutra Circles have been moved and consolidated New Sutra circles have been created in the General Discussion area of Sutra to further the conversations that were begun at the Summit. All trainers in the Academy, whether you were at the Summit or not, can now participate.   It is up to all of us now to continue the dialogues, and to move from ideas to concrete proposals that the whole community can review and comment on.

  • Certification Committee is looking for a new member – a description of what this committee does (currently – knowing that it may change), the eligibility requirements, and the selection procedure are outlined in this document.  If you meet the qualifications and are interested, please email Amrit Singh.

  • Processing the Report from An Olive Branch Together – The report will probably be released the week of 10 Aug, and KRI will collaborate with 3HO to provide a variety of zoom calls to help everyone in our community process its contents. 

  • The rumors about a possible Netflix documentary about Yogi Bhajan are FALSE.  There is no such documentary being worked on by Netflix.

August 03, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video – Initial thoughts about TTEC in September, and preparing for the release of the report from An Olive Branch. 

Click on the “CC” at the bottom of the video to see subtitles in various languages.

  • Global TTEC meetings  September 20, 21, 22 – If you are interested in participating in a Steering Committee to plan these important decision making meetings, please email Amrit Singh

  • Trainer Summit Sutra Circles have been moved and consolidated New Sutra circles have been created in the General Discussion area of Sutra to further the conversations that were begun at the Summit. All trainers in the Academy, whether you were at the Summit or not, can now participate.   It is up to all of us now to continue the dialogues, and to move from ideas to concrete proposals that the whole community can review and comment on.

  • Professional Development Committee Coordinating Position – KRI is looking for someone, ideally outside the US, for 10 hours per week to coordinate the work of the Professional Development Committee.  View a job description here.  If you have questions, if you are qualified, and are interested in applying, please email Hari Charn Kaur.

  • Processing the Report from An Olive Branch Together –  As mentioned in Amrit Singh weekly video message, KRI is organizing zoom calls beginning August 10th by language and time zone.  If you are interested in supporting this outreach by serving as a co-facilitator or if you the availability to serve for technical support, please email Hari Charn Kaur.

  • Sexual Harassment – What Every Kundalini Yoga Teacher & Trainer Needs to Know Please join this live webinar next Tuesday, 4 Aug, or watch the recording that will be posted on 11 Aug.

July 27, 2020 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video message – Next Steps after the recent Global Trainer Forum/Summit.

Click on the “CC” at the bottom of the video to see subtitles in various languages.

  • Moving Forward Together– Great conversations took place at the recent Global Online Trainer Forum/Summit and now is the time to move into actions and new policies.  Sutra circles for each key issue are being set up in the general trainer space on Sutra –and each of you is encouraged to create additional ones for anything that needs to be added!  Everyone will be invited to these circles, whether or not you were able to make it to the summit.  It is up to every member of the Academy to continue the conversations – on Sutra and/or in online calls – to work towards written proposals (we will create a standard format).  Those proposals will be posted in Sutra for comment and discussion, and then come to TTEC Sept 20, 21, 22 for finalization. 

  • Update on the “Interim” Aquarian Teacher manual – As mentioned previously, we are planning a 2-phase approach to modifying the Level One Aquarian Teacher manual.  Phase One is being done with a priority on speed over inclusivity – with a new version expected to be available digitally in English by mid-August.  Phase Two will then begin to collect more community input for another version in the summer of 2021.  All trainers will be welcome to contribute in Phase Two.  Phase One will include the work that has been ongoing for several years already.  It will mention the investigation by An Olive Branch and will reference its findings.  The Humanology, History, and Posture sections are being completely redone, with every chapter being edited to some extent or another. 

  • Professional Development Committee looking for New Members – As collectively we prepare for the TTEC meetings in September, there is a need for this existing committee to work on the development of trainers in the Academy.  There is work to be done between now and the TTEC meetings 
  • The Report from An Olive Branch will be released this week.  KRI is working to organize a series of zoom calls in every language and every time zone. Are you interested in being a facilitator?  Please email Sadhu Kaur at [email protected].