August 16, 2021 – Trainer Update

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Watch Amrit’s weekly video

I am excited for our future!  Maintaining the integrity of the teachings as they have been, but innovating the methods for teaching them and reaching today’s students.  Innovating models of Teacher Training with mixes of online and in-person, new pedagogy tools, a culture of trainers supporter each other and sharing their tools.  More regional rather than global focus, without losing the precious inter-connections across cultures and continents that are so special in our global Kundalini Yoga school.

16 Aug 2021 trainer update – exciting innovations from KRI Aquarian Development Series on Vimeo.

Trainer Summit Follow-ups: Workshops and Notes

You can find the notes from all of the break-out group discussions, in many languages, here.

There were many AMAZING workshops delivered during the summit, and most were recorded.  Attendees of the summit have free access to all of the workshops (you all will have gotten an email last week with your link), and all members of the ATA can, for one small fee, also have unlimited access to them. 

Click on the link below to see the list of 4 English and 2 Spanish language workshops, and to register for access.

2021 ATA Global Summit Workshops – Access for ATA member who did not attend the Summit

The full report from the Summit can be accessed here.

October TTEC Meetings

Here is a timeline for when the meetings will be and how the proposals will be processed.  Email Amrit Singh with any questions!

KRI is recruiting for two part-time ATA regional administrators!

Any of you are welcome to apply, but also please share with your teams or teachers who may be qualified and interested.  The job description can be found here

Please email a resume and cover letter to Puranjot Kaur if interested!

More dialogue around the connections between Kundalini Yoga and Sikhis

A group of trainers is interested in further discussions around this topic, and the draft paper that was recently released (you can read it here), and perhaps offered edits or another version.  Anyone interested, please read the draft paper and make personal notes/comments.  Email or WhatsApp Amrit Singh to express your interest, and some zoom discussions will be organized with intention to come together to meet re:what the first paper fulfilled and what other questions/topics are needed for clarity.  From there, the group can decide to propose changes to that paper, or create an outline for a new one, and go from there.  You can also read some prior Sutra dialogue about this topic in these links here and here.

SSSC Sangat Forums

The Siri Singh Sahib Corporation is having an open forum to take questions from anyone in the community on Sept 10th.  See more about the format of this event, and register for it on this webpage.

Inspiration of the power of Group Consciousness

I often find inspiration in the work of Tom Atlee.  A recent blog post of his captured the potential of group consciousness quite well I thought.

“…our mutual inadequacies can become a resource, a way to connect with each other, as we seek to be, see and act with that greater wholeness which is accessible only through each other.  This is why I think it unwise for us to seek perfect wisdom as individuals, but rather to seek to be with each other in ways that help us see beyond our diverse blind spots into greater wisdom, simply because our differences are able to paint a reality that’s bigger, fuller and more life-like than any one of us alone could possibly imagine.”

Have you renewed your Trainer License?

If you haven’t renewed your license yet, please do it by completing the form and submitting your payment.  A US$54 late fee will be applied after September 15th.

For those who have already taken care of your renewal, thank you very much!

August 2, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video – Rebirth of Level 3

Trainer update – 2 Aug 2021 – The rebirth of Level 3 from KRI Aquarian Development Series on Vimeo.

October TTEC

Discussion not voting, moving it one week later – October 28th, 29th, 30th.  Three proposals, one per day, with two very short tracks each day.

Online Level One Trainings

Here is the directional policy that was approved April 2021.  Reminder – if you will do your Level One 100% online, you need to discuss this and get it approved by Amrit Singh.

Upcoming eLearning Workshops for you and your students

YOGA OF INTERSECTIONALITY: The African Roots of Kundalini Yoga & Social Justice

This is a self-paced workshop with Gurumukh Mark Harris MA, CADC I, MAC.

You cannot miss this opportunity to understand the Kundalini Yoga from a diversity and inclusion perspective. All Yoga teachers & trainers navigating the Aquarian Age need this class to grasp the complex intersections of class, race, ability and how to be sensitive with knowledge and depth. Special early bird discount for this ground breaking self-paced workshop.

Email [email protected] for trainer entrance into this special class, 6 hours of pre-recorded content that you do at your own pace. Public entry price $299, Trainers; $250. This class has scholarships as needed, contact [email protected] to request.

Click here for more info.

Renew your Trainer License today

If you haven’t renewed your license yet, please complete the form and remember to make the payment before you submit it. 

For those who have already taken care of your renewal, thank you very much!

July 19, 2021 – Trainer Update

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Watch Amrit’s weekly video

As Just Outcomes shared in the summit – we are working towards a shared story – not an identical story, but one big enough to allow all of our differences to co-exist with one another.  And “the quality of relationships among us does, and will, matter.”  There will be continuing discussions over the coming months and years.  It was apparent that trainers are ready to show up and have these conversations in the uplifting manner that is in alignment with our values.

19 Jul 2021 trainer update – highlights from the Summit from KRI Aquarian Development Series on Vimeo.

ATA Trainer SummitBuilding Bridges to Enhance Our Service

On July 8 – 11 we had the Global ATA Trainer Summit – Building Bridges to Enhance Our Service.  The time together truly was a pivot towards the future. It was a chance for authentic and conscious communications between trainers from over 14 countries in multiple languages. Discussions on fundamental and sometimes challenging topics happened during the four sessions. 

The Steering committee is completing a full follow-up report to be sent out by July 26th and it will be posted on Sutra along with notes from the break-out groups.  Recordings of the workshops that were offered in English and Spanish will be available in the eLearning Center by August 8th. In the next bulletin we will include a full list of the workshops offered and how to access them.

The Relationship between Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma

The trainers involved in the SSSC-KRI commission have drafted this position paper regarding the relationship between Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma.  We hope that it is helpful.

New draft Code of Ethics for Kundalini Yoga teachers

This draft is open for discussion and dialogue in Sutra here.  The hope is that we will bring a version of this to the Oct TTEC meetings.

The Roots and Context of Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan

One of the yoga researchers that KRI has engaged, Rob Zabel, has delivered his report about the history of our practices.  You can download it here.

Update regarding the demographic survey

Please see this letter from the KRI Staff Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team regarding the next steps with the demographic survey we piloted at the Dec 2020 Trainer Summit.

Upcoming eLearning Workshops for you and your students

Celestial Communications Workshop

Study this specialized meditation form so that you can better teach Celestial Communications and share the joy of this artful form of meditation. Adarsh Kaur leads Celestial Communication for the Heart July 19th, replay available, special discount for Trainers, click HERE to register.

YOGA OF INTERSECTIONALITY: The African Roots of Kundalini Yoga & Social Justice

This is a self-paced workshop with Gurumukh Mark Harris MA, CADC I, MAC.

You cannot miss this opportunity to understand the Kundalini Yoga from a diversity and inclusion perspective. All Yoga teachers & trainers navigating the Aquarian Age need this class to grasp the complex intersections of class, race, ability and how to be sensitive with knowledge and depth. Special early bird discount for this ground breaking self-paced workshop.

Email [email protected] for trainer entrance into this special class, 6 hours of pre-recorded content that you do at your own pace. Public entry price $299, Trainers; $250. This class has scholarships as needed, contact [email protected] to request.

Click here for more info.

New ATA Regional Administrators

KRI is moving forward with the implementation of the new locally based administrators of the Academy to better support our community of trainers.

Dev Atma Kaur (USA and Canada), Preet Kamal Kaur (Asia and Australia), along with Puranjot Kaur (Brazil) and Sarb Jit Kaur (Europe, Africa, Latin America) will be assisting you all as the Regional Aquarian Trainer Academy Administrators in the respective regions. 

All the information and details about the new regional administrations can be found in the ATA regional administration page on the trainer support website.

Renew your Trainer License today

Please remember that trainer licenses expired on July 1st. If you haven’t renewed your license yet, please complete the form and make the payment before you submit it. 

For those who have already taken care of your renewal, thank you very much!

July 5, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video

The discussions at the Summit later this week are going to be awesome and important.  So make sure you come – even if for only parts of it!  And three important new documents, all initiated by you all in prior meetings, to review and begin discussion at the summit.

Building Bridges to Enhance Our Service

ATA Trainer Summit- July 8, 9,10,11 – Register Today!

Many important conversations, workshops, and breakout room discussions will happen, which are often the starting points for upcoming new policy recommendations.  Come for all or just parts (check out the agenda for your track with the links below).

TRACK 1 AGENDA: JULY 9h & 11th (Asia & Australia) or night 8 & 10 (U.S and Mexico)

TRACK 2 AGENDA: JULY 9th & 11th (Latin & North America, Europe, Africa, and Middle East)

The Relationship between Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma

The trainers involved in the SSSC-KRI commission have drafted a position paper regarding the relationship between Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma.  This will be emailed to all Summit registrants before the event, and there will also be a breakout discussion group at the Summit later this week.

The Roots and Context of Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan

One of the yoga researchers that KRI has engaged, Rob Zabel, has delivered his report about the history of our practices. This will be emailed to Summit registrants soon, and then sent to all ATA members.  He will be leading a workshop discussing his research findings on Saturday at Track 1 of the Trainer Summit.

KRI’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Goals and Mission

A committee of KRI staff members have come up with this draft of goals and a mission for our diversity, equity and inclusion work.  KRI is open to feedback from all trainers on this, and it will also be a breakout discussion group at the Summit later this week.  Please also see this report on the demographic survey we piloted at the trainer Summit last December.  This is another piece to this Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work, and can also be discussed in the Summit breakout room.

New draft Code of Ethics for Kundalini Yoga teachers

A group of volunteer trainers from the last summit have worked with the Office of EPS and KRI staff to draft a new version of the Code of Ethics for Kundalini Yoga teachers.  KRI’s plan is to gather feedback and iterate on this set of documents in order to bring something to TTEC in October.  Discussion and feedback on this document will begin at the summit later this week.  We will also be working to get this translated into other languages.

New ATA Regional Administrators

KRI is moving forward with the implementation of the new locally based administrators of the Academy to better support our community of trainers.

Dev Atma Kaur (USA and Canada), Preet Kamal Kaur (Asia and Australia), along with Puranjot Kaur (Brazil) and Sarb Jit Kaur (Europe, Africa, Latin America) will be assisting you all as the Regional Aquarian Trainer Academy Administrators in the respective regions. 

All the information and details about the new regional administrations can be found in the ATA regional administration page on the trainer support website.

Apply to become a Level 2 trainer

If you are a Level One Professional or Lead trainer, you are eligible to qualify as a Level Two Professional or Lead by applying for each module individually. The application process is simple – Level 2 pathway flowchart – and there is no application fee.

If you are going to co-teach a L2 module don’t forget to follow this process in order to qualify prior to the submission of the contract by your L2 Lead mentor.

Level two Lead trainers can also qualify as Level 2 Leads Mentors. 

The complete L2 trainer orientation can be found here.

Contact the Academy Administrator if you have any further questions.

FREE webinar for all Trainers: Dying into Life

Have you taught the Death & Dying Segment of Teacher training L1 & L2 a million times? Would you like to jazz up this part of your curriculum and just wow your trainees? Jivan Joti has spent the last 10 years researching death & dying. This workshop is FREE as a thank you to all Teachers/Trainers/Kundalini Yoga enthusiasts everywhere. Share with your communities, click HERE for more info!

Celestial Communications Workshop

Study this specialized meditation form so that you can better teach Celestial Communications and share the joy of this artful form of meditation. Adarsh Kaur leads Celestial Communication for the Heart July 19th, replay available, special discount for Trainers, click HERE to register.

SSSC is looking to hire a program manager

The SSSC is looking to add q member to its administrative team, The Legacy Program Manager (“Legacy PM”).

This role is a pivotal one, setting the stage for community and program alignment in the organizational wellness programs that will propel this vision to fruition. The Legacy PM will work collaboratively with the Legacy Non-Profit Organizations to develop systems and processes to support the over-arching strategic vision. Long-term success will be defined by prosperity and mission expansion across all the Legacy non-profit organizations and the greater global community. 

If you would like to read more about the position or apply please click HERE.

Renew your Trainer License today

Please remember that trainer licenses expired on July 1st. If you haven’t renewed your license yet, please complete the form and make the payment before you submit it. 

For those who have already taken care of your renewal, thank you very much!

June 21, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Building Bridges to Enhance Our Service

ATA Trainer Summit- July 8, 9,10,11 – Register Today!

This ATA Global Summit will be the only Summit this year. This event is multi- lingual with workshops taught in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and possibly more. The video below presents information on the interactive workshop with Just Outcomes, working with hierarchies and power dynamics in the ATA and how we represent Yogi Bhajan in our trainings and publications. There will multiple opportunities to check in with fellow trainers as well as breakout sessions on fundamental issues for Teacher Training   As always there is the option to pay through Conscious Contribution instead of recommended fee. See you soon!

Renew your Trainer License today

Please remember that trainer licenses will expire on July 1st.  Until you renew your license, your name cannot be added to a Trainer Team for a Level One, Level Two or 21 Stages of Meditation program. The License renewal fee is US$108 and free for Interns. If you haven’t renewed your license yet, please complete the form and make the payment before you submit it. 

For those who have already taken care of your renewal, thank you very much!

Invitation to participate in a 40-day global meditation for Inner & Outer World Peace

We are starting a 40-day Global meditation on July 10, 2021! You and all of your students and communities are invited to join this 40-day meditation.

We will be meditating to the meditation “To Feel God in Your Heart“. This meditation is to increase your connection to the heart center, and to increase your ability to really listen to an “opposite” viewpoint, which will allow you to find the true oneness between you and another.

This Global Meditation is open to anyone who would like to join and it is completely free.

To sign up click on the following link and you will be automatically added.

The ATA Mentor Development Program is starting

There are three significant components for Mentors in Training – a Mentoring Coach, a mentoring peer group, and online trainings/videos. If you are interested in becoming a Mentor, please click here and click on the “Mentor” Tab.  As approved by TTEC, both Professional and Lead Trainers are eligible to apply.

This program will also need Mentoring Coaches. If you are an experienced Mentor, and are interested in being a Mentoring Coach, please let Hari Charn ([email protected]) know.

A nice magazine article about being a Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Click HERE to read it. Maybe this will be helpful in your communications.

FREE webinar for all Trainers: Dying into Life

Have you taught the Death & Dying Segment of Teacher training L1 & L2 a million times? Would you like to jazz up this part of your curriculum and just wow your trainees? Jivan Joti has spent the last 10 years researching death & dying.This workshop is FREE as a thank you to all Teachers/Trainers/Kundalini Yoga enthusiasts everywhere. Share with your communities, click HERE for more info!

June 7, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video

The future of TTEC and Summits and Quarterly Forums, we will set a fixed schedule for regional and global meetings.

Building Bridges to Enhance Our Service

ATA Trainer Summit- July 8, 9,10,11 –  Register Today!  An opportunity to build bridges with fellow trainers around the globe, to have timely critical conversations, training and guided processes with Just Outcomes in the Compassionate Reconciliation Process, skill building through best practices in Level One and Level Two, and time to deeply meditate together.

Regional Trainer Meetings Update

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Regional Trainer Meetings in Latin America, Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and Canada/US.  Here are the notes from the discussion groups, all available in 8 languages, of those meetings and these will be used to build groups on foundational topics for discussion and potential changes.

New research in Kundalini Yoga

Dr. Sat Bir Singh has recently published a new study showing that Kundalini Yoga is an effective treatment for chronic insomnia.  Check it out here.

Renew your Trainer License NOW

We thank you for all the efforts you are making to continue teaching and uplifting humankind through Kundalini Yoga. Please click now to take care of your re-licensing before 1 July.

Last week for extra 10% discount on the new book, Mastery!

KRI’s new book is currently on pre-sale and you can get 30% OFF with the coupon code ATAMastery30.

Mastery of the True Self: The Discipline of Love through Sadhana, Aradhana & Prabhupati, by Sadhana Singh, approaches the process of spiritual discipline and its progression through Sadhana, Aradhana & Prabhupati.

Coupon code: ATAMastery30

May 24, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video

Trainer re-licensing and request for history teachings tools.

Renew your Trainer License NOW

We thank you for all the efforts you are making to continue teaching and uplifting humankind through Kundalini Yoga. Please click now to take care of your re-licensing before 1 July.

Remaining Regional Trainer Forums

There are still 2 more short (3-hr) regional trainer gatherings coming up.  If you were unable to make the zoom call for the region in which you live, please feel free to join another one if you can make the times!  The calls this week, with registration links, are:

Have you heard of KRI’s new book release?

KRI’s new book is currently on pre-sale and you can get 30% OFF with the coupon code ATAMastery30. Mastery of the True Self: The Discipline of Love through Sadhana, Aradhana & Prabhupati, by Sadhana Singh, approaches the process of spiritual discipline and its progression through Sadhana, Aradhana & Prabhupati.

Online workshops for you and your students:

Click on the image below to register or learn more. 

May 10, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video

Updates about SSSC commission, work on keeping people safe, and distributing the administration of the Aquarian Teacher Programs.

Renew your Trainer License NOW!

We thank you for all the efforts you are making to continue teaching and uplifting humankind through Kundalini Yoga.

TTEC is making Changes

Based on trainer feedback, KRI is making major changes to how future Aquarian Teacher Policies are voted on.  KRI will allow all members of the ATA to vote, regardless of one’s ability to attend the meetings or not.  Shifting the voting to an online process means that the meetings themselves will shift to a place to ask questions and discuss the proposed policies.  This also means that policies can come forward whenever they are ready – without needing to wait for a twice a year meeting.  A TTEC steering committee will begin working on the details of this approach.  Please email [email protected] if you’d like to be part of this committee!

Looking for volunteer help

The Level One Curriculum Committee is working on a pilot program to offer a whole suite of optional pedagogy tools to trainers.  We will begin with the History Unit of Study, and if it is successful we’d continue through the rest of the curriculum.  The committee is looking for the following two skill sets to help: project management and art direction.  If you or anyone you know may be a candidate, please email [email protected].

North American & Europe Level Three Mela are open for Registration!

After successful Online Melas in 2020 and 2021, the US and Europe Mela will be held Online again. Level Three is an important step for trainers. If you are a Trainer in North America and Europe and have not started yet, here is an opportunity chance for you:

  • US Mela: Friday, June 11, 2021 – Sunday, June 13, 2021 
  • EU Mela: Friday, July 16, 2021 – Sunday, July 18, 2021  

If you are already in the Level Three program and would like to register for this year’s Mela, please click on one of the following links:

Information for China and South East Level Three is coming soon.

20% off – Upcoming e-Learning courses for you and your students:

Click on the image below to register or learn more. 

Use the promo code “ACADEMY” for 20% off any upcoming courses!

April 26, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video

The upcoming regional Trainer Forums and July Global Trainer Summit will feature conversations around “hot” topics.

Roll out of a new AntiHarassment training

KRI is very excited about this new online training course that will be available soon.  This is an important addition to our commitment to keeping our community safe.  Following best practices, this course will be mandatory for all teacher trainers, and strongly encouraged as an element within each Level One teacher training program.  It will be available in English very shortly, and we hope in Spanish and German by the end of the year.

Distributing the Administration of the ATA

This project, initiated by trainers at last summer’s trainer summit, is beginning with Puranjot Kaur in Brazil.  She will be both serving as the ATA administrator (basically covering Sarb Jit’s job) for all the Brazilian trainers, as well as printing out KRI certificates.  We will be training regional administrators for China and the US/Canada shortly.

“Building Bridges to Enhance our Service”

ATA Global Trainer Summit July 8,9,10,11.  Some bridges are necessary to have the urgent discussions on important topics:  How do we create safety?  How do we discuss the use of the name Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan?  Many of KRI’s changes in directions, curriculum and policies, begin at these Global meetings. There will be only one Summit this year; we don’t want you to miss this time of change, this chance to be part of a construction once again. Please save the dates in your calendar, see details at the bottom of this email.  If you want to help in any way with this event, please let us know through [email protected].

Fall TTEC meeting dates

Save the dates for our next TTEC meetings, to come together and vote on proposed policies affecting teacher training programs and the Aquarian Trainer Academy – 21st and 23rd Oct for EU and Asia time zones, and 22nd and 24th for EU and the Americas.

In the TTEC page in our trainer support website you can find all the documents from past TTEC meetings – CLICK HERE.

Bi-Weekly update from Just Outcomes

You can read their latest letter about the Compassionate Reconciliation process, just CLICK HERE.

20% off – Upcoming e-Learning courses for you and your students:

Click on the image below to register or learn more. 

Use the promo code “ACADEMY” for 20% off any upcoming courses!

Save the Date for the Global ATA Online Summit in July

SAVE THE DATE of the Summit in your Calendar

TRACK 1: For Asia and Australia or night of North America and Mexico
UTC / GMT: JULY, 8th & 10th | 11:00 PM – 04:00 AM
Click here to see the time in your city
Click here to add the event to your Google calendar

TRACK 2: For Latin & North America (day), Europe, Africa, and the Middle East
UTC / GMT: JULY, 9th & 13th | 02:00 PM – 07:00 PM
Click here to see the time in your city
Click here to add the event to your Google calendar

If you want to help in any way with this event, please let us know through [email protected]

April 13, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Outcomes from the April TTEC meetings

  • THE FUTURE OF THE ONLINE TRAINING IN LEVEL ONE PROGRAMS82% voted in favor, indicating strong support for the direction this is proposal indicates us going
  • MENTORING PATHWAY FOR PROFESSIONALS91% voted in favor of this proposal, so proposal passes
  • 21 STAGES TRAINER PATHWAY (ASSOCIATES CAN TRAIN)86% voted in favor of this proposal, so this proposal passes
  • PEER FEEDBACK COMPONENT TO ATA INTERVIEWS89% voted in favor of this proposal, so this proposal passes
  • ONLINE LEARNING COMPONENT FROM INTERN TO ASSOCIATE96% voted in favor of this proposal, so this proposal passes
  • L2 REQUIREMENT TO ENTER THE ATA AND MOVE TO ASSOCIATE63% voted in favor of this proposal, so this proposal passes

Update from Just Outcomes

We are happy to provide this biweekly update on our work with the 3HO, Kundalini Yoga and Sikh
Dharma communities. For background about the Compassionate Reconciliation Project, please feel free
to visit the project website. Thank you for your time and interest in reading this update”.

CLICK to read the complete document

New Study Find Kundalini Yoga Key to Emotional Health in Kids – read more here.

Daily Kundalini Yoga meditation practice helps College Basketball player of the year – read more here.

Save the Date for the Global ATA Online Summit in July

In July, we will have our amazing Global ATA Online Summit. It’s the only one we will have in 2021, and your participation is essential! The Steering Committee is planning a dynamic and absorbing event.

SAVE THE DATE of the Summit in your Calendar

TRACK 1: For Asia and Australia or night of North America and Mexico
UTC / GMT: JULY, 8th & 10th | 11:00 PM – 04:00 AM
Click here to see the time in your city
Click here to add the event to your Google calendar

TRACK 2: For Latin & North America (day), Europe, Africa, and the Middle East
UTC / GMT: JULY, 9th & 13th | 02:00 PM – 07:00 PM
Click here to see the time in your city
Click here to add the event to your Google calendar

If you want to help in any way with this event, please let us know through [email protected]

Upcoming workshops from KRI for you and your students:

April 16, 11:00 – 12:30 EDT (EST – New York)

Let’s journey together through an embodied meditative experience, the magic of the feminine. This class will invoke a deeply lunar and meditative experience.

Ardas brings healing coolness to the art of meditation. Can we explore meditation from the yin counterpoint of deep inner stillness?

April 18, 11:00 – 15:00 (EST – New York)

Join Faith Hunter for a renewing, innovative approach to yoga as a business and tap into your power; projecting your passion for wellness. Faith will provide you with practical tools to establish a spiritually aligned business strategy, and techniques for consciously holding space.

April 24 & 25, 19:00 – 22:00 (EST – New York)

Join us as revelatory teacher Sat Siri brings rebirthing kriyas for a unique opening and revelatory on the mat workshop! Two days, Saturday and Sunday, 3 hours each.

April 28, May 5th and 12th, 14:00 – 15:30 (EST – New York)

As women, we’re living in very exciting times. Sages predicted that in the Aquarian Age women will lead and be equal to men, and the Sacred Feminine will emerge in our consciousness in all different and creative ways. This shift is happening and as sisters, all women and those who identify as women rise together.

Click HERE for more information and to REGISTER for the workshops