Watch Amrit’s weekly video
I am excited for our future! Maintaining the integrity of the teachings as they have been, but innovating the methods for teaching them and reaching today’s students. Innovating models of Teacher Training with mixes of online and in-person, new pedagogy tools, a culture of trainers supporter each other and sharing their tools. More regional rather than global focus, without losing the precious inter-connections across cultures and continents that are so special in our global Kundalini Yoga school.
16 Aug 2021 trainer update – exciting innovations from KRI Aquarian Development Series on Vimeo.
Trainer Summit Follow-ups: Workshops and Notes

You can find the notes from all of the break-out group discussions, in many languages, here.
There were many AMAZING workshops delivered during the summit, and most were recorded. Attendees of the summit have free access to all of the workshops (you all will have gotten an email last week with your link), and all members of the ATA can, for one small fee, also have unlimited access to them.
Click on the link below to see the list of 4 English and 2 Spanish language workshops, and to register for access.
2021 ATA Global Summit Workshops – Access for ATA member who did not attend the Summit
The full report from the Summit can be accessed here.
October TTEC Meetings
Here is a timeline for when the meetings will be and how the proposals will be processed. Email Amrit Singh with any questions!

KRI is recruiting for two part-time ATA regional administrators!
Any of you are welcome to apply, but also please share with your teams or teachers who may be qualified and interested. The job description can be found here.
Please email a resume and cover letter to Puranjot Kaur if interested!
More dialogue around the connections between Kundalini Yoga and Sikhis
A group of trainers is interested in further discussions around this topic, and the draft paper that was recently released (you can read it here), and perhaps offered edits or another version. Anyone interested, please read the draft paper and make personal notes/comments. Email or WhatsApp Amrit Singh to express your interest, and some zoom discussions will be organized with intention to come together to meet re:what the first paper fulfilled and what other questions/topics are needed for clarity. From there, the group can decide to propose changes to that paper, or create an outline for a new one, and go from there. You can also read some prior Sutra dialogue about this topic in these links here and here.
SSSC Sangat Forums
The Siri Singh Sahib Corporation is having an open forum to take questions from anyone in the community on Sept 10th. See more about the format of this event, and register for it on this webpage.
Inspiration of the power of Group Consciousness
I often find inspiration in the work of Tom Atlee. A recent blog post of his captured the potential of group consciousness quite well I thought.
“…our mutual inadequacies can become a resource, a way to connect with each other, as we seek to be, see and act with that greater wholeness which is accessible only through each other. This is why I think it unwise for us to seek perfect wisdom as individuals, but rather to seek to be with each other in ways that help us see beyond our diverse blind spots into greater wisdom, simply because our differences are able to paint a reality that’s bigger, fuller and more life-like than any one of us alone could possibly imagine.”
Have you renewed your Trainer License?
If you haven’t renewed your license yet, please do it by completing the form and submitting your payment. A US$54 late fee will be applied after September 15th.
For those who have already taken care of your renewal, thank you very much!