Building Bridges to Enhance Our Service

ATA Trainer Summit- July 8, 9,10,11 – Register Today!
This ATA Global Summit will be the only Summit this year. This event is multi- lingual with workshops taught in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and possibly more. The video below presents information on the interactive workshop with Just Outcomes, working with hierarchies and power dynamics in the ATA and how we represent Yogi Bhajan in our trainings and publications. There will multiple opportunities to check in with fellow trainers as well as breakout sessions on fundamental issues for Teacher Training As always there is the option to pay through Conscious Contribution instead of recommended fee. See you soon!
Renew your Trainer License today
Please remember that trainer licenses will expire on July 1st. Until you renew your license, your name cannot be added to a Trainer Team for a Level One, Level Two or 21 Stages of Meditation program. The License renewal fee is US$108 and free for Interns. If you haven’t renewed your license yet, please complete the form and make the payment before you submit it.
For those who have already taken care of your renewal, thank you very much!
Invitation to participate in a 40-day global meditation for Inner & Outer World Peace
We are starting a 40-day Global meditation on July 10, 2021! You and all of your students and communities are invited to join this 40-day meditation.
We will be meditating to the meditation “To Feel God in Your Heart“. This meditation is to increase your connection to the heart center, and to increase your ability to really listen to an “opposite” viewpoint, which will allow you to find the true oneness between you and another.
This Global Meditation is open to anyone who would like to join and it is completely free.
To sign up click on the following link and you will be automatically added.
The ATA Mentor Development Program is starting
There are three significant components for Mentors in Training – a Mentoring Coach, a mentoring peer group, and online trainings/videos. If you are interested in becoming a Mentor, please click here and click on the “Mentor” Tab. As approved by TTEC, both Professional and Lead Trainers are eligible to apply.
This program will also need Mentoring Coaches. If you are an experienced Mentor, and are interested in being a Mentoring Coach, please let Hari Charn ([email protected]) know.
A nice magazine article about being a Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Click HERE to read it. Maybe this will be helpful in your communications.
FREE webinar for all Trainers: Dying into Life
Have you taught the Death & Dying Segment of Teacher training L1 & L2 a million times? Would you like to jazz up this part of your curriculum and just wow your trainees? Jivan Joti has spent the last 10 years researching death & dying.This workshop is FREE as a thank you to all Teachers/Trainers/Kundalini Yoga enthusiasts everywhere. Share with your communities, click HERE for more info!