November 2024 — Trainer Updates

Trainer Update — November 26th, 2024

  • REGIONAL MEETINGS — Thank you to all trainers who attended Regional Meetings!  We appreciate your presence and the chance for all of us to have meaningful discussions. Our team is working on consolidating the topics that were raised by trainers from different regions and the steps to action to share with all of you. This will be available in future Trainer Updates. If you wish to access the recordings, please reach out to Ravi Prem Kaur at [email protected]
  • Last week to apply to become a member on the KRI Board — The KRI Board is welcoming new members to join us on our mission. We are strongly looking for international community participation, based outside the USA. If you are feeling the call to serve and be part of the KRI Board, please apply now! Deadline for applications is December 1st.
  • KRI Certificates — In order to be in line legally with our trademark and to distinguish KRI’s Professional standards, as of August 2024 ALL KRI certificates are issued WITH our registered Trademark, Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. This means that one single version of KRI certificates are available for L1, L2 and L3 teachers receiving a KRI certificate. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Jugat Guru Singh at [email protected].

Trainer Update — November 11th, 2024

  • THERE IS STILL TIME TO REGISTER for the Upcoming Regional Meetings. We start TODAY – We invite you to this online opportunity to meet with Trainers around the globe and with the ATA/KRI team. We look forward to connecting with you in these upcoming Regional Meetings! 

We will have translation for the following languages: Chinese, Spanish, Russian and French. If you need translation into another language, please let us know ahead of time and we will do our best to provide it. You are welcome to attend as many of the meetings as you like, keeping in mind the translations that are presented for each one. 

  • Latin America: Monday, November 11th, from 6pm to 8:30pm Santiago (Spanish translation available). Register Here
  • Europe-Russia-Africa-ME: Tuesday, November 12th, 6pm to 8:30pm CET (French & Russian translation available. If you need a different one, please let us know ahead of time). Register Here
  • Asia-Oceania: Wednesday, November 13th, 9am to 11:30 am Beijing time (Chinese translation available). Register Here
  • North America: Thursday, November 14th,  6pm to 8:30pm EST (no translation available). Register Here
  • KRI’s response to the recent documentary release — We are reaching out to our Trainers and National Associations as part of this global community with some important information related to recent media programming about Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan™️. We wanted to take this important opportunity to engage with you and offer some thoughts and guidance on addressing communications about these issues. READ RESPONSE FROM KRI HERE. Some translations are available.
  • KRI Global Distributors — L1 and L2 Teacher training manuals are copyrighted materials managed by KRI. Any reproduction, transmission, and distribution of these materials without formal and written agreement constitutes copyright infringement. We have publication Global distributors around the world, serving programs outside the USA and Canada. Our Global Distributors are integral in keeping KRI certified Kundalini Yoga alive around the world. In addition, by ordering with the Global Distributors, it offers support for translation projects which are crucial to make titles available in each local language. L1 Distributors / L2 Distributors. For questions, contact Rebecca at 
  • Level Three: Global English Mela registration is open! — People who have already participated in a Mela and wish to continue their journey on Level Three can register to the Online Global English Mela. Please find more information on the Level Three Website
  • English L3 Mela — November 22-24, 2024  (Online) REGISTER HERE

June 2024 — Trainer Updates

Trainer Update — June 24th, 2024

  • Level 2 Pedagogy Tools — As part of KRI’s commitment to advance and move forward with new methods and different approaches to our teaching methodology and formats, all the Teacher Training courses that KRI holds, have as a result a brief pedagogical report of what worked and what can be improved on. Please find our most recent reports for Level 2 — Conscious Communication 2024 Report and Lifecycles and Lifestyles 2024 Report — All available in the Pedagogy Tools section of the ATA website. We remind you that you need to be logged in as a Trainer on the KRI Website for this to appear in the Menu bar.
  • Level Three: Global English and China Mela applications are open! — The applications for the two Melas occurring next semester are open. Global English Mela, happening online, and China Mela, which will be in person, will take place in November. If you are interested in joining Level Three, this is a great opportunity! Please find more information on the Level Three Website
  • China L3 Mela — Nov 1-3, 2024 (In person) APPLY HERE
  • English L3 Mela — November 22-24, 2024  (Online) APPLY HERE
  • Asia and Oceania Regional Meeting — Come to meet & greet Jugat Guru Singh, KRI new CEO. With the purpose of keeping the dialogue and fluid – direct interaction between ATA trainers and KRI, regarding concerns, needs and inspirations, let´s meet next Friday June 28th, from 8:00 am to 10:00 am Beijing time. MEETING ZOOM LINK (Access Code: Sangat) 

We hope to count on your presence and willingness to dialogue! 

  • Upcoming In Person Forums —  We will have the blessing to be together in person, on August 3rd and during the EYF in France. If you are planning to attend the EYF and/or you are in the area, please come and join us!
    • Château de Jambville (near Paris), August 3rd, right before the European Yoga Festival starts. REGISTER HERE TODAY for the Forum!!
    • Florida, USA, at Winter Solstice in December 2024. Exact date will be announced soon
  • European Yoga Festival, France — From August 3rd to 11th join the European Yoga Festival, to deepen your knowledge, practice, and experience Kundalini Yoga through different workshops, inspiration and Sangat experience; explore devotional practice; and meditate deeply with White Tantric Yoga. Find all the information and Register Here. You have a discount as KRI community, using this code: KRI-10-OFF-2024

Trainer Update — June 10th, 2024

  • Thank you for attending the regional Meetings to connect with the new CEO — In the past weeks, we gathered in the North America, Latin America and Europe, Africa, Russia and ME Regional Meetings, with the purpose of dialogue with Jugat Guru Singh, KRI´s new CEO and the KRI team. 

Soon we will share with you written feedbacks that we are preparing for those who were unable to join us. If you wish to have access to the recordings, contact Ravi Prem Kaur at [email protected]

  • Asia and Oceania Regional Meeting – It will take place in June, with the same purpose of keeping the dialog between ATA trainers and KRI, regarding concerns, needs and inspirations, in order to keep us in a fluid and direct interaction. If you are in Asia or Oceania, we want to inspire you to join our team and meet Jugat Guru. Date and time will be announced SOON.

We hope to count on your presence and willingness to dialogue! 

  • Upcoming In Person Forums —  Once more, we will have the blessing to be together in person again, during June and August. If you are in the area, please come and join us!
    • Española, USA, June 14th, from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. Address will be sent to trainers that register. REGISTER HERE TODAY!
    • Château de Jambville (near Paris), August 3rd, right before the European Yoga Festival starts. REGISTER HERE TODAY!!

February 2024 — Trainer Updates

Trainer Update – 26 Feb 2024

  • Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – In loving memory of Sat Santokh Singh and Sada Anand Singh, and getting excited about our upcoming Global Trainers Summit.
  • Negative PR Heads-Up — We are letting you know about a new documentary series that is being shown on March 10th at SXSW among many dozens of other films.  It is called  “Long Time Sun,” and you can read more about it here.  We do not have any further information about the film, but anticipate it may contain some content critical of our teachings and community. 

As we have been clear about over the last several years, KRI stands firmly against abuses of power of any form.  And we are very proud of all the systems we have in place (truly the best in the yoga world) to promote a safe environment for all Kundalini Yoga students.  As you may be aware, KRI’s parent organization, the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation, has heard the concerns from some current and prior community members and created numerous healing initiatives, including an Independent Healing and Reparations Program, to address them.     

We hope that the limited release of this movie won’t have any negative impact on your classes and trainings.  But if there is more support that KRI can give you regarding how to best respond to student questions or concerns, please let us know.  

Finally, if you are approached by media for comment about this film or any other matters, please refer them to Amrit Singh for follow-up and to develop a coordinated response throughout our organizations. 

  • L3 MELA Español / Português 2024–5, 6 y 7 de Abril, Online

Ya está abierto el registro / As inscrições estão abertas.  Si ya formas parte del Nivel 3, te puedes registrar hasta el 22 de Marzo. / Se você já faz parte do Nível 3, pode se inscrever aqui até 22 de março.


Para iniciar tu camino de Nivel 3, primero debes aplicar. / Para iniciar seu caminho no Nível 3, você deve primeiro se inscrever.  

8 de marzo: cierre de aplicaciones. / 8 de março: data de encerramento das inscrições

Formulario de Aplicación
Contacto: Inderjot Kaur — [email protected] 

  • Level 2 certificate requests — For several years now, we have had an online form for teachers to request their L2 certificate. PLEASE OFFER this link to your students for L2 certificate requests. Upon the completion of all 5 Level Two modules, which cannot be taken in a time period of less than 2 years, the practitioner can apply for the 300-hour Level Two KRI Certificate of Training. Please make sure to inform all your students about the TWO-YEAR minimum policy.
  • Trainer Store Migration to the KRI Store — Please note that we are transitioning the Trainer Discount Store to the Source Store. All orders of Teacher Training Material will take place in the Source Store under the category Teacher Training Material” on the vertical menu on your left.
    • You’ll only see the Teacher Training materials once you’re logged in to KRI’s The Source Store with your KRI website account email address, the one that you used to renew your ATA Trainer license. Here is a Step-By-Step Procedure to help you place your order in The Source Store. 
    • If you want to provide authorization for any of your program administrators or managers, please use this form. If you have any questions, please contact your regional administrator.
  • Upcoming Global Trainer Summit — Registration is now Open! In April, we will have our annual global trainer summit, bringing together all members of the ATA worldwide.  April 20th and 21st will be at times convenient for Asia/Oceania and Europe, and April 27th and 28th will be at times convenient for the Americas and Europe. You can register here and check all the information. As always, we will have opportunities for professional development.  Instead of traditional workshop formats, we will have panel discussions around 3 topics — The History of Yoga, Online Training Best Practices, and Digital Marketing.  If you have an interest and skills in one of these three topics, please let us know by emailing Siri Sahib at [email protected].
  • Planning Ahead for 2024 Trainer Meetings — During 2024, we will have two opportunities to be Globally gathered online as Sangat of ATA Trainers; several opportunities to gather in person in different regions and  local online meetings with trainers of your country only. Through all these meetings, we have the chance to stay connected among Trainers Locally and Globally and bring the Sangat experience alive; keep deepening in our Professional Development as Trainers and have first-hand information and experiences with the KRI Team. Please, save the dates and join us. Remember as well that participating in these meetings at least once every 2 years is part of the requirements to move forward into the Academy. Looking forward to meeting with you Online and In Person!
  • Trainer Forum, in-person, Santiago-Chile. Date to be defined
  • Trainer Meeting, April 5th 2024, in-person, Buenos Aires-Argentina
  • Global Summit, April, online. Register HERE
    • April 20-21: Asia-Oceania & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
    • April 27 & 28: South – North America & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
  • Trainer Forum, Sunday May 19th, in-person, Mexico City-Mexico
  • Trainer Forum, Thursday June 13th, in-person, in Española. Just prior to Summer Solstice
  • Trainer Forum, Early August, in-person, Jambville, France. Just prior to EYF. 
  • Regional Trainer Meetings, October 2024, online.

Trainer Update — 12 Feb 2024

  • Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – Online Level One training proposal has passed, and invitation to participate in the April global trainer summit.
  • Level One Online Training Policy — This policy was approved by a majority of you all in the ATA – with 119 Yes votes, 28 No votes, and 10 no opinions.  The KRI admin team will now begin to implement it.  Thank you all for your participation!
  • Upcoming Global Trainer Summit — in April, we will have our annual global trainer summit, bringing together all members of the ATA worldwide.  April 20th and 21st will be at times convenient for Asia/Oceania and Europe, and April 27th and 28th will be at times convenient for the Americas and Europe.  As always, we will have opportunities for professional development.  Instead of traditional workshop formats, we will have panel discussions around 3 topics — The History of Yoga, Online Training Best Practices, and Digital Marketing.  If you have an interest and skills in one of these three topics, please let us know by emailing Siri Sahib at [email protected].
  • Spanish and Portuguese L3 MELA — Registration is now open for the Spanish and Portuguese Mela 2024. It will be held online on April 5, 6 and 7. If you are already part of Level 3, you can register until March 22. 


To start your path at Level 3, you must first apply. Applications closes on March 8.


For more information, please email Inderjot Kaur at [email protected]

  • Trainer Store Migration to the KRI Store — Please note that we are transitioning the Trainer Discount Store to the Source Store. Within three months, the Trainer Discount Store will be completely deactivated and all orders of Teacher Training Material will take place in the Source Store under the category Teacher Training Material” on the vertical menu on your left. You’ll only see the Teacher Training materials once you’re logged in to KRI’s The Source Store with your KRI website account email address, the one that you used to renew your ATA Trainer license. Here is a Step-By-Step Procedure to help you place your order in The Source Store. 

If you want to provide authorization for any of your program administrators or managers, please use this form. If you have any questions, please contact your regional administrator.

  • Planning Ahead for 2024 Trainer Meetings — During 2024, we will have two opportunities to be Globally gathered online as Sangat of ATA Trainers; several opportunities to gather in person in different regions and  local online meetings with trainers of your country only. Through all these meetings, we have the chance to stay connected among Trainers Locally and Globally and bring the Sangat experience alive; keep deepening in our Professional Development as Trainers and have first-hand information and experiences with the KRI Team. Please, save the dates and join us. Remember as well that participating in these meetings at least once every 2 years is part of the requirements to move forward into the Academy. Looking forward to meeting with you Online and In Person!
  • Trainer Forum, in-person, Santiago-Chile. Date to be defined
  • Trainer Meeting, April 5th 2024, in-person, Buenos Aires-Argentina
  • Global Summit, April, online. Registration will open soon
    • April 20-21: Asia-Oceania & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
    • April 27 & 28: South – North America & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
  • Trainer Forum, Sunday May 19th, in-person, Mexico City-Mexico
  • Trainer Forum, Mid-June, in-person, Ram Das Puri in Española. Just prior to Summer Solstice
  • Trainer Forum, Early August, in-person, Jambville, France. Just prior to EYF. 
  • Regional Trainer Meetings, October 2024, online.

July 2023 — Trainer Updates

Trainer Update — 31 July 2023

  • New Draft Policy Under Discussion – Online Level One Trainings – In 2020, we instituted a temporary policy that allows up to 100% online Level One trainings, with permission.  We had a directional vote in late 2021 that indicated that YES, the ATA wanted to see a permanent policy that was similar.  The Curriculum Committee has worked on a draft policy around online Level One programs.  Comments are being collected at the in-person trainer forums in the US and Europe this summer.  And of course, online comments here for everyone in the ATA can be posted in Sutra here.  Please let us know your thoughts – and your recommendations to improve this policy.
  • New Draft Policy Under Discussion – Changing the wording of the Level One Requirement for an Intensive Meditation Day – This draft will also be discussed at the in-person trainer forum in Europe, and is available for your comments on Sutra now.  The current Certification Requirements reads, “Participated in either 5 rebirthing kriyas, or one full day of group Kundalini Yoga-based meditation (such as White Tantric Yoga).”  Now that WTY is being offered in more places once again, we are proposing to change this requirement to: “Participated in a White Tantric Yoga course.  If there are clear circumstances that prevent attendance of a White Tantric Yoga course, the student can choose an alternate, deep, group Kundalini Yoga meditation experience (either 5 rebirthing kriyas, or one full day of group Kundalini Yoga-based meditation) as offered by any KRI licensed trainer.”  Your voice is important, so please participate in the online discussion or at an in-person meeting!
  • Level 3 Applications for Asia/Oceania Still Open – We are still planning an in-person event, to really immerse in the Level 3 spirit and build the community and support you need to go through this journey of realization. To make this possible, we need you to apply and register soon!
  • The DATES for the In-person Mela are October 28, 29, 30.
  • The LOCATION is Baan Phu Waan, 1-hour drive from Bangkok.

· The Arrival date would be October 27.

If you have questions, contact Inderjot Kaur at [email protected] 

  • In-Person Trainer Forum at the European Yoga Festival!  We will gather on August 4th & 5th at Château Jambville (France).  We are really looking forward to meeting in person! Each trainer’s presence is very important.

Please register now, and arrange your travel accordingly.


  • Free Group Facilitation Training – On August 3rd and 17th, Just Outcomes will be offering their final, free training titled, “Navigating Community Dialogue: Concepts and Skills for Group Facilitation” which is designed to equip participants with practical techniques and strategies for facilitating inclusive and transformative group dialogues.  You must register in advance for both trainings:

Part 1: Aug 3, 2023 9:00 am PT – 12:30 pm PT

Register here:

Part 2: Aug 17, 2023 9:00 am PT – 12:30 pm PT Register here:

Trainer Update — 17 July 2023

  • New Draft Policy Under Discussion – Online Level One Trainings – In 2020, we instituted a temporary policy that allows up to 100% online Level One trainings, with permission.  We had a directional vote in late 2021 that indicated that yes, the ATA wanted to see a permanent policy that was similar.  The Curriculum Committee has worked on a draft policy around online Level One programs.  Comments are being collected at the in-person trainer forums in the US and Europe this summer.  And of course, online comments here for everyone in the ATA can be posted in Sutra here.  Please let us know your thoughts – and your recommendations to improve this policy.
  • In-Person Trainer Forum at the European Yoga Festival!  We will gather on August 4th & 5th at Château Jambville (France).  Please register now, and arrange your travel accordingly.


  • Siri Singh Sahib Corporation election update – If you were a professional or lead trainer as of October 8th, 2022, you are automatically qualified to vote in this election!  Any other member of the ATA may have applied to qualify as well.  You should receive your online ballot today (17 July).  If you did not, please email [email protected].  
  • Update your Level Two Trainer qualification status – Please contact the ATA Regional Administrator if you have qualified for THREE or more L2 modules, or if you have any questions or concerns. The Level 2 Pathway changes now apply to both current and new candidates. Whether you’re a Level 2 trainer Candidate or Mentor, it’s crucial that you read and understand these updates. Access the complete new policy HERE

March 21, 2022 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

SSSC voting and 2022 KRI Outstanding Achievement Awards.


Upcoming SSSC elections

As previously mentioned, all Lead and Professional trainers areautomatically registered to vote in the upcoming (August 2022) SSSC elections. And interns andassociates can apply to be voters. KRI strongly encourages you all to exercise your right to vote!

Read more details in your language here:

English / Spanish / Portuguese / German / French / Italian / Chinese / Russian

2022 KRI Outstanding Achievement Award

As part of KRI’s efforts to increase the communityparticipation, we held open nominations this year for the KRI Outstanding Achievement Award.The honoree or honorees will be chosen by YOU–the members of the ATA! Read about the nominees in your language using the links below. And then vote for who you’d like to see recognized in this way here

English / Spanish / Portuguese / German / French / Italian / Chinese / Russian

Coming VICE documentary

We’ve received word that the VICE program, “True Believers”,featuring the SSSC and 3HO, will begin airing on 11 April 2022. While we have not yet seen the show ourselves, sources have indicated that the coverage of our organizationsand the practiceof Kundalini Yogais likely to be slanted and may paintan unbalanced picture of our communityand practices. We have prepared some basic information here to assist you, if needed, in dealing with the impact of this program.

Global Meditation to project for peace

We encourage everyone to be chanting the “Sat Narayan Wahe Guru, Hari Narayan Sat Nam” mantra to project for the end to all wars around the globe. 

3HO Europe has organized a daily online practice that anyone can join via their website

More transparency

At your request, KRI has a new webpage that describes the standing committees, how you can participate, links to previous meeting notes, etc. Check it out here.

Diversity Equity & Inclusion

KRI’s goal is to have our Level One graduates, members of the ATA, KRI’s staff and KRI’s board of directors to be fully representative of the communities we serve – and that means representative across all dimensions (such as race, gender and sexual identity, geography, socio-economic status, education level, etc.). We aren’t there yet, and so we need to keep inquiring about why. Why are there so few trainers of color? Why are the percentages of Level 1 graduates of color less than in the broader community? Until we can understand and address these issues, we won’t be as effective as we need to be in sharing the technology of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. A piece of this is our annual demographic survey – which will be part ofthe trainer licensing process this summer.

Upcoming eLearning Courses

Click below to find out more!

The SSSC is hosting an open Community Forum event, with 2 sessions, March 25th and 27th

Especially with Lead and Professional trainers now able to automatically vote in the upcoming SSSC board elections, learn more about what’s happening, and voice your opinions. Read more about it, find the meeting details, and links to register here.

March 7, 2022 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

Praying for Peace and KRI is turning 50 years old


Global Meditation to project for peace

We encourage everyone to be chanting the “Sat Narayan Wahe Guru, Hari Narayan Sat Nam” mantra to project for the end to all wars around the globe. 

3HO Europe has organized a daily online practice that anyone can join via their website

Reminder of the L2 Manuals International Distribution Policy

In October 2019 a new policy governing the distribution of L2 manuals in the English language and the available translation was approved. Its implementation for the L2 English manuals started by February 2020. You can read the complete Policy in HERE.

Copyright info: The Level One and Level Two manuals are copyrighted materials managed by KRI. This means that any reproduction, transmission and distribution of these materials – including photocopying or recording – without formal and written agreement constitutes copyright violation, so please do not email students PDF copies (even though this is how the Level 2 manuals used to be done)!

Trainer discount store

Find a global distributor near you

Diversity Equity & Inclusion

We continue to look at our welcoming nature, how to be more welcoming and inclusive to communities of color around the world. As a global community, this is a complex but much needed exploration.  Our 2nd annual ATA demographic survey will be held as part of the relicensing process this June; measuring how diverse are we and how can we grow in our awareness. Please take the time when you relicense to thoughtfully review this survey and answer the questions. 

If you would like to be part of the Diversity Equity & Inclusion committee, please contact [email protected].

Upcoming eLearning courses in January

Click below to find out more!

Circle Facilitation Training

Just Outcomes will be leading 4 different 3.5hr training sessions in Circle Facilitation in March.  One of the intentions of offering this, is to help build the capacity of leaders and community members to support compassionate reconciliation in the work that they do and that we continue to do all together. 

The SSSC is hosting an open Community Forum event, with 2 sessions, March 25th and 27th

Especially with Lead and Professional trainers now able to automatically vote in the upcoming SSSC board elections, learn more about what’s happening, and voice your opinions. 

Read more about it, find the meeting details, and links to register here

February 7, 2022 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

The amazingness of what we are offering, and the importance of pedagogy – ATA being the premier place to improve your skills and share with other trainers.


Regional Meetings Dates and Registration

Here are the dates for the Trainer Regional Meetings. Please save the date in your calendar and register today.  You can register for more than one meeting if you want.


February, 9th (Wednesday) from 5pm to 8pm (Eastern) / 2pm to 5 pm (Pacific)

  • ASIA

February, 22nd (Tuesday) from 7:00am to 10:00am (Beijing Time)


February, 11th (Friday) from 5:00pm to 8:00pm (CET)–ppjsqGtDIDPuEpeZX4yck0NeGhpf7


February, 11th (Friday) from 7:00pm to 10:00pm  (Argentina/Brazil/Chile Time)

The SSSC is hosting an open Community Forum event, with 2 sessions, March 25th and 27th

Especially with Lead and Professional trainers now able to automatically vote in the upcoming SSSC board elections, learn more about what’s happening, and voice your opinions. 

Read more about it, find the meeting details, and links to register here

Wanting to Qualify as a Level 2 Trainer?

KRI is looking to make sure our training courses serve the ATA by offering opportunities, especially if you have limited access to participating in Level 2 trainings.

  • If you would like to qualify as a Level 2 trainer (module by module) by participating on a KRI training team, or
  • If you are already a Level 2 lead and are interested in leading a KRI program,

Please email: [email protected]

Upcoming eLearning courses in January

click on any of the images to find out more!

January 24, 2022 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – Several community engagement happenings


Regional Meetings Dates and Registration

Here are the dates for the Trainer Regional Meetings. Please save the date in your calendar and register today.  You can register for more than one meeting if you want.


February, 9th (Wednesday) from 5pm to 8pm (Eastern) / 2pm to 5 pm (Pacific)

  • ASIA

February, 22nd (Tuesday) from 7:00am to 10:00am (Beijing Time)


February, 11th (Friday) from 5:00pm to 8:00pm (CET)–ppjsqGtDIDPuEpeZX4yck0NeGhpf7


February, 11th (Friday) from 7:00pm to 10:00pm  (Argentina/Brazil/Chile Time)

Wanting to Qualify as a Level 2 Trainer?

KRI is looking to make sure our training courses serve the ATA by offering opportunities, especially if you have limited access to participating in Level 2 trainings.

  • If you would like to qualify as a Level 2 trainer (module by module) by participating on a KRI training team, or
  • If you are already a Level 2 lead and are interested in leading a KRI program,

Please email: [email protected]

Vital Source access issue

KRI has heard of a few trainers being locked out of their VitalSource accounts (for access to the digital versions of the Level One and Level Two teacher training manuals) for “suspicious activity.” 

If this happens to you, you will have to contact VitalSource directly to regain access.  We aren’t 100% sure what is causing it, but it may be attempts to print the entire book. 

Compassionate Reconciliation Update

This important process is still ongoing, and KRI is participating.  They are sending out updates every 2 weeks, and you can sign up on their website to regularly receive these. 

Here is their latest update, with some important announcements.

White Tantric Courses are starting up again

Workshops are currently scheduled in Phoenix – March 12 and Mexico City – May 24.

You can check out their website for details

SSSC Job opening

The SSSC is currently seeking to hire a Meeting & Project Manager. This is a full-time, remote position.

Link to job description and application:

COVID safety

KRI wants all of you, and your students to remain healthy and safe. Back in 2020 we compiled some Kundalini Yoga tips for you and your students, which you can access again in English here. See below for translated versions.

We also urge you to follow your local COVID health laws and guidelines when running your teacher trainings.

We hope more and more of us can hold safe in-person trainings again in 2022!

中文 | Español​ | Français | Deutsche | Italiano | Português | Pусский

Upcoming eLearning courses in January

KRI Book release

Join us for a FREE Webinar to Meet the Authors of Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being Through Meditation, Mindfulness, and Movement A Guide for Educators. 

Wednesday, January 19th @7-8 pm Eastern Time (New York)

Bhajan’s Yoga: The Roots and Context of KYATBYB with Rob Zabel, MA ERYT-500. 

Live Session; Saturday, January 29th @ 8-10 am Pacific Time (Los Angeles); 15:00 GMT (London) FREE and keep replay for 72 hours or purchase the recording for $30 after 72 hours.

January 10, 2022 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

New Year’s greeting


Regional Meetings Dates and Registration

Here are the dates for the Trainer Regional Meetings. Please save the date in your calendar and register today.  You can register for more than one meeting if you want.


February, 9th (Wednesday) from 5pm to 8pm (Eastern) / 2pm to 5 pm (Pacific)

  • ASIA

February, 22th (Tuesday) from 7:00am to 10:00am (Beijing Time)


February, 11th (Friday) from 5:00pm to 8:00pm (CET)–ppjsqGtDIDPuEpeZX4yck0NeGhpf7


February, 11th (Friday) from 7:00pm to 10:00pm  (Argentina/Brazil/Chile Time)

Level 3 Melas in 2022

KRI is providing SIX options for you to participate in a Mela this year.


February 18-20, 2022 (Application Open until January 10th) (Registration for Returning Cohorts)

  • SOUTHEAST ASIA MELA in English (In-Person, only for New Cohort)

March 18-20, 2022 (Application Open until January 10th)

  • NORTH AMERICA MELA in English (In-person, Espanola – NM)

June 12-14, 2022

  • EUROPE MELA in English, with translations if enough participants (In-person, Fondjouan – FRANCE)

July 26-28, 2022

  • CHINA MELA in Chinese (In-person, Kunming)

November 4-6, 2022


November 17-19, 2022

Decision making principles

In this link, you can see the results of our recent poll about decision-making principles. The results show that all Values are important (An average above four). However, seven of the principles need more discussion; because they received more than 2 “I can not live with this principle,” or more than 4 “I can not live” + “I dislike.” Those 7 Principles are in Orange in the Document.

KRI is committed to listening to all voices, and we are creating an opportunity for discussion – especially for those of you who disagree with some suggested principles.

If you are one of those who have concerns or strongly disagree with any principle(s), please write your reasons to us ([email protected]) and/or register for a meeting with the Global Advisory Committee on Feb 9, 2022 10:00 AM Mountain Time

Once we finalize those principles, we will focus on how to use them for decision-making. Thank you to you all who are contributing to this process.

Updates about the relationship between KRI and the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation (SSSC)

As you hopefully know, a small committee has been meeting to discuss the concerns voiced by the ATA community about the relationship between KRI and our “parent” corporation, the Siri Singh Sahib Corp.  Please see this update for more information on this relationship, including the news that all Professional and Lead trainers will be automatically able to vote in the upcoming SSSC board elections (with interns and associates able to apply to be able to vote).

Reminder – nominate someone as a potential KRI 2022 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient. 

If you know of anyone (trainer or not) who has served the promulgation of Kundalini Yoga, please nominate them at the bottom of this webpage.   KRI will bring the nominations to the ATA to vote as to who the 2022 recipient(s) will be!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

We’re calling for new members of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee to join us to steer tasks and projects oriented to making KRI a more inclusive community. We hope to bring a fresh perspective to the global community that we already are, and we are open to receive creative proposals, bringing together trainers and from all our participating communities. Please write to Atma Chanan at [email protected] if you’re interested and/or if you have ideas that might serve this committee. Thanks! We appreciate your input.  

Upcoming eLearning courses in January

  • KRI Book release

Join us for a FREE Webinar to Meet the Authors of Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being Through Meditation, Mindfulness, and Movement A Guide for Educators. 

Wednesday, January 19th @7-8 pm Eastern Time (New York)

Live Session; Saturday, January 29th @ 8-10 am Pacific Time (Los Angeles); 15:00 GMT (London) FREE and keep replay for 72 hours or purchase the recording for $30 after 72 hours.

December 13, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

Shifting focus on KRI’s trainings to pedagogy research and to supporting newer trainers; and Mastery of the True Self book – 54 kriyas, 27 of which have never been published before, great for your more serious students, support for them improving their discipline.


TTEC follow-up

The Academy has voted to approve Proposals #1 and #2 – the simplification of the ATA paperwork and the restructuring of the roles of Inters, Associates and Professionals in the Academy. 

The Draft new Code of Ethics was vetoed by a few trainers, and so additional conversations will happen with them in January.  Once the next steps are clear for that proposal, you will be informed. 

Find the full voting results here.

As for the ATA changes, Hari Charn Kaur and Siri Sahib Singh along with the Professional Development Committee have begun the plan on how to implement them.  At the Regional Meetings in February we will discuss the plan with members of the Academy and begin to implement in March.  If you need help with an urgent situation regarding the new structure and policy please write to Hari Charn Kaur at [email protected]. Thank you

Decision making principles

Thank you to all of the trainers who gave input into the Principles.  We are now working with Just Outcomes on the next steps on how we will apply these principles to moving towards important decisions in the Academy and will have updates for you in the new year.

Regional Trainer Meetings

Last week a dedicated email went out to all trainers with detailed info about upcoming regional trainer meetings, trainer forums, and global summits. 

If you have any questions, please email Siri Sahib Singh

The Survey below is designed for you to pick the date and time for the first 2022 ATA Regional Meetings in February. Please click on the Button, go to the region(s) you will attend, and mark ALL the times that work for you:


Level 2 leads, please make sure you remind students in your Level 2 programs that they must spread out the 5 modules over a minimum of 2 years!  With so many Level 2 programs being online and hence easily accessible, we are seeing more students applying for their Level 2 Practitioner certificates with all 5 modules completed too quickly!

READ here the Certification Policy

Reminder – nominate someone as a potential KRI 2022 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient.

If you know of anyone (trainer or not) who has served the promulgation of Kundalini Yoga, please nominate them at the bottom of this webpage.  

KRI will bring the nominations to the ATA to vote as to who the 2022 recipient(s) will be!


Thank you ALL Trainers for your contributions in the E-Learning Center courses in these past 2 years! We continue to invite you to participate and share your wonderful knowledge and area of specialty, as we grow our offerings. If you would like to present a course please write to [email protected].

During the month of December, we have a special 30% discount on all courses!

Upcoming courses in January:

  • KRI Book release

Join us for a FREE Webinar to Meet the Authors of Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being Through Meditation, Mindfulness, and Movement A Guide for Educators. 

Wednesday, January 19th @7-8 pm Eastern Time (New York)

Live Session; Saturday, January 29th @ 8-10 am Pacific Time (Los Angeles); 15:00 GMT (London) FREE and keep replay for 72 hours or purchase the recording for $30 after 72 hours.

Career Opportunity at the Office of Ethics & Professional Standards (EPS)

EPS has opened recruitment for a new full time remote position, “Grievance Enquiry Lead (GEL)”.

This individual will lead each Grievance Enquiry Planning Team and be the primary individual conducting investigations/interviews for complaints submitted to EPS, KRI, 3HO-IKYTA, and SDI. While the grievance procedure will be the primary role, the GEL will also be involved in various EPS outreach and educational initiatives. This position presents an opportunity for an interesting, challenging, and rewarding career working in tandem with our sister non-profits (KRI-3HO-IKYTA-SDI) to address concerns, helping to build more ethical communities around the world, and playing an important role in helping to expand the reach of EPS via educational and communication initiatives.

EPS encourages qualified members of the KRI Aquarian Trainer Academy, the SDI Ministry, and our worldwide Kundalini Yoga/Sikh Dharma communities to apply. For details and to apply, see:

Have a Super Happy Holiday Season and New Year!

This will be the last trainer update email for 2021. 

Everyone at KRI send you a lot of love and blessings, and we’ll see you and talk to you again in the New Year!