March 7, 2022 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

Praying for Peace and KRI is turning 50 years old


Global Meditation to project for peace

We encourage everyone to be chanting the “Sat Narayan Wahe Guru, Hari Narayan Sat Nam” mantra to project for the end to all wars around the globe. 

3HO Europe has organized a daily online practice that anyone can join via their website

Reminder of the L2 Manuals International Distribution Policy

In October 2019 a new policy governing the distribution of L2 manuals in the English language and the available translation was approved. Its implementation for the L2 English manuals started by February 2020. You can read the complete Policy in HERE.

Copyright info: The Level One and Level Two manuals are copyrighted materials managed by KRI. This means that any reproduction, transmission and distribution of these materials – including photocopying or recording – without formal and written agreement constitutes copyright violation, so please do not email students PDF copies (even though this is how the Level 2 manuals used to be done)!

Trainer discount store

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Diversity Equity & Inclusion

We continue to look at our welcoming nature, how to be more welcoming and inclusive to communities of color around the world. As a global community, this is a complex but much needed exploration.  Our 2nd annual ATA demographic survey will be held as part of the relicensing process this June; measuring how diverse are we and how can we grow in our awareness. Please take the time when you relicense to thoughtfully review this survey and answer the questions. 

If you would like to be part of the Diversity Equity & Inclusion committee, please contact [email protected].

Upcoming eLearning courses in January

Click below to find out more!

Circle Facilitation Training

Just Outcomes will be leading 4 different 3.5hr training sessions in Circle Facilitation in March.  One of the intentions of offering this, is to help build the capacity of leaders and community members to support compassionate reconciliation in the work that they do and that we continue to do all together. 

The SSSC is hosting an open Community Forum event, with 2 sessions, March 25th and 27th

Especially with Lead and Professional trainers now able to automatically vote in the upcoming SSSC board elections, learn more about what’s happening, and voice your opinions. 

Read more about it, find the meeting details, and links to register here