January 24, 2022 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – Several community engagement happenings


Regional Meetings Dates and Registration

Here are the dates for the Trainer Regional Meetings. Please save the date in your calendar and register today.  You can register for more than one meeting if you want.


February, 9th (Wednesday) from 5pm to 8pm (Eastern) / 2pm to 5 pm (Pacific)


  • ASIA

February, 22nd (Tuesday) from 7:00am to 10:00am (Beijing Time)



February, 11th (Friday) from 5:00pm to 8:00pm (CET)



February, 11th (Friday) from 7:00pm to 10:00pm  (Argentina/Brazil/Chile Time)


Wanting to Qualify as a Level 2 Trainer?

KRI is looking to make sure our training courses serve the ATA by offering opportunities, especially if you have limited access to participating in Level 2 trainings.

  • If you would like to qualify as a Level 2 trainer (module by module) by participating on a KRI training team, or
  • If you are already a Level 2 lead and are interested in leading a KRI program,

Please email: [email protected]

Vital Source access issue

KRI has heard of a few trainers being locked out of their VitalSource accounts (for access to the digital versions of the Level One and Level Two teacher training manuals) for “suspicious activity.” 

If this happens to you, you will have to contact VitalSource directly to regain access.  We aren’t 100% sure what is causing it, but it may be attempts to print the entire book. 

Compassionate Reconciliation Update

This important process is still ongoing, and KRI is participating.  They are sending out updates every 2 weeks, and you can sign up on their website to regularly receive these. 

Here is their latest update, with some important announcements.

White Tantric Courses are starting up again

Workshops are currently scheduled in Phoenix – March 12 and Mexico City – May 24.

You can check out their website for details www.whitetantricyoga.com.

SSSC Job opening

The SSSC is currently seeking to hire a Meeting & Project Manager. This is a full-time, remote position.

Link to job description and application: https://kiitcompany.applytojob.com/apply/yH130zbcrC/Meeting-Project-Manager

COVID safety

KRI wants all of you, and your students to remain healthy and safe. Back in 2020 we compiled some Kundalini Yoga tips for you and your students, which you can access again in English here. See below for translated versions.

We also urge you to follow your local COVID health laws and guidelines when running your teacher trainings.

We hope more and more of us can hold safe in-person trainings again in 2022!

中文 | Español​ | Français | Deutsche | Italiano | Português | Pусский

Upcoming eLearning courses in January

KRI Book release

Join us for a FREE Webinar to Meet the Authors of Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being Through Meditation, Mindfulness, and Movement A Guide for Educators. 

Wednesday, January 19th @7-8 pm Eastern Time (New York)

Bhajan’s Yoga: The Roots and Context of KYATBYB with Rob Zabel, MA ERYT-500. 

Live Session; Saturday, January 29th @ 8-10 am Pacific Time (Los Angeles); 15:00 GMT (London) FREE and keep replay for 72 hours or purchase the recording for $30 after 72 hours.

January 10, 2022 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

New Year’s greeting


Regional Meetings Dates and Registration

Here are the dates for the Trainer Regional Meetings. Please save the date in your calendar and register today.  You can register for more than one meeting if you want.


February, 9th (Wednesday) from 5pm to 8pm (Eastern) / 2pm to 5 pm (Pacific)


  • ASIA

February, 22th (Tuesday) from 7:00am to 10:00am (Beijing Time)



February, 11th (Friday) from 5:00pm to 8:00pm (CET)



February, 11th (Friday) from 7:00pm to 10:00pm  (Argentina/Brazil/Chile Time)


Level 3 Melas in 2022

KRI is providing SIX options for you to participate in a Mela this year.


February 18-20, 2022 (Application Open until January 10th) (Registration for Returning Cohorts)

  • SOUTHEAST ASIA MELA in English (In-Person, only for New Cohort)

March 18-20, 2022 (Application Open until January 10th)

  • NORTH AMERICA MELA in English (In-person, Espanola – NM)

June 12-14, 2022

  • EUROPE MELA in English, with translations if enough participants (In-person, Fondjouan – FRANCE)

July 26-28, 2022

  • CHINA MELA in Chinese (In-person, Kunming)

November 4-6, 2022


November 17-19, 2022

Decision making principles

In this link, you can see the results of our recent poll about decision-making principles. The results show that all Values are important (An average above four). However, seven of the principles need more discussion; because they received more than 2 “I can not live with this principle,” or more than 4 “I can not live” + “I dislike.” Those 7 Principles are in Orange in the Document.

KRI is committed to listening to all voices, and we are creating an opportunity for discussion – especially for those of you who disagree with some suggested principles.

If you are one of those who have concerns or strongly disagree with any principle(s), please write your reasons to us ([email protected]) and/or register for a meeting with the Global Advisory Committee on Feb 9, 2022 10:00 AM Mountain Time

Once we finalize those principles, we will focus on how to use them for decision-making. Thank you to you all who are contributing to this process.

Updates about the relationship between KRI and the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation (SSSC)

As you hopefully know, a small committee has been meeting to discuss the concerns voiced by the ATA community about the relationship between KRI and our “parent” corporation, the Siri Singh Sahib Corp.  Please see this update for more information on this relationship, including the news that all Professional and Lead trainers will be automatically able to vote in the upcoming SSSC board elections (with interns and associates able to apply to be able to vote).

Reminder – nominate someone as a potential KRI 2022 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient. 

If you know of anyone (trainer or not) who has served the promulgation of Kundalini Yoga, please nominate them at the bottom of this webpage.   KRI will bring the nominations to the ATA to vote as to who the 2022 recipient(s) will be!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

We’re calling for new members of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee to join us to steer tasks and projects oriented to making KRI a more inclusive community. We hope to bring a fresh perspective to the global community that we already are, and we are open to receive creative proposals, bringing together trainers and from all our participating communities. Please write to Atma Chanan at [email protected] if you’re interested and/or if you have ideas that might serve this committee. Thanks! We appreciate your input.  

Upcoming eLearning courses in January

  • KRI Book release

Join us for a FREE Webinar to Meet the Authors of Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being Through Meditation, Mindfulness, and Movement A Guide for Educators. 

Wednesday, January 19th @7-8 pm Eastern Time (New York)

Live Session; Saturday, January 29th @ 8-10 am Pacific Time (Los Angeles); 15:00 GMT (London) FREE and keep replay for 72 hours or purchase the recording for $30 after 72 hours.

December 13, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

Shifting focus on KRI’s trainings to pedagogy research and to supporting newer trainers; and Mastery of the True Self book – 54 kriyas, 27 of which have never been published before, great for your more serious students, support for them improving their discipline.


TTEC follow-up

The Academy has voted to approve Proposals #1 and #2 – the simplification of the ATA paperwork and the restructuring of the roles of Inters, Associates and Professionals in the Academy. 

The Draft new Code of Ethics was vetoed by a few trainers, and so additional conversations will happen with them in January.  Once the next steps are clear for that proposal, you will be informed. 

Find the full voting results here.

As for the ATA changes, Hari Charn Kaur and Siri Sahib Singh along with the Professional Development Committee have begun the plan on how to implement them.  At the Regional Meetings in February we will discuss the plan with members of the Academy and begin to implement in March.  If you need help with an urgent situation regarding the new structure and policy please write to Hari Charn Kaur at [email protected]. Thank you

Decision making principles

Thank you to all of the trainers who gave input into the Principles.  We are now working with Just Outcomes on the next steps on how we will apply these principles to moving towards important decisions in the Academy and will have updates for you in the new year.

Regional Trainer Meetings

Last week a dedicated email went out to all trainers with detailed info about upcoming regional trainer meetings, trainer forums, and global summits. 

If you have any questions, please email Siri Sahib Singh

The Survey below is designed for you to pick the date and time for the first 2022 ATA Regional Meetings in February. Please click on the Button, go to the region(s) you will attend, and mark ALL the times that work for you:


Level 2 leads, please make sure you remind students in your Level 2 programs that they must spread out the 5 modules over a minimum of 2 years!  With so many Level 2 programs being online and hence easily accessible, we are seeing more students applying for their Level 2 Practitioner certificates with all 5 modules completed too quickly!

READ here the Certification Policy

Reminder – nominate someone as a potential KRI 2022 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient.

If you know of anyone (trainer or not) who has served the promulgation of Kundalini Yoga, please nominate them at the bottom of this webpage.  

KRI will bring the nominations to the ATA to vote as to who the 2022 recipient(s) will be!


Thank you ALL Trainers for your contributions in the E-Learning Center courses in these past 2 years! We continue to invite you to participate and share your wonderful knowledge and area of specialty, as we grow our offerings. If you would like to present a course please write to [email protected].

During the month of December, we have a special 30% discount on all courses!

Upcoming courses in January:

  • KRI Book release

Join us for a FREE Webinar to Meet the Authors of Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being Through Meditation, Mindfulness, and Movement A Guide for Educators. 

Wednesday, January 19th @7-8 pm Eastern Time (New York)

Live Session; Saturday, January 29th @ 8-10 am Pacific Time (Los Angeles); 15:00 GMT (London) FREE and keep replay for 72 hours or purchase the recording for $30 after 72 hours.

Career Opportunity at the Office of Ethics & Professional Standards (EPS)

EPS has opened recruitment for a new full time remote position, “Grievance Enquiry Lead (GEL)”.

This individual will lead each Grievance Enquiry Planning Team and be the primary individual conducting investigations/interviews for complaints submitted to EPS, KRI, 3HO-IKYTA, and SDI. While the grievance procedure will be the primary role, the GEL will also be involved in various EPS outreach and educational initiatives. This position presents an opportunity for an interesting, challenging, and rewarding career working in tandem with our sister non-profits (KRI-3HO-IKYTA-SDI) to address concerns, helping to build more ethical communities around the world, and playing an important role in helping to expand the reach of EPS via educational and communication initiatives.

EPS encourages qualified members of the KRI Aquarian Trainer Academy, the SDI Ministry, and our worldwide Kundalini Yoga/Sikh Dharma communities to apply. For details and to apply, see:

Have a Super Happy Holiday Season and New Year!

This will be the last trainer update email for 2021. 

Everyone at KRI send you a lot of love and blessings, and we’ll see you and talk to you again in the New Year!

November 29, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

Kundalini beyond borders program – KRI to give grants to help bring Kundalini Yoga to under served populations. 


TTEC follow-up

Based on the feedback from the TTEC meeting, Proposal 1 (Simplifying the ATA documentation) was not altered.  But Proposal 2 (Redefining the Roles in the ATA) and Proposal 3 (Draft new Code of Ethics) were both edited. 

Please see the final versions in Sutra at the links below. These are the versions that will be voted on Dec 1 to 7th via online voting open to all trainers.

Proposal 1 (Simplifying the ATA documentation)

Proposal 2 (Redefining the Roles in the ATA)

Proposal 3 (Draft new Code of Ethics)

Final Reminder – Help Prioritize some decision making

We will cut off getting input on Friday 3 Dec.  Before then, if you haven’t already, please take this short survey to evaluate a set of possible principles for decision making around key areas such as hierarchy and our future representations of Yogi Bhajan.

These principles came from the Oct 5, 2021 meetings you were all invited to.  They reflect the suggestions from trainers.  This survey will be used to the principles that resonate most strongly with our whole community of trainers.

KRI is recruiting

We are looking for a Marketing Manager (20hrs/wk) and a Reviewer Assistant (10hrs/wk). 

Both can be done remotely from anywhere in the world, and must be fluent in English.  Please email Amrit Singh for more detailed job descriptions if you or anyone you know are interested.

New edition of Reminder – nominate someone as a potential KRI 2022 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient

If you know of anyone (trainer or not) who has served the promulgation of Kundalini Yoga, please nominate them at the bottom of this webpage.  

KRI will bring the nominations to the ATA to vote as to who the 2022 recipient(s) will be!

White Tantric Yoga is hiring a part time executive assistant

Read the detailed job description and how to apply here.

The 1st White Tantric Yoga course

The 1st White Tantric Yoga course in almost 2 years will be held in Phoenix, Arizona March 12, 2022. 

Check out the schedule, as it gets added to, here.

Upcoming documentary

As a “heads up” to you all, we expect an hour long documentary, produced by VICE World News, about 3HO and Yogi Bhajan to be shown on some major network early in 2022 (we will let you know more precisely when it will air when we find out). 

They have informed us that, “The programme will also look at the allegations of sexual abuse against Yogi Bhajan from members and former members of 3HO. The programme will also hear from members and former members of 3HO who deny those allegations. We look at allegations of harsh living conditions within the boarding schools and ashrams. We also look at allegations of corruption within the businesses of 3HO followers.

November 15, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

Maybe remembering the point of our practice and all our structures and rules and policies – to help deliver spirit, and uplift and serve, to provide a container for the experience of the infinite, which actually cannot be created as any bureaucracy.   


Which Principles should KRI be applying?

Please take this short survey asking all trainers to evaluate a set of possible principles for decision making around key areas such as hierarchy and our future representations of Yogi Bhajan.  These principles came from the Oct 5, 2021 meetings you were all invited to – they reflect community suggestions and with this survey we will be narrowing them to the ones that resonate most strongly with our whole community of trainers.

Introducing KRI’s new Regional Administrators

As sad as we are of Sarb Jit’s retirement from KRI, we are excited by the introduction of a more localized focus via new regional ATA administrators. 

Puranjot Kaur, who was our contract administrator, will oversee this new system as our ATA Administrative Manager.  And each of you can now turn towards the region-specific and language-specific contact person:

Europe Karamjot Singh (living in Spain) – [email protected], languages: Spanish, French, German, and English

Asia Preet Kamal Kaur (living in China) – [email protected], languages: Chinese and English

Brazil/Portugal Puranjot Kaur (living in Brazil) – [email protected] – Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, and English

Latin America Janpal Kaur (living in Mexico) – [email protected] , languages: Spanish and English

US & Canada Dev Atma Kaur (living in New York) – [email protected]g , languages: English.

New edition of Vitality and Stress now available

The 3rd edition of the Level Two manual Vitality & Stress (English) has been in the making for several years and it’s now complete. Please criticize, share your feedback, insights, and suggestions with Ong Kar Kaur, so we can incorporate ongoing changes in the next round of Level Two material improvement.

You can purchase hard copies for your students here and the ebook version here. If you don’t like the new edition at all, the previous version is still available in ebook format through the Trainer Store here.

In two or three days, all Level Two trainers will receive a courtesy access code via email for this new edition of V&S. 

TTEC follow-up

Based on the feedback from the TTEC meeting, Proposal 1 (Simplifying the ATA documentation) was not altered.  But Proposal 2 (Redefining the Roles in the ATA) and Proposal 3 (Draft new Code of Ethics) were both edited. 

Please see the final versions in Sutra at the links below. These are the versions that will be voted on Dec 1 to 7th via online voting open to all trainers.

Proposal 1 (Simplifying the ATA documentation)

Proposal 2 (Redefining the Roles in the ATA)

Proposal 3 (Draft new Code of Ethics)

Lead and Professional Trainers will be able to vote in the 2022 SSSC elections

You can read the note from the SSSC informing about this here

All other trainers can apply to vote in the election.  Details about how that can happen will be send out later.

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility Consultant sought by the SSSC

Read the description and how to apply here.

November 1, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

KRI’s continued and growing support of trainers with more and more research and outreach to grow our community of practitioners.


TTEC meetings follow up

The next steps are integrating the feedback from the meetings, re-posting the edited versions of the proposals in Sutra, and then online voting for all members of the ATA the week of Dec 1st.

New Website

The Whole KRI team hopes that you will find it easier than ever to find the resources you and your students need at kriteachings.org

New edition of Vitality and Stress now available

The 3rd edition of the Level Two manual Vitality & Stress (English) has been in the making for several years and it’s now complete. Please criticize, share your feedback, insights, and suggestions with Ong Kar Kaur, so we can incorporate ongoing changes in the next round of Level Two material improvement.

You can purchase hard copies for your students here and the ebook version here. If you don’t like the new edition at all, the previous version is still available in ebook format through the Trainer Store here.

In two or three days, all Level Two trainers will receive a courtesy access code via email for this new edition of V&S. 

Open Nominations for 2022 KRI Honorees

Each year KRI has selected one or more individuals to honor for their lifetime of service (of any kind). 

You can check out previous honorees, and nominate any KRI certified Kundalini Yoga teacher (they do not have to be a teacher trainer) for the 2022 honorees here – https://kundaliniresearchinstitute.org/kri-honors/.

Celebrating some good news

The Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Association in Spain is celebrating the successful completion of one year of group sadhana together! 

Check out this video they made to honor this milestone. 

As they said in their WhatsApp group, “We are all one and through the daily group sadhana we work on our tolerance and humility.”

October 18, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – Principles versus Preferences

18 Oct 2021 Trainer update – Principles vs Preferences from KRI E-Learning Center on Vimeo.

Reminder – TTEC meetings coming upFree Registration NOW

28, 29 & 30 October

Track 1 – 10am-12pm NYC time (EDT)

Track 2 – 7pm-9pm NYC time (EDT)

Thursday Oct 28th – Proposal to Simplify the ATA paperwork

Friday Oct 29th – Proposal to Redefine the Roles in the ATA

Saturday Oct 30th – Proposal to adopt a new Code of Conduct for Kundalini Yoga Teachers

And a retirement party for Sarb Jit Kaur at the end of each of these sections!  If you’d like, please comment on her Kudo board here.

Key principles to guide KRI’s changes

On October 5th we had two sets of conversations facilitated by Just Outcomes. 

Participants began a process of enumerating key principles to guide our collective work around the role of hierarchies within the Academy, and how best to hold space for Trainers’ diverse relationships with the legacy of Yogi Bhajan.

Some of us KRI staff are still organizing the notes from these meetings, and we’ll reflect back in the next trainer update email the principles that emerged and an invitation to an activity where all of you can help take the next steps with these principles.

New edition of Vitality and Stress now available

We are pleased to announce that the long-awaited 3rd edition of the Level Two manual Vitality & Stress (English) is now available through Vital Source. The hard copy will be available for purchase through the Trainer Store by early November.

October 4, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video – TTEC schedule and KRI’s continuing holding of the same standards but with more compassion

4 Oct 2021 Trainer Update – emerging new directions and TTEC from KRI E-Learning Center on Vimeo.

Reminder – TTEC meetings coming up

  • Thursday Oct 28th Proposal to Simplify the ATA paperwork:  Track 1: 10am-12pm NYC time (EDT) and Track 2: 7pm-9pm NYC time
  • Friday Oct 29thProposal to Redefine the Roles in the ATA: Track 1: 10am-12pm NYC time (EDT) and Track 2: 7pm-9pm NYC time
  • Saturday Oct 30thProposal to adopt a new Code of Conduct for Kundalini Yoga Teachers: Track 1: 10am-12pm NYC time (EDT) and Track 2: 7pm-9pm NYC time

Register NOW for tomorrow’s Circle discussion around Hierarch

Just Outcomes will facilitate circles with trainers interested in deepening the conversation we started at the last Global Summit.

The prompt for these calls will be: “KRI is in a process of deep reflection on two intersecting issues: the role of hierarchies within the Academy, and how best to hold space for Trainers’ diverse relationships with the legacy of Yogi Bhajan. As the ATA moves towards decisions related to these issues, what are the most important principles that need to be upheld in these decisions?”

There are two-time options, both on October 5th (October 6th for Asia and Australia):

Time Option 1: 7:00 – 10:00 AM, PDT (Los Angeles Time)

Time Option 2: 4:00 – 7:00 PM, PDT (Los Angeles Time)

How to become a Mentor

As you may know, we have recently implemented a new pathway for becoming a mentor.  You can watch some short videos explaining this new pathway (on YouTube so with automatic subtitling in many languages), and/or read about it here, in the “Mentor” section.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sarb Jit.

Quarterly Regional ATA Meetings

As part of KRI’s response to the ATA’s expressed need for more localization and distributed authority, beginning in early 2022, KRI will sponsor quarterly Regional Meetings for Trainers and one Global Trainer Summit for all of us to come together. 

In place of the single, annual, in-person trainer forums in many places around the world, this new system will give all trainers 4 opportunities per year to come together.  Each region will have two online and one in-person (COVID permitting and with an online option where possible) meetings per year.  And we’ll continue to have one global trainer summit online each year. 

The Regional meetings will be an opportunity to: connect with trainers who serve in the same the region and address regionally specific issues, to discuss proposals for new policies that will be voted on online later, for discussion on topics of common interest, for orientation to the Academy for new trainers, and to connect with KRI staff.

Free, limited counseling available

In light of the conversations that have taken place within the community over the last 18 months, the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation has approved funding for a counseling initiative to help support members of the community in their processes of healing.

The program’s goal is to provide support for community members who wish to seek counseling or therapy related to their experiences in the 3HO community.  Eligible participants will be reimbursed up to $2,000(USD) per person for their out-of-pocket counseling or therapy expenses.

Additional details about this program can be found on this information and enrollment form (translated versions of this will be available shortly).  We hope this counseling support will be helpful for all who use it. If you have questions about the counseling support program, please email [email protected].

KRI : Bridges with Kundalini Yoga Therapy

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We are so pleased to announce that KRI supports Kundalini Yoga Therapy as an emerging bridge with public health, bringing certified yoga teachers into healthcare. If you are a Kundalini Yoga Therapist certified with IAYT or have a program that is credentialed or in process, please reach out to us so that we can collaborate and share your courses periodically. ([email protected])

If you want to try Kundalini Yoga Therapy, please look at Elements & Alchemy, offered by the Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine & Humanology as a pilot for our Bridges to Yoga Therapy program. Don’t delay, course launches Oct. 7th.

Free Webinar for Trainers with Gurumukh Mark Harris

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All Trainers are invited: Prevent burnout and deepen our self care to move towards truly helping this world in these challenging times. A special free webinar for our community to meet Gurumukh Mark Harris and understand yoga as a movement for social change! Once registered, the replay will be yours for free if you watch it and can be reused as material for level ones to explain outreach to specialty populations, and how to prevent burnout for yoga professionals.

The Experience of Awareness: Joy, Energy & Healing

As trainers we all want to be effective, authentic, and elevating. This global pandemic has raised our levels of anxiety, fatigue, and stress by 40-70%. At the same time, it brought a great disruption that led of us many to look inside to clarify our values, to find the courage for a new level of commitment and integrity, and to find meaningful actions to connect with others and make a difference in our world.

All teachers are invited: Deepen your meditation practice; Expanded Awareness for Joy, Energy and Flow; Peace and equanimity from anxiety and overwhelm.

aption for image

September 20, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video – Our annual report, and mark your calendars for TTEC and a free pedagogy webinar

20 Sept trainer update – annual report and save the date reminders from KRI Aquarian Development Series on Vimeo.

KRI’s Latest Annual Report

You can access KRI’s annual report for the period July 2020 to June 2021 here.

Reminder – TTEC meetings coming up

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 28, 29 and 30 October.  There will be (we think) 3 proposals – one discussed each day.  There will be two tracks each day to hopefully accommodate all time zones.

How do Adults Learn Best?  Become a Better Trainer with Easy Pedagogy Tips.

KRI is offering a free one-hour webinar on 11 November at 17:00 Central European Time, (11:00 in New York, 13:00 in Belo Horizonte). 

It’s valuable for us trainers to stop and ponder our own teaching from time to time. Whether we are interns or experienced trainers each of us has questions about pedagogy – the how of teaching.  How could this be taught more effectively, how to increase interaction, how to bring in something new, how to gain confidence, how to be more inclusive? If we are lifelong learners ourselves, we also have the opportunity to be empowering trainers. In this discussion session, you will get new ideas for teaching on L1 trainings. 

There will be room for pedagogy-related questions and sharing of best practices. The event will be hosted by Jagat Prem Kaur from Finland, who is a professional adult educator and a professional trainer. 

To attend, simply open this zoom link at the correct time: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82622886146.

Just Outcomes Update Letter to the Community

As a reminder, you can sign up on the Compassionate Reconciliation website, which is available in multiple languages, to receive regular email updates about this process.  The update (posted in the News section) from 3 Sept, includes invitations to several upcoming free workshops (Circle facilitation training, An Introduction to Restorative Justice) and Q&A sessions.

Special Trainer discounts on these upcoming online workshops!

In service we have curated the following E-Learning Courses with Special Discount codes 15-20% off for ALL Academy Members:

The Yoga of Intersectionality: African Roots of Kundalini & Social Justice

Intersectionality is where multiple external systems of discrimination and internalized oppression intersect, interact and force multiply. What we call social justice and civil rights struggle, has a millennia long history and praxis, rooted in cultures of tradition. If we explore the civil rights/social justice movement through our understanding of yoga; the inner warrior for social change emerges.

Elements and Alchemy

We are so pleased to announce that we are co producing a Kundalini Yoga Therapy course. If you are a yoga teacher that wants to go deep and understand the medicine of the meridian system and how asana incorporates meridian flow, this course is for you. If you are currently working with students as a healer or coach and are looking for certification, this course is an introductory course to the International Kundalini Yoga Therapy School. SPANISH TRANSLATION AVAILABLE FOR THIS COURSE

Power of the Navel: Adjustment, Alignment & Activation with Pavanjeet

Self Paced Learning with pre recorded content and Zoom calls: The path forward can often become unclear and it’s easy to feel lost. By centering and activating the navel point, recognize your inner strength and build clarity to walk your path confidently. In this three week series through yoga sets, meditation and self-massage you’ll learn how to adjust and activate the navel center to harness your own personal power and self-determination.

September 6, 2021 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video

6 Sept 2021 trainer update – new board members, looking for applications for regional ATA administrators from KRI Aquarian Development Series on Vimeo.

KRI is recruiting for two part-time ATA regional administrators!

Any of you are welcome to apply, but also please share with your teams or teachers in Latin America and Europe who may be qualified and interested.  The job description can be found here

Please email a resume and cover letter to Puranjot Kaur if interested!

Research paper into origins of some of the Humanology teachings

Please see this 2nd research paper that KRI commissioned into the origins of our teachings.  This one focuses on some of the lifestyle and humanology teachings.

KRI is proud to announce 3 new board members!

KRI is welcoming Dhyan Bhakti Kaur from the USA, Sohan Kaur from Italy (Germany originally), and Kirtan Mantra Kaur from Mexico (Argentina originally) to our Board of Directors.  For the future, KRI is committed to having the next board members be added via an election process. The details of such process aren’t 100% finalized, but you can read the rough outline in English below.  As always, comments are welcome.  Links to the outline in other languages are:









E-Learning workshop “Protection from Viral Illness”

With Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur – with COVID cases increasing in many areas, we’d like to share this video class again.

E-Learning Courses with Special Discount codes for Academy members

In service we have curated the following E-Learning Courses with Special Discount codes 15-20% off for ALL Academy Members:

Alive Leadership: Decision Making with GuruSangat Kaur PhD 

“Replay available if you miss live”

The Yoga of Intersectionality: African Roots of Kundalini & Social Justice

Embodying the 12 Steps: Freedom from Addiction with Kundalini Yoga & Meditation

Power of the Navel: Adjustment, Alignment & Activation with Pavanjeet

Have you renewed your Trainer License?

If you haven’t renewed your license yet, please do it by completing the form and submitting your payment.  A US$54 late fee will be applied after September 15th.

For those who have already taken care of your renewal, thank you very much!