Watch Amrit’s weekly video here
Wow there is a lot of stuff in this week’s update email!
Recent Trainer Meetings
If you were not able to attend to last Trainer Meetings in 13rd and 19th November, here you can find a direct link to see the recording. The conversations were deep, thoughtful, and impactful. The primary tone shows that our community of trainers is growing able to coexist and even thrive with a diversity of perspectives on Yogi Bhajan.
- Asia-Oceania Time Centered, November 13rd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tOAwYtezsI
- Occident Time Centered, November 19th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVDeKk0rrDc
Because there was some confusion about the framing for these meetings, and confusion around KRI’s stance, here is a short video clip from the beginning of one of the meetings that hopefully will make it clear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo0xsPiPHRA
Recent updates to The Aquarian Teacher textbook and yoga manual
The internal KRI editorial team has just made some improvements to the English version of The Aquarian Teacher Level One textbook and yoga manual. This new version is currently what is available in VitalSource, and will be printed into physical books at their next printing. These updates are also being shared with translators.
- Updated the Ethics section in Chapter 22 to include new Code of Ethics, links to online version of the Code of Ethics, updated 10 Rights of a Kundalini Yoga Student, updated and revised EPS Page. Additional Code Principles of the Code of Ethics have been placed in the new Appendix 1.
- Added Appendices 1-3:
Appendix 1 – KRI Code of Ethics — Code Principles 2-8, ethics article Understanding Power Imbalance in the Student-Teacher Relationship: A Yoga Student’s Guide
Appendix 2 – HISTORY/PHILOSOPHY CHART: AN OVERVIEW & KEY CONCEPTS IN YOGA HISTORY – Overview includes the key concepts and important texts from each historical period, a teaching or study aid. Downloadable link on p. 47.
- Added comprehensive new index with more than 1150 yogic terms with sub-indexes on yogic anatomy such as chakras and ten bodies, western anatomy, history and philosophy of yoga, and other important topics
- Consistency updates & minor spelling corrections, website link updates
- Added comprehensive new index with over 300 postures and yogic terms, with updated sanskrit terms for yoga postures
- Changes to Tratakum meditation section, focus on general Tratakum practices such as candlelight Tratakum
- Couple of kriya corrections
- Consistency updates & minor spelling corrections, website link updates
Improved access to ATA documents
The Aquarian Trainer Academy team is working towards a better way to make ALL academy and program administration documents available to trainers. In that process, you may have noticed that we have inaugurated the use of Google Drive documents, sharing with trainers a LINK where the most updated version and all the available translations could be found. These documents have restricted EDITING permissions and if you need to EDIT any document to use with your personal information some simple steps can be taken.
Find a short video about this process HERE.
New Tools For Assessment Between Mentors And Mentees
The Mentoring Development Committee created two new tools to foster authentic assessments from each perspective between Mentors and Mentees. These tools were adapted from the Indiana University School of Medicine. We recommend that they are used as a conscious communication mechanism within the mentor-mentee relationship annually.
E-Learning courses + Competencies and Units of Study Content Credits
To support your growth as a trainer, KRI has many online classes. Most of them directly relate to one of the trainer competencies or one of the content credit areas. We’ve organized a listing by competency and content credit area to help you find resources for what you need to develop.
New Versions of ATA Development tools (IDP, Units of Study, Competency forms – role specific)
- New Units of Study Content Credit Form – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P4BlpO4pjQNKKK792I4CF7ZtMUNSngHshxNFVoTzcuE/edit#gid=0
- New IDP – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s7Nde7oEuHvoQXomJcYJxQieZop0E63t/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114509722630653268841&rtpof=true&sd=true
- Competency Evaluation Form has been simplified and now is specific to each role. When starting an application Process please contact your ATA Regional Administrator to use the Role Specific Form.
Trainer Discount Store changes
The Trainer Discount Store is being merged to the MAIN KRI store and this process will be complete in the next following weeks. Since L1 and L2 Program manuals are sold ONLY to trainers and their administrators a membership permission will be granted to ALL active trainers and some known Program administrators.
Please USE THIS LINK to allow access to any Administrator/Organizer that should be able to order your program manuals.
Free online course
Understanding Pedagogy and Adult Learning: Tips and Ideas for Kundalini Yoga Teachers. Led by Jagat Prem Kaur from Finland. Can be helpful to developing Competency 3.8 – Course Facilitation Skills.
Live Webinar on Death and Dying
10 December 2022 from 11:00 to 14:00 EST (New York) – Jiwan Mukht – Experiencing Liberation while Alive led by Jiwan Joti Kaur.
Next Regional Trainer´s Meetings
Save the date!! Our next ATA gatherings by region will happen in January, so Save the date! Registration will open soon.
- US-Canada, Friday 20th January, 14:30 Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver; 15:30 Albuquerque; 17:30 New York, Boston, Montreal and Toronto
- Europe-Africa-ME-Russia, Wednesday 18th January, 17:00 Lisbon, 18:00 CET, 19:00 Israel & South Africa; 20:00 Moscow
- Latin America, Thursday 19th January. 15:00 Mexico City; 16:00 Colombia, Peru, Ecuador; 18:00 Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil and Chile
- US-Canada, Friday 20th January, 14:30 Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver; 15:30 Albuquerque; 17:30 New York, Boston, Montreal and Toronto
Online Global Trainer Summit 2023 – Save the Date!
In April 2023, we will have our next Online Summit. Please Save the Date! Registration will be open during January. We look forward to see you there
- April 29 & 30, Asia- Oceania Time Track Centered
- April 29 & 30, Asia- Oceania Time Track Centered