Sat Naam Dear Teacher Trainers,
At this time within our trainer community, and the community at large, there are different opinions about how to move forward. As trainers we remain united in our collective desire to serve humanity with these teachings. Our teacher training programs, in all of the diverse forms and styles and approaches that you all bring to them, remain powerful vehicles for transformation for many, many people. The times are demanding flexibility in HOW we deliver our mission, but the core remains – to inspire and teach, for the benefit of humanity, these precious yogic teachings.
- Updated Level One Teacher Training Textbook and Manual – KRI is trying to balance two priorities – an urgent need to have a revised manual out by the fall, so that those trainers who need this to run their upcoming programs have something different than the current manual; and our commitment to an inclusive process in determining the details of that updated manual. The reality of how much time a new, inclusive process will take would preclude having it done by the fall. So the plan is to have a two-phased edit of the textbook and manual.
The first phase of the plan is to prepare and have a digital version available in English by the end of the summer. This first phase version would utilize all of the collaborative input and small working group writings that we’ve been gathering for the last 2 years (which includes major re-writes of the Humanology, History, and Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma chapters). In addition, this version will include edits that broaden the focus of teaching while we will continue to recognize the contributions of Yogi Bhajan in bringing these remarkable teachings to the world.
Next, we will begin working on a fully collaborative Phase Two edition of the Aquarian Teacher, via the to-be-determined group decision making process that all trainers will all be invited to help co-create. This Phase Two version of a new Textbook would probably be ready in English for the fall of 2021.
- Aquarian Development Series Webinars this week and next –
- April the 29th, 19:00 EDT (New York) – Dhyan Bhakti Kaur Khalsa presents “Understand & Support your Intersex, Gender Non-Conforming, & Transgender Students” Live Webinar join the Sutra Circle today.
- Thursday April 30th , 12:30 EDT (New York) – Coronavirus: What to do! 4 Part Series, live and pre-recorded. Join Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur live in this four part webinar series as she strengthens our collective immunity with specific information about viruses and how to strengthen the immune response in the face of pandemics. Additional webinars will also be held Thursday May 14th 12:30 EDT (New York) & May 28th 12:30 EDT (New York).
- May 6th – 19:00 EDT (New York) – Sound & Mantra: Healing with the Siri Gayatri Mantra. Dev Suroop Kaur reveals secrets to healing with this special mantra: Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung. She will share her research, experience, correct pronunciation and ways that you can use this mantra in your life to help heal and help others heal. Join us for fun, warmth and exploration of this most beloved of Kundalini Yoga mantras! Replay available one week after live recording.
- Every Thursday 12:00 – 14:00 EDT (New York) – Heartstorming with Hari Kaur NYC. We invite you to join us as Trainers share Aquarian approaches for now and the future. Weekly sharing with Academy members on Content, Issues and Themes to further your Teaching and offerings! Especially for trainers who are still processing our community’s challenges with the Yogi Bhajan investigation. Join us for Cozy peer dialogue and best practices and tips in ways to bring the Teachings forward with verve and grounded in real practices.
- Date and time TDA – Tommy Rosen shares about Recovery 2.0! Through more than 20 years of recovery from addiction, noted yoga teacher and founder of Recovery 2.0, Tommy Rosen learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t work in recovery. He shares his techniques and inspirations in this 2-hour long webinar.
- 3 Wednesdays in June (3rd, 10th, & 17th), 19:00 EDT (New York) – Journey Through the Chakras with Pavandev Kaur. What are new and engaging ways to present the timeless teaching of the Chakras? In this 3 part webinar series, Pavandev Kaur offers a very brief history of the chakras as they were developed and used in India and how the chakras came to the West. She offers some tips and techniques for teaching the chakras to help the students have a deeper experience of their own energy system.
- July 15th, 17:00 EST (New York) – How to be Inclusive for different body types in Yoga Teaching with Ramdesh Kaur. Ramdesh Kaur, author of “The Body Temple,” teaches trainers and yoga teachers how to use inclusion-friendly language to have accepting classes that support and include all body types. Join us for the live webinar.
Video Message from Amrit Singh – Watch a short video message from Amrit Singh regarding his appointment as CEO of KRI beginning June 1st.
- International Online Trainer Forum – This summer, KRI will host an International Online Trainer Forum. While this event will not replace in-person Forums, in this time of uncertainty we want to maintain meaningful connection throughout our global trainer community. The event will be held over three days in the second week of July and will accommodate various time zones around the world. We look forward to a truly multicultural gathering that includes critical conversations, interactive workshops, peer sharing, and community building. Please support the development and planning of the event by taking this short survey: https://trainersupport.kundaliniresearchinstitute.org/international-online-trainer-forum-survey/
- The Global Healing Meditation continues – every morning at 6:30 AM New Mexico Time. Everyone can now join through Sutra. Each morning 50+ trainers, teachers, students, and family members join together to send healing to the Planet. We are separate yet powerfully together. This meditation will continue at least until June 14th. Here is an article which you are encouraged to share with your teachers and students. The meditation is led by a different participant each morning and in different languages. We close each day by chanting Akal for those who have passed. https://healing.sutra.co