February 23, 2023 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

Results of the discussions about the 2 proposals that were brought to the Jan 2023 regional meetings, and upcoming trainer events

Comments from Regional Meeting on the 2 possible new policies

White Tantric Yoga

Courses are starting up again!  Check out the 2023 schedule here, with possibly more cities being added soon, and with Summer Solstice and the European Yoga Festival also planning to host courses as well.  You can encourage your Level One students to attend if they can.  And please try to not schedule other workshops or trainings in the same city at the same time as at tantric course.

In-Person Trainer Forums at Summer Solstice and the European Yoga Festival!

We are so excited to be back in person with all of you who are able to make it to these amazing community events.  We will have trainer forums on Thursday 15 June at Ram Das Puri, USA (a one day event), and on 4 August and the morning of 5 August (a day and a half event) at Chateau Jambville in France.  Please, if you can, plan your travel to attend these forums.  Registration will be open soon! We are working on the agendas for each event and want to know what is important for you to talk about, experience and share. Please email Ravi Prem Kaur at [email protected] to share your thoughts and/or if you are willing to participate in a meeting of 1.5 hours for that.

Online Summit: “The Alchemy of Local & Global=Glocal”

An opportunity to gather with the Global ATA community and keep deepening fundamental conversations and skills. We hope to see you there! Registration opens this week!

– April 22 & 23, Asia – Oceania Time Track Centered 

– April 29 & 30, Occident Time Track Centered