April 2024 – Trainer Updates

Trainer Update – 1 Apr 2024

  • Questions?  The new KRI board of directors welcomes questions, concerns, and comments.  Please email anything you’d like to share to [email protected] by Friday, Apr 5th, and he will consolidate them all into a single document and share with all of you and the new board.
  • Global Summit — Registration is now OPEN for our upcoming Online Global Summit, April 2024!  We invite you to reflect on this year’s topic “Serving the World: Honoring what is timeless and stepping up to today’s unique challenges”. Please, come and register here

We will have Two Tracks: 

April 20th & 21st for Track One (Asia, Oceania and Europe Time centered); 

April 27th & 28th for Track Two (Americas and Europe Time centered).

The KRI Team, with the help and wisdom from the Global Advisory Committee, has prepared this event with much care and commitment, to offer this opportunity for connection, discussions and to nurture our knowledge and skills. Check the video prepared for you and all the information here.

Here is a link for Track One Summit Agenda & here is a link for Track Two Summit Agenda.

  • In Person Trainer’s meeting in Argentina, coming next Friday, April 5th. For more information,  contact Ravi Prem Kaur at [email protected]
  • In Person Trainer Forum in Española, June 13th. Save the date and more details coming soon
  • Project to Develop a Safety Concept – Spearheaded by Amrit Kaur in Berlin ([email protected]), check out this project for the European Community that you can be involved in.  Here is a write-up, and here is a short video about it.  

Trainer Update – 15 Apr 2024

  • Questions to, and Communications with, the new KRI board of directors — Many of you submitted questions for the new KRI board (and some for the SSSC board).  Here is the consolidated list of what is now with the new board.  If you have anything additional to ask, please email Amrit Singh.  The new board would like to set up an Information & Communications Committee, made of up 5 elected ATA members. This representative group of trainers would serve as a conduit for regular communications between trainers, the new CEO, and the new board of directors.  Once formed, this Information & Communications committee will work to get these questions addressed. If you are interested in serving on this new committee, please email Amrit Singh.  He will consolidate a list and then hold an online election to choose the 5 ATA representatives.  
  • Global Summit — Registration is now OPEN for our upcoming Online Global Summit, April 2024!  We invite you to reflect on this year’s topic “Serving the World: Honoring what is timeless and stepping up to today’s unique challenges”

Please, come and register here

We will have Two Tracks: 

April 20th & 21st for Track One (Asia, Oceania and Europe Time centered); 

April 27th & 28th for Track Two (Americas and Europe Time centered).

The KRI Team, with the help and wisdom from the Global Advisory Committee, has prepared this event with much care and commitment, to offer this opportunity for connection, discussions and to nurture our knowledge and skills. Check the video prepared for you and all the information here.

Here is a link for Track One Summit Agenda & here is a link for Track Two Summit Agenda.

  • Teacher Training Material on the KRI STORE:  We are completing the process of migrating the Trainer Discount Store to the RESTRICTED Teacher Training Material category under the KRI “The source” store. In a few days, the Trainer store will be deactivated. We have prepared a DETAILED DOCUMENT with the steps to use The Source store to purchase teacher training materials. If you have any questions or are having problems with your store access, please email Puranjot Kaur at [email protected].

New CEO ANNOUNCEMENT – 22 Apr 2024

Dear KRI community,

We are delighted to announce that Jugat Guru Singh Khalsa has assumed the role of CEO at Kundalini Research Institute. With extensive experience in practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga, Jugat Guru brings a wealth of leadership to our global community. We have full confidence that his presence will infuse our organization with strength, humility, grace, and excellence.

Jugat Guru has prepared a special video to introduce himself to you, and we look forward to providing numerous opportunities for further connection, both online and in person, at upcoming events.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Amrit Singh for his years of dedicated service to the Kundalini Research Institute. With deep appreciation, we bid him farewell and wish him the very best in all his future endeavors.

In service,

Harimandir Kaur Khalsa 

KRI Board of Directors, Chairperson

Sat Naam everyone,

It has truly been my pleasure to serve KRI (as board member, Executive Director, and most recently as CEO) for nearly 20 years.  I am grateful to all of you for the love and support over these years — they have truly been transformative and amazing.  

Please join me in welcoming Jugat Guru Singh as KRI’s next CEO.  

I look forward to KRI’s continued success under his leadership.  

In service,

Amrit Singh

Trainer Update – 29 Apr 2024

A farewell video message from Amrit Singh

Click on CC button (icon on the right side) to ENABLE automatically generated translations on the video.

Mensaje de despedida en vídeo de Amrit Singh — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

Un video messaggio d’addio di Amrit Singh — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

Un message vidéo d’adieu d’Amrit Singh — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

Eine Abschieds-Videobotschaft von Amrit Singh — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

Uma mensagem de vídeo de despedida de Amrit Singh — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

Прощальное видеообращение Амрита Сингха — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

阿姆里特-辛格的告别视频信息 — https://youtu.be/B41pPYPDxnE

March 2024 – Trainer Updates

Trainer Update

Letter to ATA from the SSSC

March 1, 2024

Sat Nam to all members of the Aquarian Trainer Academy,

Firstly, we extend our sincere apologies to the proposed KRI board members whose names were in the recent communication to the ATA: Harimandir Kaur (Albuquerque), Sat Kartar Singh (Albuquerque), Dharam Dev Kaur (California), Jaap Kaur (Phoenix), Nam Nidhan Kaur (Chile), Nam Kaur (Santa Barbara), Amanjiwan Kaur (North Carolina), Sangeet Singh Gill (Germany), and Guru Dubar Singh (Argentina).

Regrettably, their names were disclosed in the communication, and incorrect information about them was shared with you. All of them are exceptional teachers and sangat members, and their  applications to serve on the KRI Board should have been handled with confidentiality. We want to emphasize that at the time the letter was sent to you by Gurucharan Singh, the KRI Board applicants were unaware of the state of the selection process or the changes in the composition of the KRI board.

Rest assured, there is no intention to alter KRI’s mission — the focus will remain on expansion, and delivering the body of Yogi Bhajan’s teachings with consciousness and purity, exactly as he delivered the teachings to us.

The SSSC co-presidents and Executive Director will review all emails received in response to the letter sent by former Board KRI Chair, Gurucharan S Khalsa. The concerns and recommendations described will be systematized in a document and sent to the new KRI Board for consideration. The SSSC co-presidents are open to participating in meetings to address any doubts or questions you may have regarding the changes in the KRI Board.

These are the new members of the KRI Board who have been notified as of today: Harimandir Kaur, Sat Kartar Singh, Dharam Dev Kaur, Jaap Kaur, Nam Nidhan Kaur, Nam Kaur, and Amanjiwan Kaur. (The list given in the first paragraph was incorrect.)

We encourage your continued support for the Kundalini Research Institute and the ATA, and ask that you provide the benefit of the doubt to the new KRI board members before making any Judgment.

In the spirit of unity and growth, let us move forward together.

With gratitude,


Sat Nam, Aquarian Trainer Academy:

Greetings from the new KRI Board!

Firstly, we would like to express how excited we are to collaborate, enhance, and support the KRI Community and Family. We are still learning about the programs and initiatives that have been started and developed, both recently and over the last 50 years. But please make no mistake, we are excited to help SERVE and ENHANCE those efforts.

Secondly, despite the scenarios that have unfolded, we are looking forward to working with you in the spirit of what is most beneficial to the success of KRI’s greater mission, and in cooperation with all. As we are trying to on-board into such an amazing and passionate organization, we too were surprised by the dramatic and sudden changes implemented – removing the old board and Amrit resigning.  So, we are sensitive to the shock we all have been through.

We would like to present some specific assurances and actions to dispel the huge swell of rumors and misinformation about the board and our intentions.

1) It is not the intention of the new board to cancel or stop or alter ANY TEACHER TRAINING certification programs in progress.

2) The new board is composed of a group of people that are VERY interested in the KRI mission – FIRST and FOREMOST – and from a variety of backgrounds and philosophical orientations. We are part of the KRI diversity. We will send out our profiles shortly for your review.

3) The new board (as Gurucharan mentioned to everyone on the second group call) was mostly vetted by the “old KRI board” and has views in alignment with the greater historical mission of KRI and NOT the politics of the community factions –  which will continue to shift from election to election. Obviously, each new member has their own political views, but our purpose as a board is not a political one. Our purpose most importantly is maintaining the wellbeing of KRI. As we understand it, most of us were screened by the old board (who were suddenly removed) for our alignment with the KRI vibration and mission.

4) The new board hopes to take counsel from elder statesmen of KRI like Nirvair Singh and Gurucharan Singh, and also CEO Amrit Singh, to retain the enormous institutional knowledge of the last 50 years and preserve the incredible achievements of KRI.

5) The new board is a board of volunteers. We have our own busy lives but we all applied to serve because of our strong belief in the KRI mission and what the community is doing. We are also practitioners, teachers, and trainers. Just as all of you, we value our own time and want to serve KRI  because we believe in the mission. Our goal is NOT to torpedo the incredible work being done.

6) The new board is looking forward to meeting with the community to confer and connect and exchange and share as soon as possible. The historical institutional knowledge of KRI is extremely important for us as a Board in supporting KRI as an organization to move forward and we ask for that to be shared through this transition.

We would like to thank you all for your years of dedication and for being a part of this wonderful community of Kundalini Yoga teachings. We would like to give our thanks and appreciation to Amrit Singh and his team for their years of hard work and dedication. We will support the next chapter. The historical institutional knowledge is extremely important for us as a Board in supporting KRI as an organization to move forward and we ask for that to be shared through this transition.

In service,

The KRI Board of Directors 

February 2024 — Trainer Updates

Trainer Update – 26 Feb 2024

  • Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – In loving memory of Sat Santokh Singh and Sada Anand Singh, and getting excited about our upcoming Global Trainers Summit.
  • Negative PR Heads-Up — We are letting you know about a new documentary series that is being shown on March 10th at SXSW among many dozens of other films.  It is called  “Long Time Sun,” and you can read more about it here.  We do not have any further information about the film, but anticipate it may contain some content critical of our teachings and community. 

As we have been clear about over the last several years, KRI stands firmly against abuses of power of any form.  And we are very proud of all the systems we have in place (truly the best in the yoga world) to promote a safe environment for all Kundalini Yoga students.  As you may be aware, KRI’s parent organization, the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation, has heard the concerns from some current and prior community members and created numerous healing initiatives, including an Independent Healing and Reparations Program, to address them.     

We hope that the limited release of this movie won’t have any negative impact on your classes and trainings.  But if there is more support that KRI can give you regarding how to best respond to student questions or concerns, please let us know.  

Finally, if you are approached by media for comment about this film or any other matters, please refer them to Amrit Singh for follow-up and to develop a coordinated response throughout our organizations. 

  • L3 MELA Español / Português 2024–5, 6 y 7 de Abril, Online

Ya está abierto el registro / As inscrições estão abertas.  Si ya formas parte del Nivel 3, te puedes registrar hasta el 22 de Marzo. / Se você já faz parte do Nível 3, pode se inscrever aqui até 22 de março.


Para iniciar tu camino de Nivel 3, primero debes aplicar. / Para iniciar seu caminho no Nível 3, você deve primeiro se inscrever.  

8 de marzo: cierre de aplicaciones. / 8 de março: data de encerramento das inscrições

Formulario de Aplicación
Contacto: Inderjot Kaur — [email protected] 

  • Level 2 certificate requests — For several years now, we have had an online form for teachers to request their L2 certificate. PLEASE OFFER this link to your students for L2 certificate requests. Upon the completion of all 5 Level Two modules, which cannot be taken in a time period of less than 2 years, the practitioner can apply for the 300-hour Level Two KRI Certificate of Training. Please make sure to inform all your students about the TWO-YEAR minimum policy.
  • Trainer Store Migration to the KRI Store — Please note that we are transitioning the Trainer Discount Store to the Source Store. All orders of Teacher Training Material will take place in the Source Store under the category Teacher Training Material” on the vertical menu on your left.
    • You’ll only see the Teacher Training materials once you’re logged in to KRI’s The Source Store with your KRI website account email address, the one that you used to renew your ATA Trainer license. Here is a Step-By-Step Procedure to help you place your order in The Source Store. 
    • If you want to provide authorization for any of your program administrators or managers, please use this form. If you have any questions, please contact your regional administrator.
  • Upcoming Global Trainer Summit — Registration is now Open! In April, we will have our annual global trainer summit, bringing together all members of the ATA worldwide.  April 20th and 21st will be at times convenient for Asia/Oceania and Europe, and April 27th and 28th will be at times convenient for the Americas and Europe. You can register here and check all the information. As always, we will have opportunities for professional development.  Instead of traditional workshop formats, we will have panel discussions around 3 topics — The History of Yoga, Online Training Best Practices, and Digital Marketing.  If you have an interest and skills in one of these three topics, please let us know by emailing Siri Sahib at [email protected].
  • Planning Ahead for 2024 Trainer Meetings — During 2024, we will have two opportunities to be Globally gathered online as Sangat of ATA Trainers; several opportunities to gather in person in different regions and  local online meetings with trainers of your country only. Through all these meetings, we have the chance to stay connected among Trainers Locally and Globally and bring the Sangat experience alive; keep deepening in our Professional Development as Trainers and have first-hand information and experiences with the KRI Team. Please, save the dates and join us. Remember as well that participating in these meetings at least once every 2 years is part of the requirements to move forward into the Academy. Looking forward to meeting with you Online and In Person!
  • Trainer Forum, in-person, Santiago-Chile. Date to be defined
  • Trainer Meeting, April 5th 2024, in-person, Buenos Aires-Argentina
  • Global Summit, April, online. Register HERE
    • April 20-21: Asia-Oceania & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
    • April 27 & 28: South – North America & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
  • Trainer Forum, Sunday May 19th, in-person, Mexico City-Mexico
  • Trainer Forum, Thursday June 13th, in-person, in Española. Just prior to Summer Solstice
  • Trainer Forum, Early August, in-person, Jambville, France. Just prior to EYF. 
  • Regional Trainer Meetings, October 2024, online.

Trainer Update — 12 Feb 2024

  • Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – Online Level One training proposal has passed, and invitation to participate in the April global trainer summit.
  • Level One Online Training Policy — This policy was approved by a majority of you all in the ATA – with 119 Yes votes, 28 No votes, and 10 no opinions.  The KRI admin team will now begin to implement it.  Thank you all for your participation!
  • Upcoming Global Trainer Summit — in April, we will have our annual global trainer summit, bringing together all members of the ATA worldwide.  April 20th and 21st will be at times convenient for Asia/Oceania and Europe, and April 27th and 28th will be at times convenient for the Americas and Europe.  As always, we will have opportunities for professional development.  Instead of traditional workshop formats, we will have panel discussions around 3 topics — The History of Yoga, Online Training Best Practices, and Digital Marketing.  If you have an interest and skills in one of these three topics, please let us know by emailing Siri Sahib at [email protected].
  • Spanish and Portuguese L3 MELA — Registration is now open for the Spanish and Portuguese Mela 2024. It will be held online on April 5, 6 and 7. If you are already part of Level 3, you can register until March 22. 


To start your path at Level 3, you must first apply. Applications closes on March 8.


For more information, please email Inderjot Kaur at [email protected]

  • Trainer Store Migration to the KRI Store — Please note that we are transitioning the Trainer Discount Store to the Source Store. Within three months, the Trainer Discount Store will be completely deactivated and all orders of Teacher Training Material will take place in the Source Store under the category Teacher Training Material” on the vertical menu on your left. You’ll only see the Teacher Training materials once you’re logged in to KRI’s The Source Store with your KRI website account email address, the one that you used to renew your ATA Trainer license. Here is a Step-By-Step Procedure to help you place your order in The Source Store. 

If you want to provide authorization for any of your program administrators or managers, please use this form. If you have any questions, please contact your regional administrator.

  • Planning Ahead for 2024 Trainer Meetings — During 2024, we will have two opportunities to be Globally gathered online as Sangat of ATA Trainers; several opportunities to gather in person in different regions and  local online meetings with trainers of your country only. Through all these meetings, we have the chance to stay connected among Trainers Locally and Globally and bring the Sangat experience alive; keep deepening in our Professional Development as Trainers and have first-hand information and experiences with the KRI Team. Please, save the dates and join us. Remember as well that participating in these meetings at least once every 2 years is part of the requirements to move forward into the Academy. Looking forward to meeting with you Online and In Person!
  • Trainer Forum, in-person, Santiago-Chile. Date to be defined
  • Trainer Meeting, April 5th 2024, in-person, Buenos Aires-Argentina
  • Global Summit, April, online. Registration will open soon
    • April 20-21: Asia-Oceania & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
    • April 27 & 28: South – North America & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
  • Trainer Forum, Sunday May 19th, in-person, Mexico City-Mexico
  • Trainer Forum, Mid-June, in-person, Ram Das Puri in Española. Just prior to Summer Solstice
  • Trainer Forum, Early August, in-person, Jambville, France. Just prior to EYF. 
  • Regional Trainer Meetings, October 2024, online.

January 2024 – Trainer Update

Trainer Update – 29 Jan 2024

  • Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – Vote on a draft new policy!  White paper about creating new kriyas.  New research papers added to the library on our website.
  • KRI’s stance about the creation of new kriyas — There have been some questions recently about this.  Please read KRI’s stance and rationale on this in this White Paper.  The bottom line is that KRI’s mission is about preserving and sharing Yogi Bhajan’s teachings.
  • First Ever Kundalini Yoga Research Symposium — This coming February, KRI is very proud to be organizing the first ever Symposium on Kundalini Yoga: Scientific Research and Applications for Health and Therapy.  Because you trainers are the core of KRI, we are offering this event to you for FREE. You can register with the coupon “RESYM” for this online event, February 10th.  This global online event brings together leading experts in the field of Kundalini Yoga to explore the latest developments in Kundalini Yoga and its potential applications for healing, well-being and therapy. The symposium will feature a range of presentations and discussions, covering topics such as the neuroscience of Kundalini Yoga, the use of Kundalini Yoga in a variety of populations and settings, including addiction treatment, trauma recovery, teaching in schools, among others.  

Read more detail about the program and all the presenters here.  

  • Trainer Store Migration to the KRI Store — Please note that we are transitioning the Trainer Discount Store to the Source Store. Within three months, the Trainer Discount Store will be completely deactivated and all orders of Teacher Training Material will take place in the Source Store under the category Teacher Training Material” on the vertical menu on your left. You’ll only see the Teacher Training materials once you’re logged in to KRI’s The Source Store with your KRI website account email address, the one that you used to renew your ATA Trainer license. Here is a Step-By-Step Procedure to help you place your order in The Source Store. 

If you want to provide authorization for any of your program administrators or managers, please use this form. If you have any questions, please contact your regional administrator.

  • Planning Ahead for 2024 Trainer Meetings — During 2024, we will have two opportunities to be Globally gathered online as Sangat of ATA Trainers; several opportunities to gather in person in different regions and  local online meetings with trainers of your country only. Through all these meetings, we have the chance to stay connected among Trainers Locally and Globally and bring the Sangat experience alive; keep deepening in our Professional Development as Trainers and have first-hand information and experiences with the KRI Team. Please, save the dates and join us. Remember as well that participating in these meetings at least once every 2 years is part of the requirements to move forward into the Academy. Looking forward to meeting with you Online and In Person!
  • Trainer Forum, in-person, Santiago-Chile. Date to be defined
  • Trainer Meeting, April 5th 2024, in-person, Buenos Aires-Argentina
  • Global Summit, April, online. Registration will open soon
    • April 20-21: Asia-Oceania & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
    • April 27 & 28: South – North America & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
  • Trainer Forum, Sunday May 19th, in-person, Mexico City-Mexico
  • Trainer Forum, Mid-June, in-person, Ram Das Puri in Española. Just prior to Summer Solstice
  • Trainer Forum, Early August, in-person, Jambville, France. Just prior to EYF. 
  • Regional Trainer Meetings, October 2024, online.

Trainer Update – 15 Jan 2024

  • Level One Online Training Policy — The Curriculum Committee has taken your feedback and modified this policy proposal. The final version, the one that you will be voting on, is now posted in Sutra. You can also read it directly (with links to multiple languages) here.  Please comment there — but keep in mind that we won’t be modifying the wording at this time.  In a few weeks, we will open up an online vote either “yes” or “no” to adopt this as our policy for now.
  • First Ever Kundalini Yoga Research Symposium — This coming February, KRI is very proud to be organizing the first ever Symposium on Kundalini Yoga: Scientific Research and Applications for Health and Therapy.  Because you trainers are the core of KRI, we are offering this event to you for FREE. You can register with the coupon “RESYM” for this online event, February 10th.  This global online event brings together leading experts in the field of Kundalini Yoga to explore the latest developments in Kundalini Yoga and its potential applications for healing, well-being and therapy. The symposium will feature a range of presentations and discussions, covering topics such as the neuroscience of Kundalini Yoga, the use of Kundalini Yoga in a variety of populations and settings, including addiction treatment, trauma recovery, teaching in schools, among others.  

Read more detail about the program and all the presenters here.  

  • Trainer Store Migration to the KRI Store — Please note that we are transitioning the Trainer Discount Store to the Source Store. Within three months, the Trainer Discount Store will be completely deactivated and all orders of Teacher Training Material will take place in the Source Store under the category Teacher Training Material” on the vertical menu on your left. You’ll only see the Teacher Training materials once you’re logged in to KRI’s The Source Store with your KRI website account email address, the one that you used to renew your ATA Trainer license. Here is a Step-By-Step Procedure to help you place your order in The Source Store. 

If you want to provide authorization for any of your program administrators or managers, please use this form. If you have any questions, please contact your regional administrator.

  • Planning Ahead for 2024 Trainer Meetings — During 2024, we will have two opportunities to be Globally gathered online as Sangat of ATA Trainers; several opportunities to gather in person in different regions and  local online meetings with trainers of your country only. Through all these meetings, we have the chance to stay connected among Trainers Locally and Globally and bring the Sangat experience alive; keep deepening in our Professional Development as Trainers and have first-hand information and experiences with the KRI Team. Please, save the dates and join us. Remember as well that participating in these meetings at least once every 2 years is part of the requirements to move forward into the Academy. Looking forward to meeting with you Online and In Person!
  • Trainer Forum, March 2024, in-person, Santiago-Chile
  • Trainer Meeting, April 2024, in-person, Buenos Aires-Argentina
  • Global Summit, April, online.
    • April 20-21: Asia-Oceania & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
    • April 27 & 28: South – North America & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
  • Trainer Forum, Mid-May, close to Tantric, in-person, Mexico City-Mexico
  • Trainer Forum, Mid-June, in-person, Ram Das Puri in Española. Just prior to Summer Solstice
  • Trainer Forum, Early August, in-person, Jambville, France. Just prior to EYF. 
  • Regional Trainer Meetings, October 2024, online.

December 2023 – Trainers Update

Trainer Update – 11 Dec 2023

  • Level One Requirement for an Intensive Meditation Day — The feedback from the recent trainer meetings, and on Sutra, was pretty overwhelming (though of course not unanimous!) in its support for our current policy.  Therefore, the curriculum committee is withdrawing the proposal to change the requirement. The discussions also pointed out that the current policy is not clearly worded.  So the curriculum committee worked on this newly worded policy document.  This is NOT a change to our policy, simply an improvement in how it’s communicated.  Please refer to this new wording, and let us know if you have any questions.  The updated L1 certification requirements form is available as well.  
  • Level Three is thriving! — 2023 had great results. This year we successfully ran 3 Melas with new cohorts joining in each of them. There were also some people certifying and some amazing Seva Projects, which you can see on our Seva webpage.  Overall, we had 54 returning participants and 37 new Level 3 students. Next year’s dates are set, and we will be accepting applications as of January 2024, please visit our website: https://kundaliniresearchinstitute.org/en/level-three-journey/level-three-journey/

Please join us and share with your students!  For more information, contact Inderjot Kaur at [email protected].

  • First Ever Kundalini Yoga Research Symposium — This coming February, KRI is very proud to be organizing the first ever Symposium on Kundalini Yoga: Scientific Research and Applications for Health and Therapy.  Because you trainers are the core of KRI, we are offering this event to you for FREE. You can register with the coupon “RESYM” for this online event, February 10th.  This global online event brings together leading experts in the field of Kundalini Yoga to explore the latest developments in Kundalini Yoga and its potential applications for healing, well-being and therapy. The symposium will feature a range of presentations and discussions, covering topics such as the neuroscience of Kundalini Yoga, the use of Kundalini Yoga in a variety of populations and settings, including addiction treatment, trauma recovery, teaching in schools, among others.  

Read more detail about the program and all the presenters here.  

  • In Person Trainer Forum at Winter Solstice – All is prepared for our next Trainer Forum at Winter Solstice in Florida that starts next week on December 15th at 3:30 pm. If you are coming to Winter Solstice please join us! You are still on time to register here. Contact Ravi Prem Kaur at [email protected] if you have any questions.
  • Planning Ahead for 2024 Trainer Meetings — During 2024, we will have two opportunities to be Globally gathered online as Sangat of ATA Trainers; several opportunities to gather in person in different regions and  local online meetings with trainers of your country only. Through all these meetings, we have the chance to stay connected among Trainers Locally and Globally and bring the Sangat experience alive; keep deepening in our Professional Development as Trainers and have first-hand information and experiences with the KRI Team. Please, save the dates and join us. Remember as well that participating in these meetings at least once every 2 years is part of the requirements to move forward into the Academy. Looking forward to meeting with you Online and In Person!
  • Trainer Forum, March 2024, in-person, Santiago-Chile
  • Trainer Meeting, April 2024, in-person, Buenos Aires-Argentina
  • Global Summit, April, online.
    • April 20-21: Asia-Oceania & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
    • April 27 & 28: South – North America & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
  • Trainer Forum, Mid-May, close to Tantric, in-person, Mexico City-Mexico
  • Trainer Forum, Mid-June, in-person, Ram Das Puri in Española. Just prior to Summer Solstice
  • Trainer Forum, Early August, in-person, Jambville, France. Just prior to EYF. 
  • Regional Trainer Meetings, October 2024, online.
  • Trainer Store Migration to the KRI Store — We are working on the full migration of the Trainer Discount store to the main KRI store, which should be completed early next year. All active ATA Trainers will have access to the restricted teacher training material, using their ATA Trainer account on the KRI website. If you need to grant that access to a Program Administrator to order manuals for your courses, please FILL OUT THIS SIMPLE ONLINE FORM, so this membership can be processed.

November 2023 – Trainer Update

Trainer Update – 13 Nov 2023

  • Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – Two proposals moving towards a final vote.  Read the notes from the in-person trainer meetings on Sutra, and make your final comments for the committee that will reword them for a final vote.
  • Moving to Finalize and then Vote upon Two ATA Proposals – Please check out the discussion boards below, as they now have the notes from the in-person and online trainer meetings.  You are invited to make any additional comments for the next few weeks.  Then the Curriculum Committee will review all the comments, edit the proposals, and then publish for final review and vote.
  • KRI Answers Your Questions – Thank you trainers for attending last October Regional Meetings. In this link you will find short videos with the recording of KRI´s answers to the questions you summited from all over the world. We hope this will be useful for you all.
  • In-Person Trainer Forum at Winter Solstice!  We look forward to being together in Florida for our next in person trainer forum at Winter Solstice! It will be at a new campsite in Lake Wales, FL, and our trainer gathering will be on-site beginning the day before (so the trainer meeting is the afternoon of December 15th and the morning of December 16th). Read more and register here.
  • Best Practices for Online Training – From the discussions at the recent regional trainer meetings, a request was made for KRI to provide additional support for trainers in how to improve at delivering online trainings.  We will take this on as a project.  If you have tips and best practices from your experimentation, please share them with the rest of the ATA via your peer-to-peer PEDAGOGY TOOLS sharing webpages here.  
  • First Ever Kundalini Yoga Research Symposium – This coming February, KRI is very proud to be organizing the first ever Symposium on Kundalini Yoga: Scientific Research and Applications for Health and Therapy.  Because you trainers are the core of KRI, we are offering this event to you for FREE. You can register with the coupon “RESYM” for this online event, February 10th.  This global online event brings together leading experts in the field of Kundalini Yoga to explore the latest developments in Kundalini Yoga and its potential applications for healing, well-being and therapy. The symposium will feature a range of presentations and discussions, covering topics such as the neuroscience of Kundalini Yoga, the use of Kundalini Yoga in a variety of populations and settings, including addiction treatment, trauma recovery, teaching in schools, among others.  Read more detail about the program and all the presenters here.  

October 2023 – Trainer Updates

Trainer Update – 02 Oct 2023

  • Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – thinking of service – KRI provides a platform on which you all can serve better –  LOT, books, research, PR to generate interest in KY so every teacher and trainer can be prosperous.  Winter Solstice trainer forum. 
  • October 2023 Online Regional Meetings. Our next opportunity to gather together will be ONLINE in October.  We will discuss topics that are relevant regionally and stay connected with your peers locally. These will be focused meetings that also nurture dialogues and conversations that can lead to future ATA decisions.  Registration will be open soon!  See below for the schedule of these online meetings:
    • Latin America (en Español): Thursday, October 19th   16:00-18:00 México; 17:00-19:00 Colombia; 19:00-21:00 Chile
    • Asia/South East Asia-Oceania (in English with Chinese translation): Tuesday, October 24th 5:30-7:30 Sri Lanka; 7:00-9:00 Cambodia; 8:00-10:00 Shanghai, Singapore, and Taiwan; 11:00-13:00 Sydney
    • North America (in English):  Tuesday, October 24th . 15:00-17:00 L.A.; 18:00-20:00 NYC
    • Europe-ME-Africa and Russia (in English with translations into languages (French, Russian, Italian, Spanish) as needed): Thursday, October 26th 17:00-19:00 Lisbon; 18:00-20:00 CET; 19:00-21:00 Moscow
  • Upcoming Melas – Level 3 – We are now receiving Applications for Level 3! At this time, you can apply if you are interested in starting your Level 3 journey in either one of these two cohorts, which will have Gateway Melas in November 2023.

• Global English Online: November 17-19 Apply here https://kundaliniresearchinstitute.org/en/product/global-english-mela-application/

• China in person: November 3-5 Apply here https://kundaliniresearchinstitute.org/zh-hans/product/global-chinese-mela-application/

For those already in Level 3, registration is also open for both upcoming Melas in November.  The KRI Level Three program is a personal journey to Self-Realization. It completes the Aquarian Teacher Training by cultivating the True Identity as teachers through meditative experience, spiritual maturity and serving others.

  • In-Person Trainer Forum at Winter Solstice!  Sorry that we forgot to include the winter solstice in-person trainer forum in the last trainer update.  Winter Solstice will be at a new campsite in Lake Wales, FL, and our trainer gathering will be on-site beginning the day before (so the trainer meeting is the afternoon of Dec 15th and the morning of Dec 16th).  Read more and register here.  
  • Intensive Day of Meditation Sign-off forms – Especially now that WTY courses are happening again, there has been some confusion about signing off on attendance at the required day of intensive group meditation.  Therefore, we have added a sign-off section for the Intensive Day of meditation on the L1 Certification Requirement form.  We have also made a stand-alone sign-off sheet, in case trainers and Administrators need the form separately from the L1 Requirement Form – Intensive Meditation day completion form.

Useful links to L1 Admin ChecklistL2 Admin Checklist 21 Stages Checklist

Trainer Update – 23 Oct 2023

  • Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – research conference and our upcoming research symposium, and how KRI can be an engine of growth for all teachers and trainers.
  • First Ever Kundalini Yoga Research Symposium – This coming February, KRI is very proud to be organizing the first ever Symposium on Kundalini Yoga: Scientific Research and Applications for Health and Therapy.  Because you trainers are the core of KRI, we are offering this event to you for FREE.  You can register with the coupon “RESYM” for this online event Feb 10th.  This global online event brings together leading experts in the field of Kundalini Yoga to explore the latest developments in Kundalini Yoga and its potential applications for healing, well-being and therapy. The symposium will feature a range of presentations and discussions, covering topics such as the neuroscience of Kundalini Yoga, the use of Kundalini Yoga in a variety of populations and settings, including addiction treatment, trauma recovery, teaching in schools, among others.  Read more detail about the program and all the presenters here.  
  • KRI’s latest Annual Report – Sharing information about the accomplishments and financial situation from the year July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.  Check it out
  • October 2023 Online Regional Meetings. Our next opportunity to gather together will be ONLINE in October.  We will discuss topics that are relevant regionally and stay connected with your peers locally. These will be focused meetings that also nurture dialogues and conversations that can lead to future ATA decisions.  Registration will be open soon!  See below for the schedule of these online meetings:
    • Asia/South East Asia-Oceania (in English with Chinese translation): Tuesday, October 24th 5:30-7:30 Sri Lanka; 7:00-9:00 Cambodia; 8:00-10:00 Shanghai, Singapore, and Taiwan; 11:00-13:00 Sydney
    • North America (in English):  Tuesday, October 24th . 15:00-17:00 L.A.; 18:00-20:00 NYC
    • Europe-ME-Africa and Russia (in English with translations into languages (French, Russian, Italian, Spanish) as needed): Thursday, October 26th 17:00-19:00 Lisbon; 18:00-20:00 CET; 19:00-21:00 Moscow
  • Upcoming Melas – Level 3 – We are now receiving Applications for Level 3! At this time, you can apply if you are interested in starting your Level 3 journey in either one of these two cohorts, which will have Gateway Melas in November 2023.

• Global English Online: November 17-19 Apply here https://kundaliniresearchinstitute.org/en/product/global-english-mela-application/

• China in person: November 3-5 Apply here https://kundaliniresearchinstitute.org/zh-hans/product/global-chinese-mela-application/

For those already in Level 3, registration is also open for both upcoming Melas in November.  The KRI Level Three program is a personal journey to Self-Realization. It completes the Aquarian Teacher Training by cultivating the True Identity as teachers through meditative experience, spiritual maturity and serving others.

  • In-Person Trainer Forum at Winter Solstice!  Sorry that we forgot to include the winter solstice in-person trainer forum in the last trainer update.  Winter Solstice will be at a new campsite in Lake Wales, FL, and our trainer gathering will be on-site beginning the day before (so the trainer meeting is the afternoon of December 15th and the morning of December 16th).  Read more and register here.  
  • Intensive Day of Meditation Sign-off forms – Especially now that White Tantric Yoga (WTY) courses are happening again, there has been some confusion about signing off on attendance at the required day of intensive group meditation.  We have added a Sign-off section for the Intensive day of Meditation requirement on the L1 Certification Requirement Form.  There is also a separate sign-off form, participation in a day of intensive group kundalini yoga meditation, if needed.  The Certification Requirement form is one of the required documents on the L1 teacher certification packet, which needs to be sent to KRI after the completion of the program, along with the Signed Code of Ethics and the Registration and Release form.  See the L1 Contract admin checklist for more details.

September 2024 – Trainer Update

Trainer Update – 18 Sept 2023

  • Watch Amrit’s weekly video here – Slight changes to how/when/where we meet together as trainers, and some details about upcoming trainer gatherings.
  • Upcoming Trainer Meetings – After the great in-person meetings that we had during Summer Solstice in the USA and at the European Yoga Festival in France, the KRI Team is looking to balance Online and In Person Meetings. We are delighted to be in-person again and, at the same time, loving the ease with which we can connect with the Global Sangat via online meetings.  We have heard your feedback that all the trainer meetings should balance focus (no one wants to waste their time) with connection (which happens with more loosely constructed agendas).
  • October 2023 Online Regional Meetings. Our next opportunity to gather together will be ONLINE in October.  We will discuss topics that are relevant regionally and stay connected with your peers locally. These will be focused meetings that also nurture dialogues and conversations that can lead to future ATA decisions.  Registration will be open soon!  See below for the schedule of these online meetings:
    • Latin America (en Español): Thursday, October 19th   16:00-18:00 México; 17:00-19:00 Colombia; 19:00-21:00 Chile
    • Asia/South East Asia-Oceania (in English with Chinese translation): Tuesday, October 24th 5:30-7:30 Sri Lanka; 7:00-9:00 Cambodia; 8:00-10:00 Shanghai, Singapore, and Taiwan; 11:00-13:00 Sydney
    • North America (in English):  Tuesday, October 24th . 15:00-17:00 L.A.; 18:00-20:00 NYC
    • Europe-ME-Africa and Russia (in English with translations into languages (French, Russian, Italian, Spanish) as needed): Thursday, October 26th 17:00-19:00 Lisbon; 18:00-20:00 CET; 19:00-21:00 Moscow
  • Planning Ahead for 2024 Trainer Meetings:  
    • Trainer Forum, January 27th, in-person, Santiago-Chile
    • Global Summit, April, online.
      • April 20-21: Asia-Oceania & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
      • April 27 & 28: South – North America & Europe/Russia/Middle East/Africa
    • Trainer Forum, May, in-person, Mexico (Exact date and city we will let you know soon)
    • Trainer Forum, Mid-June, in-person, Ram Das Puri in Española. Just prior to Summer Solstice
    • Trainer Forum, Early August, in-person, Jambville, France. Just prior to EYF. 
    • Regional Trainer Meetings, October 2024, online, 
  • Local Online Gatherings – KRI would love to stay connected with trainers from individual countries to hear the needs, check in and be aware of the different local situations. Ravi Prem Kaur will be reaching out to different countries to organize local gatherings.  Or, if you in your local Sangat have the need or desire to meet with KRI, just let us know!

August 2023 – Trainer Updates

Trainer Update – 28 Aug 2023

  • Use Enlightened Bodies video course to enhance your Level One! – We are stronger together, and one of the beauties of our sangat is the depth and diversity of specialization you all have.  KRI is pulling together more and more pedagogy tools (and setting up a webpage for you all to share with each other in a peer-to-peer manner in any language) so we can learn from each other and continually raise the quality level in our trainings.  One new tool we want to make you aware of is that Dr. Japa Kaur, one of the authors of the great “Enlightened Bodies” book, has made a series of 6 videos lasting a total of 2.5hrs that you can show to your Level One classes (or assign for them to watch outside of your regularly scheduled gathering times).  Check it out here: Enlightened Bodies: Anatomy For Level 1.  Deva Kaur from Florida used it and shares her experience – “Dr Japa’s video course was excellent in unexpected ways. Her energy is uplifting, and she makes it easy to ‘digest’ complex anatomy systems. She personalizes it, which helps students pay better attention. She also layers it with some yoga and meditation to keep the energy moving. Having the students watch the videos as homework was certainly a great way to spread out the anatomy, so it did not need to be pushed through all in one weekend. Since it did not take up classroom hours, we were also able to fit in an extra whole day of meditation during our classroom hours, which we have never been able to do in past years. I was not thrilled with the idea of doing classroom hours on video before we did it, but it went way better than I expected with Japa’s energy and expertise.”
  • 2023 Demographic survey – Created by the Diversity and Inclusion committee to help us grow more inclusive, moving toward truly representing the world we serve and deepening our ability to help all students feel welcome in their practice.  If you haven’t filled it out as part of your 2023 Trainer License Renewal, we invite you to please click below to complete the survey:
  • A DEI segment in your Level 1? — Just like the Enlightened Bodies is a tool you can use in your Level One if you wish, more and more trainers are including a segment in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).  Nirmal Singh made a short video with his experience with it that we share with you here.  If you are interested in offering something similar, Nirmal, Atma Chanan, or KRI would be happy to help you. 
  • New EPS Website – After much time and effort, the SSSC Office of Ethics and Professional Standards (EPS) is happy to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website with updated content and translation into 8 languages.  In the interest of keeping our Sikh Dharma, 3HO, and Kundalini Yoga communities safe and well-informed, we encourage you to visit epsweb.org today and share the news about this important resource with your local Kundalini Yoga community.

   Renew your ATA Trainer License.


   More information over the Two-Step Renewal Process HERE


English | 中文 | Español | Français | Deutsch | Italiano | Português | Pусский

Useful links to L1 Admin ChecklistL2 Admin Checklist 21 Stages Checklist

July 2023 — Trainer Updates

Trainer Update — 31 July 2023

  • New Draft Policy Under Discussion – Online Level One Trainings – In 2020, we instituted a temporary policy that allows up to 100% online Level One trainings, with permission.  We had a directional vote in late 2021 that indicated that YES, the ATA wanted to see a permanent policy that was similar.  The Curriculum Committee has worked on a draft policy around online Level One programs.  Comments are being collected at the in-person trainer forums in the US and Europe this summer.  And of course, online comments here for everyone in the ATA can be posted in Sutra here.  Please let us know your thoughts – and your recommendations to improve this policy.
  • New Draft Policy Under Discussion – Changing the wording of the Level One Requirement for an Intensive Meditation Day – This draft will also be discussed at the in-person trainer forum in Europe, and is available for your comments on Sutra now.  The current Certification Requirements reads, “Participated in either 5 rebirthing kriyas, or one full day of group Kundalini Yoga-based meditation (such as White Tantric Yoga).”  Now that WTY is being offered in more places once again, we are proposing to change this requirement to: “Participated in a White Tantric Yoga course.  If there are clear circumstances that prevent attendance of a White Tantric Yoga course, the student can choose an alternate, deep, group Kundalini Yoga meditation experience (either 5 rebirthing kriyas, or one full day of group Kundalini Yoga-based meditation) as offered by any KRI licensed trainer.”  Your voice is important, so please participate in the online discussion or at an in-person meeting!
  • Level 3 Applications for Asia/Oceania Still Open – We are still planning an in-person event, to really immerse in the Level 3 spirit and build the community and support you need to go through this journey of realization. To make this possible, we need you to apply and register soon!
  • The DATES for the In-person Mela are October 28, 29, 30.
  • The LOCATION is Baan Phu Waan, 1-hour drive from Bangkok.

· The Arrival date would be October 27.

If you have questions, contact Inderjot Kaur at [email protected] 

  • In-Person Trainer Forum at the European Yoga Festival!  We will gather on August 4th & 5th at Château Jambville (France).  We are really looking forward to meeting in person! Each trainer’s presence is very important.

Please register now, and arrange your travel accordingly.


  • Free Group Facilitation Training – On August 3rd and 17th, Just Outcomes will be offering their final, free training titled, “Navigating Community Dialogue: Concepts and Skills for Group Facilitation” which is designed to equip participants with practical techniques and strategies for facilitating inclusive and transformative group dialogues.  You must register in advance for both trainings:

Part 1: Aug 3, 2023 9:00 am PT – 12:30 pm PT

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMoce-prj4uEtWPUzUciy2d9UzUG_bRaA29

Part 2: Aug 17, 2023 9:00 am PT – 12:30 pm PT Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckdumprzMiE9YG7TaubrifYZPk4aXic1jY

Trainer Update — 17 July 2023

  • New Draft Policy Under Discussion – Online Level One Trainings – In 2020, we instituted a temporary policy that allows up to 100% online Level One trainings, with permission.  We had a directional vote in late 2021 that indicated that yes, the ATA wanted to see a permanent policy that was similar.  The Curriculum Committee has worked on a draft policy around online Level One programs.  Comments are being collected at the in-person trainer forums in the US and Europe this summer.  And of course, online comments here for everyone in the ATA can be posted in Sutra here.  Please let us know your thoughts – and your recommendations to improve this policy.
  • In-Person Trainer Forum at the European Yoga Festival!  We will gather on August 4th & 5th at Château Jambville (France).  Please register now, and arrange your travel accordingly.


  • Siri Singh Sahib Corporation election update – If you were a professional or lead trainer as of October 8th, 2022, you are automatically qualified to vote in this election!  Any other member of the ATA may have applied to qualify as well.  You should receive your online ballot today (17 July).  If you did not, please email [email protected].  
  • Update your Level Two Trainer qualification status – Please contact the ATA Regional Administrator if you have qualified for THREE or more L2 modules, or if you have any questions or concerns. The Level 2 Pathway changes now apply to both current and new candidates. Whether you’re a Level 2 trainer Candidate or Mentor, it’s crucial that you read and understand these updates. Access the complete new policy HERE