- KRI Level One Instructor Certificate.
- Completed at least 4 Level Two modules with the 5th planned within the year.
- Taught a minimum of 500 hours of Kundalini Yoga classes since being certified Level One by KRI.
- A current Professional member of IKYTA or your country’s National Teacher’s Association.
- A strong personal practice of Sadhana and Kundalini Yoga and where possible participate in group sadhana.
- Practice a yogic lifestyle meaning abstain from tobacco, alcoholic beverages, drugs (other than prescribed by a physician) and eat a vegetarian diet.
- Attended at least one KRI, Sikh Dharma, or 3HO Event every year for the past three years including but not limited to Solstice, Teacher’s Conference, any Yoga Festival,
- Women’s Camp, Jaap Sahib, Level Two Training, Trainers Forum, White Tantric Yoga.
- Contribute Gurudakshina either internationally or to your National Association or contribute to The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings (Go to www.kundaliniresearchinstitute.org for more information