October 23, 2023 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

Research conference and our upcoming research symposium, and how KRI can be an engine of growth for all teachers and trainers.

First Ever Kundalini Yoga Research Symposium

This coming February, KRI is very proud to be organizing the first ever Symposium on Kundalini Yoga: Scientific Research and Applications for Health and Therapy.  Because you trainers are the core of KRI, we are offering this event to you for FREE.  You can register with the coupon “RESYM” for this online event Feb 10th.  This global online event brings together leading experts in the field of Kundalini Yoga to explore the latest developments in Kundalini Yoga and its potential applications for healing, well-being and therapy. The symposium will feature a range of presentations and discussions, covering topics such as the neuroscience of Kundalini Yoga, the use of Kundalini Yoga in a variety of populations and settings, including addiction treatment, trauma recovery, teaching in schools, among others.  Read more detail about the program and all the presenters here.

KRI’s latest Annual Report

Sharing information about the accomplishments and financial situation from the year July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.  Check it out.

October 2023 Online Regional Meetings

Our next opportunity to gather together will be ONLINE this week.  We will discuss topics that are relevant regionally and stay connected with your peers locally. These will be focused meetings that also nurture dialogues and conversations that can lead to future ATA decisions.  Registration is open!  See below for the schedule of these online meetings:

  • Asia/South East Asia-Oceania (in English with Chinese translation): Tuesday, October 24th 5:30-7:30 Sri Lanka; 7:00-9:00 Cambodia; 8:00-10:00 Shanghai, Singapore, and Taiwan; 11:00-13:00 Sydney
  • North America (in English):  Tuesday, October 24th . 15:00-17:00 L.A.; 18:00-20:00 NYC
  • Europe-ME-Africa and Russia (in English with translations into languages (French, Russian, Italian, Spanish) as needed): Thursday, October 26th 17:00-19:00 Lisbon; 18:00-20:00 CET; 19:00-21:00 Moscow

Upcoming Melas – Level 3

We are now receiving Applications for Level 3! At this time, you can apply if you are interested in starting your Level 3 journey in either one of these two cohorts, which will have Gateway Melas in November 2023.

• Global English Online: November 17-19

• China in person: November 3-5

For those already in Level 3, registration is also open for both upcoming Melas in November.  The KRI Level Three program is a personal journey to Self-Realization. It completes the Aquarian Teacher Training by cultivating the True Identity as teachers through meditative experience, spiritual maturity and serving others.

In-Person Trainer Forum at Winter Solstice!

Sorry that we forgot to include the winter solstice in-person trainer forum in the last trainer update.  Winter Solstice will be at a new campsite in Lake Wales, FL, and our trainer gathering will be on-site beginning the day before (so the trainer meeting is the afternoon of Dec 15th and the morning of Dec 16th).  Read more and register here.

Intensive Day of Meditation Sign-off forms

Especially now that White Tantric Yoga (WTY) courses are happening again, there has been some confusion about signing off on attendance at the required day of intensive group meditation.  We have added a Sign-off section for the Intensive day of Meditation requirement on the L1 Certification Requirement Form.  There is also a separate sign-off form, participation in a day of intensive group kundalini yoga meditation, if needed.  The Certification Requirement form is one of the required documents on the L1 teacher certification packet, which needs to be sent to KRI after the completion of the program, along with the Signed Code of Ethics and the Registration and Release form.  See the L1 Contract admin checklist for more details.

ATA Admin Corner

Meet below the ATA Admin corner, a place where we plan to leave important information always in hand!

Meet the ATA Regional Administrators

Renew your ATA Trainer License – 2023 – 2024

European In Person Trainer forum – Register now

Check out the new  Pedagogy Project  section of our website – a place for trainers to share with one another best practices and pedagogy tools for each L2 Module, and every part of the Level 1 program.

A precious experience in the ATA pathway is to support and inspire your peers. Are you available to participate in a Lead or Professional INTERVIEW PROCESS? Click and Let us know! 

Are you an Associate, Professional or Lead and want to become a SPONSOR for an Applicant to the ATA? Are you a MENTOR and available to receive NEW mentees? — Click and Let us know!

Participate in KRI Standing Committees! Your engagement is VERY important.

Find all ATA documents in the Trainer Support Website – ATA Pathway and Program Administration.

Need help on how to use ATA Google Drive documents? See Short video HERE

Useful links to L1 Admin ChecklistL2 Admin Checklist 21 Stages Checklist

How to Draw a Gorgeous Female to You

A guy who can make a person grin will always appeal to her. To increase attraction and elicit intimate desire, flirtatious and entertaining humor are key.

Girls enjoy it when a man respects their opinions and beliefs. This may aid in building a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship.

1. Look your best

The first thing you need to understand about attracting attractive women is that they are n’t always looking for the same things as men. Some females are content to have a gentleman they can be cozy with, who respects their opinions and beliefs, and who wants to get to know them as individuals.

That implies that you must perform your best and practice some basic manners, like as saying kindly and thank you, opening windows for her, and being a person. It’s even a great way to let her know that you’re convinced in yourself, which is appealing to women, through flirtatious and entertaining conversation.

2. Get Confident

Many people lack the quality of assurance. Your brain language may indicate your assurance. Maintain a large nose while standing straight upwards with your shoulders up. Women will find this search interesting.

A hot grin may furthermore present your self-assurance. This will help a female feel at ease around you and form an immediate friendship.

A man who has an judgment is appreciated by girls. A excellent talk you remain started by asking her about her pursuits, where she grew up, her household, religion, and politicians. She likely have a reason to care about you if you show an interest in these subjects.

3. Remain Honest

Most girls are more interested in people who does make them laugh and think drawn to them during conversation, compared to some who may merely need a guy who looks like a male unit. When you respect and be open to their ideas, people love it.

If you try to hide your defects, she’ll pick up on it and reduce interest. Instead, become radically truthful and let her see the actual you.

This goes beyond figure language, it even means saying please and thank you, opening gates, and normally being a person.

4. Get a Gentleman

If you want to attract a girl, it’s important that you become a person. This is not just about holding doors open for women or saying “please” and” thank you” to the server at a restaurant.

Being a gentleman likewise entails having the ability to kiss in a sophisticated way. Fetching can be a successful way to capture a woman’s focus, whether it’s through making a silly confront or engaging in entertaining conversation.

Additionally, it’s crucial to have good hygiene and proper clothing https://mymailorderbride.org/dating/amo-latina-site-review/. Women value men who take good care of themselves and display attention in how they look.

5. Get a Persons Person

If you can make her laugh, she’ll instantly feeling attracted to you. Being funny and witty can be very attractive, especially to lovely females.

Being a guy will also demonstrate to her that you are open to speaking with her on any subject. Because she is aware that you are a confident man who does keep her interest, she may feel attracted to you.

When you first join her, do n’t get a poor gentleman or inform her all of your secrets. To possess her pick of men, she needs to remember that elegance frequently comes with a substantial cost.

6. Become Honest About Yourself

Honesty is a crucial component of attracting a female. It demonstrates that you are comfortable in both who you are and where you are going. It even demonstrates that you are not afraid of rejection.

When it comes to a partnership, you must always be open about what you want. Nevertheless, you should not become impoverished or show too much fascination. She might become off because of this.

Whether you are looking for compassion or a loving relationship, be honest about your purposes. This may prevent you from being entered into the gis and losing occasion.

7. Been a Individuals Person

In most cases, a girl will be able to tell by the way you approach her whether you are interested in her. For instance, a genuine gift can make a person feeling unique and at ease around you.

Additionally, girls favor guys who are clever and clever. You can demonstrate this by demonstrating your awareness of a subject your daughter is interested in or by making a prank that demonstrates your self-assurance and sense of humor.

Some attractive people have a hard time finding men who will make them feel and act like them. They may simply hook up with a gentleman that is high, skeletal, wealthy or has loads of power in society.

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Trying to find younger males are older ladies.

Age should n’t prevent people from falling in love. Dating an older guy can give you a new perspective on life, despite some unfavorable interactions from family and friends.

Cougarlife is the most popular website for older people looking for younger people. Although the sign-up procedure is complimentary, a paid account is necessary for sending and receiving messages.


eharmony is a well-known dating page that has helped millions of people find passion. It is available to older females looking for younger men. The page has been around for more than 18 times, and its complimentary apps enables users to connect with prospective games based on factors like age, gender, site, etc.

Even though most older women are n’t interested in casual sex, they still like it when young men pursue them. Be considerate of her thoughts if you’re a younger man, and try to put your attention into developing an ongoing relationship.

To safeguard its consumers, eharmony has robust protection procedures and an Id confirmation structure. Additionally, it has a thorough protection manual that is readily available online. It’s critical to carefully learn and adhere to these documents at all times. If not, you might be conned or even the target of mistreatment. Additionally, you should n’t divulge any personal information on the website without first reading the terms and conditions.


Cougar Life, in contrast to various dating apps and websites, focuses on creating lasting relationships. Younger men and women who want more than just one-night trysts or tosses should use this webpage. The website is mobile-friendly and has a simple sign-up procedure. Additionally, it provides a research page that enables users to specify various criteria for their games.

Cougarlife’s blogging features a variety of engaging content for both sexes in an effort to dispel myths about older people dating younger people. Additionally, this site offers a free trial opportunity that enables users to test the service without making any agreements.

Although dating younger guys is becoming more popular among older people, there is still a social stigma associated with this type of marriage. People mistakenly think that older people only seek out younger people for erotic factors, but in truth, there are a lot more nuanced motivations behind this relation. This website focuses on bringing together older females and younger people in a stable setting in the world of online courting.


One of the more serious older women dating locations for younger guys is Zoosk. It has rigid membership verification procedures, which makes it difficult for flirting and other ripoffs to occur. Additionally, it has one of the biggest Faq components for online marrying, assisting you in staying secure and having a good time.

Younger men find an older person’s independence and stability appealing. They prefer a woman who is independent and does n’t rely on them for financial support. She is also more vivacious than a younger female and eager to travel and try new things.

While some wildcats are looking for a committed relationship, individuals are just having excitement. Adult Friend Finder is a fantastic resource for this and is full of information about heated cougars. You can find cougars interested in sex, one-night stands, everyday short-term relationships, and compensated dating on this open-minded dating site buy a syrian bride.


Match is a website that helps users find love online. You you sign up using your Social profile or mobile number, and it has a simple sign-up operation. You can chat with potential matches through the website or an game, and you can browse patterns for free.

For older women looking to find a younger male, this dating page is perfect. Older women who are looking for laid-back romps and dedicated interactions make up its account basic. You can select the age group that interests you from among its members, who are between the ages of 30 and 60.

Attempt enrolling in adult classes or joining a social group if you’re interested in meeting individual older women who are looking for younger men. You can join people who share your passions and are more likely to be sincere in their pursuit of passion by participating in these actions. Even though not everyone will find this kind of relation to be successful, it is worthwhile to try.

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How to search for Latina Women Online

Latina people seek out males who may treat them with respect and respect https://gettr.com/user/mailbridesorg. Additionally, they want people who value family customs and are devoted to their people. They frequently fall under machismo and other social inequities, so they hope to develop romantic ties with Western guys that are filled with love and trust.


There are numerous dating sites that concentrate on Latina ladies. Finding a good one, however, can be challenging. You must locate a website that is secure, has a lot of communication equipment, and has a reliable coordinating engine. You must also be aware of your ideal type of girl.

A site created specifically for Latina women and men who are serious about relationships is called Latinwomanlove. The web has over 800k consumers and has been active since 2018. Additionally, the website offers excellent customer service and is accessible on a wireless device.

It’s simple to set up a profile on Latinwomanlove. You may open a conversation with possible suits by creating a free profile. To gain access to more features, you can also choose to pay for a superior account. More photographs, a movie chat feature, and the ability to send gifts are included in superior transactions. You can make a connection with your complement by doing this, which will advance things.


One of the biggest Latin American dating places is Latamdate. It provides a variety of features to assist consumers in finding the ideal fit. This website is a great choice for those looking for love in Latin America because of personality exams, a user-friendly layout, and a variety of conversation choices.

People from nations like Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil can be found on the website in a wide range of characteristics. Users is filter their seek outcomes to uncover possible suits based on their preferences, such as era and place. Additionally, the website offers a number of service to improve communication with prospective partners, including Camshare, which enables people to see each other in people.

Latamdate subscription is simple and quick. When you’ve signed up, you can navigate patterns https://latinata.com/cities/cali and start chatting with probable fits right away on the entire website. To protect its users ‘ health, the website also conducts identity confirmation. Observing a possible date’s privates and movies may reveal more about her.


One of the largest online dating services for Spanish people is Latinamericancupid. It has a variety of stunning girls from Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and other Latin American nations looking for love and has thousands of users all over the world. The website has a number of features that make it simple for gentlemen to find a meet.

The website has a smart application that works with Android tools. Additionally, it employs Browser protection to safeguard your personal data. Also, it validates people’ pictures. Its photo identification system is effective at reducing the number of fraudulent profiles on its system. Its system works well.

On Latinamericancupid, there are still some swindlers, despite these efforts. When communicating with ladies, it is best to be cautious. Review a lady to the site’s moderators if you think she’s a scam. If necessary, they will check her images and remove her consideration. Avoid sending photographs of your experience because they could be used by scammers to get you funds.


People of the Latin dating service Latinsingles can find matches based on their preferences, such as time and site, on the site. Additionally, the page offers a variety of resources, including internet and chat, to help you connect with potential suits. The company’s customer support team is attainable round-the-clock to respond to inquiries and flag dubious profiles.

The website offers swift registration, which makes it simple to get connected with schedules right ahead. Its user interface is simple and effective, and the pricing is affordable for subscriptions. After registering, you will receive a package of 2, 000 free credits, and subsequent packages can be purchased for$ 2.99 each.

This Hispanic dating webpage is intended for songs looking for a quick encounter or a everyday deadline. Its simple to find a complement thanks to its straightforward app and broad search filters. Chispa, its distinctive have, enables you to swipe proper to join with a fit or left to neglect them. More than 120 million tunes have found their fit on the website.

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Where Can i find a Girlfriend Online?

There are many websites where you can meet possible matches when looking for a partner online https://www.mixcloud.com/MailBrides/. These websites have been around for a while and provide many features to assist you in finding the ideal fit.

A excellent introduction to a fresh child is through activity night. Game night are held at some pubs and coffee stores, giving you the opportunity to interact with others in a more social setting.


You may create a page and add some pictures before you start dating on La Date. Having both professional and candid photos, as well as photographs and close-ups of your face, is recommended. Additionally, you really change your pictures before submitting them. This will improve the aesthetic appeal of your profiles and help you draw girls more quickly.

You can use hunt filters to discover matches after you sign up. Registration on the website is complimentary, but getting in touch with different users requires credits. Upon register, the website offers 20 free funds that you can use to check the company.


eharmony has a special method for assisting you in finding your soul mate. The website asks you a series of inquiries about who you are and what kind of lover you would want to be. Finally, it aids in filtering complements to ensure that you are receiving the appropriate individuals. Additionally, it makes it simpler to comprehend why you might not get along with anyone.

Additionally, it provides valuable suggestions content and guidance on how to interact with your match. To talk with your complements while on the go, you can download the eharmony software. Actually victory tales from another eharmony customers can be found to inspire you. If things are n’t progressing quickly enough, it can be simple to become discouraged.

There are many Carp

A completely dating service that provides a variety of contact instruments is plenty of Fish. It has a matching structure and thorough dating information with details on passions, interests, and tastes. Additionally, it provides press information halls and private communication capabilities.

Fb, in contrast to Tinder or Badoo, does certainly prioritize informal sex. It has tens of millions of users and a sizable users center that includes people from all walks of life.

The website offers a number of search filtering, including the option to look for singles based on their hair coloring and star signal. The wide variety of search alternatives, though, may be frustrating. There is a subscription choice that enables you to view patterns that are extended and get rid of advertising. There are three, six, and twelve-month plans available, each with a different cost.


A dating site called Theluckydate brings together individual men and women from all over the planet. The site for the site is user-friendly and provides a range of functions. Joining is even free.

The website has a high success level and features the endorsements of contented newlyweds who have found passion there. You can find the ideal suit with the aid of its customer support group.

Theluckydate does n’t require you to provide too much personal information to create an account, in contrast to other dating sites. The website does, however, ask its customers for some fundamental information. Additionally, it only has a few lookup filters, such as time and nation.


Bravodate is a dating webpage with high-quality solutions and checked female users. For those looking to find a roommate digitally, it is an appealing choice due to its lag-free performing interface and specialist services. The website also provides a variety of communication and skype tools for communication.

You can choose from a variety of options on the website by using the search functionality, which lets you filter them by time, site, knowledge, and spirituality. To make sure you get the most results out of your requests, its search functions are optimized. Additionally, the website has a Newsfeed that updates you on the most recent activities of the women there. Additionally, it offers 20 gratis credits to new users.


Zoosk is a top dating blog for both laid-back timings and long-term interactions with 40 million members spread across 80 locations. It provides its members with round-the-clock contact assistance and a range of safety measures to keep users secure, such as image confirmation and an online safety manual.

Smartpicks, behavioral multiplayer, and the Carousel are a few of its functions. Clients can use these devices to complement themselves or entrust Zoosk with the task. Users may link to the webpage from wherever because it is available on both computers and mobile devices. Zoosk also provides a useful app that enables associates to connect with prospective partners all day long.

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October 2, 2023 – Trainer Update

March header

Watch Amrit’s weekly video here

Thinking of service – KRI provides a platform on which you all can serve better –  LOT, books, research, PR to generate interest in KY so every teacher and trainer can be prosperous.  Winter Solstice trainer forum.

October 2023 Online Regional Meetings

Our next opportunity to gather together will be ONLINE in October.  We will discuss topics that are relevant regionally and stay connected with your peers locally. These will be focused meetings that also nurture dialogues and conversations that can lead to future ATA decisions.  Registration will be open soon!  See below for the schedule of these online meetings:

  • Latin America (en Español): Thursday, October 19th   16:00-18:00 México; 17:00-19:00 Colombia; 19:00-21:00 Chile
  • Asia/South East Asia-Oceania (in English with Chinese translation): Tuesday, October 24th 5:30-7:30 Sri Lanka; 7:00-9:00 Cambodia; 8:00-10:00 Shanghai, Singapore, and Taiwan; 11:00-13:00 Sydney
  • North America (in English):  Tuesday, October 24th . 15:00-17:00 L.A.; 18:00-20:00 NYC
  • Europe-ME-Africa and Russia (in English with translations into languages (French, Russian, Italian, Spanish) as needed): Thursday, October 26th 17:00-19:00 Lisbon; 18:00-20:00 CET; 19:00-21:00 Moscow

Upcoming Melas – Level 3

We are now receiving Applications for Level 3! At this time, you can apply if you are interested in starting your Level 3 journey in either one of these two cohorts, which will have Gateway Melas in November 2023.

• Global English Online: November 17-19

• China in person: November 3-5

For those already in Level 3, registration is also open for both upcoming Melas in November.  The KRI Level Three program is a personal journey to Self-Realization. It completes the Aquarian Teacher Training by cultivating the True Identity as teachers through meditative experience, spiritual maturity and serving others.

In-Person Trainer Forum at Winter Solstice!

Sorry that we forgot to include the winter solstice in-person trainer forum in the last trainer update.  Winter Solstice will be at a new campsite in Lake Wales, FL, and our trainer gathering will be on-site beginning the day before (so the trainer meeting is the afternoon of Dec 15th and the morning of Dec 16th).  Read more and register here.

Intensive Day of Meditation Sign-off forms – Especially

Now that WTY courses are happening again, there has been some confusion about signing off on attendance at the required day of intensive group meditation.  Therefore, we have added a sign-off section for the Intensive Day of meditation on the L1 Certification Requirement form.  We have also made a stand-alone sign-off sheet, in case trainers and Administrators need the form separately from the L1 Requirement Form – Intensive Meditation day completion form.

Renew your Trainer License!


Trainers with an expired license will be processed as Inactive in October.

More information over the Two-Step Renewal Process HERE.


English | 中文 | Español | Français | Deutsch | Italiano | Português | Pусский

ATA Admin Corner

Meet below the ATA Admin corner, a place where we plan to leave important information always in hand!

Meet the ATA Regional Administrators

Join us in the upcoming Global Summit – Register today

A precious experience in the ATA pathway is to support and inspire your peers. Are you available to participate in a Lead or Professional INTERVIEW PROCESS? Click and Let us know! 

Are you an Associate, Professional or Lead and want to become a SPONSOR for an Applicant to the ATA? Are you a MENTOR and available to receive NEW mentees? — Click and Let us know!

Participate in KRI Standing Committees! Your engagement is VERY important.

Find all ATA documents in the Trainer Support Website – ATA Pathway and Program Administration.

Need help on how to use ATA Google Drive documents? See Short video HERE

Comment on ATA documents to help us improve the machine generated Translations!Useful links to L1 Admin ChecklistL2 Admin Checklist 21 Stages Checklist