Watch Amrit’s weekly video
Trainer re-licensing and request for history teachings tools.
Renew your Trainer License NOW
We thank you for all the efforts you are making to continue teaching and uplifting humankind through Kundalini Yoga. Please click now to take care of your re-licensing before 1 July.
Remaining Regional Trainer Forums
There are still 2 more short (3-hr) regional trainer gatherings coming up. If you were unable to make the zoom call for the region in which you live, please feel free to join another one if you can make the times! The calls this week, with registration links, are:
- Europe, the Middle East, and Africa – 27 May (Thursday) 16:00 – 19:00 GMT
- SouthEast Asia – 1 June (Tuesday) 00:00 – 03:00 GMT
Have you heard of KRI’s new book release?
KRI’s new book is currently on pre-sale and you can get 30% OFF with the coupon code ATAMastery30. Mastery of the True Self: The Discipline of Love through Sadhana, Aradhana & Prabhupati, by Sadhana Singh, approaches the process of spiritual discipline and its progression through Sadhana, Aradhana & Prabhupati.

Online workshops for you and your students:
Click on the image below to register or learn more.