Sat Naam Dear Trainers,
We are dedicated to keeping regular communication coming from KRI to all of you. Let’s work together to re-imagine our training programs and the Aquarian Trainer Academy to best serve the future.
May Guru Ram Das bless us all,
Nirvair Singh
Amrit Singh
Hari Charn Kaur
- Next Steps Together for ATA – KRI recognizes that changes need to be discussed in many areas, and some decisions are needed about our teacher training programs faster than our normal Forum and TTEC processes would facilitate. Therefore, the KRI board of directors has set up a commission to gather input and make decisions regarding our course curricula, course requirements, course materials, and ATA structure. We hope to use this as an opportunity to update how we are delivering the Teachings, so that they are most relevant and impactful for all people around the world in today’s Age. It will be a delicate balance of remaining open to all voices and to the participation of everyone that wants to while still being able to quickly make some difficult decisions. We will do our best to hold both of those values simultaneously. This commission will actively solicit input and suggestions from all members of the Academy. The members of our ATA community who’ve agreed to serve on this commission are:
- Gurudev Singh (living in Mexico, serving in Mexico, South America, Canada and the USA)
- Gurusangat Kaur (living in Brazil, serving in South America)
- Gurujodha Singh (living in Mexico, serving in Mexico and South America)
- Taran Kaur (living and serving in Germany)
- Satwant Kaur (living in the UK, serving in the UK and Europe)
- Tarn Taran Kaur (living in the USA, serving in Asia)
- Nirvair Singh (KRI staff – USA)
- Amrit Singh (KRI staff – Netherlands)
- Hari Charn Kaur (KRI staff – USA)
- GuruSahay Singh (KRI board member – USA)
- Guru Jiwan Kaur (KRI board member – Italy)
- Vedya Amrita Kaur (KRI board member – USA)
- April TTEC meetings in Espanola – We are moving these meetings ONLINE. We will also be crafting this meeting to gather input and set direction on the big, important questions that are before us. Please email Amrit Singh if you want to participate.
- Summer Trainer Forums in New Mexico and France – Either in-person or online (depending on COVID-19 concerns), these events will NOT be business-as-usual forums. They will be places for you to give input into our future. If you are interested in participating on the agendas for these forums, please email Hari Charn Kaur.
- Recording of the Webinar “Corona Virus – What to Do” – with Dr. Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa will be available for you to view after Tuesday 17 March using this link: https://sutra.co/circle/76wv4
- Additional Legacy and Lineage Zoom calls scheduled – We will be setting up another Zoom call about the history of our practices, in English and in Spanish. These will be recorded and made available to you if you cannot make attend the live versions.
- Ongoing Check-in Zoom Calls – The small group zoom calls that we have been having – to connect with one another, ask questions, and receive support from KRI and from other trainers – have been very helpful. We will continue them, but on a regular schedule – every Tuesday at 7am New Mexico time (Mountain Daylight Time) beginning on March 24th, and every Thursday at 17:00 New Mexico time beginning on March 26th. Use this link to access these calls: https://zoom.us/j/5254726198. Please do not share this link so as to keep these call only for teacher trainers.
- Global 40-day meditation for healing – will be live on Zoom for anyone who wants to join. Every morning at 6:30am New Mexico time, on this zoom link, you and your students can join to meditate with others worldwide. Each day it will be led by a different trainer from our global ATA. If you would like to lead one, please contact Hari Charn Kaur.