Watch Amrit’s weekly video here
What is the future we are creating together?
Trainer Summits
We just had two great weekends holding the annual Trainer Summit. It was great to be together on Zoom with so many of you, having deep and heartfelt conversations about topics that you all chose as most meaningful at this time. The notes from those discussions will be shared with you in the next trainer update email, and will serve to guide the work KRI will be doing to serve you better.
Missing emails?
Unfortunately, KRI had a major email glitch from about 17 – 19 April. If you emailed any of our staff in those 3 days, and haven’t heard back yet, please resend it just in case it got lost in the ethers!
In-Person Trainer Forums at Summer Solstice and the European Yoga Festival!
We will have the blessing to be together for an in person Trainer Forum at Ram Das Puri (USA) on June 15, 2023, and on August 4th & 5th at Château Jambville (France). After three years of gathering online, we really hope to meet you there. Please arrange your travel accordingly. Registration will open soon.
Renew your Trainer License!
Today we started the renewal process for all ATA Trainers.
Check your email for a detailed communication on it!
More information over the Two-Step Renewal Process HERE.
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ATA Admin Corner
Meet below the ATA Admin corner, a place where we plan to leave important information always in hand!
Meet the ATA Regional Administrators
Join us in the upcoming Global Summit – Register today
A precious experience in the ATA pathway is to support and inspire your peers. Are you available to participate in a Lead or Professional INTERVIEW PROCESS? Click and Let us know!
Are you an Associate, Professional or Lead and want to become a SPONSOR for an Applicant to the ATA? Are you a MENTOR and available to receive NEW mentees? — Click and Let us know!
Participate in KRI Standing Committees! Your engagement is VERY important.
Find all ATA documents in the Trainer Support Website – ATA Pathway and Program Administration.
Need help on how to use ATA Google Drive documents? See Short video HERE
Comment on ATA documents to help us improve the machine generated Translations!Useful links to L1 Admin Checklist – L2 Admin Checklist – 21 Stages Checklist