Watch Amrit’s weekly video here
Cultural togetherness
Updated Level One exams
As you know, passing an exam is a Level One certification requirement. You may use your own version of an exam if you wish. But KRI is making 3 versions available for you to choose from if you wish. Two of these are minor updates to the in-class and the take-home exams that you are probably familiar with. The 3rd uses the same questions as the in-class exam, but is formatted to be given in an interactive style. This seems to be a great way, from a pedagogical perspective, to hold the exam, and the curriculum committee strongly encourages you to explore this method. Written descriptions are provided about how to deliver this interactive exam, as well as a video here. If you have any questions about how to can use this in your next Level One program, please email Amrit Singh to connect with a trainer uses used it before.
Trainer relicensing – LAST DAYS before 2021/2022 license EXPIRES
Regional pre-set discounts available and special bonus will also END on July 1st, 2022. A valid ATA license will be required for you to be an automatically recognized voter in the upcoming SSSC elections (if you are a lead or professional) and is required if you plan to remain an active trainer in the ATA between July 2022 and June 2023. One way that we demonstrate our commitment to upholding our professional standards is by renewing and completing the licensing agreement.
Trainers in ALL ROLES NEED to renew, including INTERNS (100% code was sent to bypass payment section). Mentors and Lead trainers, check on your mentees and training teams if they are up to date with their licenses.
Stay attentive to your email for the final confirmation from the Portal. Contact your ATA regional admin if you have any questions.
Regional Trainer Meetings online in June
This month all of the regions will have a very important Regional Meeting, that will include critical conversations, updates from KRI, and a look at a potential proposal. The primary focus of these meetings will be to take our next collective step forward in applying the previously adopted decision-making Principles and Values, for discussing what to do about our current world-wide trademark, “Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan.” We will use these upcoming regional trainer meetings and the Global Trainer Summit in September to try to avoid getting caught into a divisive, binary, decision-making exercise and instead use our previously agreed upon principles to expand the solution-space, embrace diverse opinions, and strive for creative, heart-centered solution(s) that strengthen our community rather than create more division.
At these Meetings in June, the participants will participate in a process that Just Outcomes assisted the Trainer Forum team in developing, and we truly hope to see you there and keep building together this community.
Please register now!
- European Trainer Regional Meeting. June 22nd from 5-8 pm Central European Time. Registration Link
- North America: Wednesday, June 15 from 4-7 pm Central Time. Registration link
- Latin America: Friday, June 24 from 4-7 pm CDMX; Chile from 5-8 pm; Brazil from 6-9 pm. Registration link
- Asia/Oceania: Tuesday, June 28, 9:30 am Beijing; 11:30 am Melbourne; Monday, June 27, 8:30 pm Central Time USA. Registration link
July in-person meeting in France
Amrit Singh and Hari Charn Kaur look forward to seeing you at the European Yoga Festival in France and invite you to come to the first in person Trainer Forum! The European Trainer Forum will be held on Friday July 29th at Château de Jambville (the location of the European Yoga Festival) at rue de Tilleuls – 78 440 Jambville – France. Very soon KRI will send you the details of the agenda and the details of housing etc.
The Certification Committee is looking for a new member
Check out what this committee does, and who is currently a member on this new ATA transparency webpage. If you are qualified and interested in joining this committee, please email Amrit Singh.
Reminders about Student Packets
The Student Certification Packets are due Six weeks after the last day of your program. Please organize the required documents for each student in a PDF Document and send by email as a ZIP File to your ATA regional Admin.
– For a Level One Program, Students Packets MUST contain:
- Signed Registration and Release form
- Signed Certification Requirement form
- Signed Code of Ethics and Professional Standards
– For a Level Two Program, Students Packets MUST contain:
- Registration and Release form (Liability release form)
- Completion Requirements Form
- Complete contact list of certified students
Live Q&A session with SSSC
Live Questions and Answers session regarding the recently announced Independent Healing and Reparations Program (IHRP) will be held on Monday, June 27, 2022 from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. EST (5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. PST).