In this section you will find specific resources, the exams and the letter of completion for each one of the Level Two Programs. All documents require a password to access. Please contact the Contract manager if needed.
Here you will also find the Library of Teachings video links for each L2 module.
It is the Lead trainer’s responsibility to make sure that the students list is completed in the portal and all the students given the Letter of completion have a certified status in his student record. Along with the Letter of completion, this guarantees that KRI database is accurate and that you won’t have concerns when a student requires a level two certificate in the future.
Note: We are currently working on an entirely translated website. In the meantime, if you need any translated document, please contact us and we will send it to you.
The Letter of Completion
Here you can download the Letter of completion of the L2 modules.
This document must be filled and delivered in an electronic PDF format by the Lead Trainer or the administrator to each qualifying student once they have completed the requirements for the course.
It is also the Lead trainer’s responsibility to make sure that the students list is completed in the portal and all the students given the Letter of completion have a certified status in his student record. Along with the Letter of completion, this guarantees that KRI database is accurate and that you will not have concerns when your student requires a level two certificate in the future.
This document is protected. Please contact the KRI Contract Manager if you need the passcode.
If you will be requiring your students to re-watch the Yogi Bhajan videos that go with this Level Two program, you can either purchase the videos (on DVD or Thumb Drive) for each student or you can provide them with the links to stream the videos directly from the Library of Teachings.
Download the PDF with the links to stream the videos from the Library of Teachings in the Link below.
The Library of Teachings website is free to use, but definitely has a cost to maintain! If students will be streaming, but you include the price of L2 video DVDs in your program fees, we would be very grateful if you could donate that amount to the Library of Teachings to help sustain free access. Thank you!
Here you can download the Letter of completion of the L2 modules.
This document must be filled and delivered in an electronic PDF format by the Lead Trainer or the administrator to each qualifying student once they have completed the requirements for the course.
It is also the Lead trainer’s responsibility to make sure that the students list is completed in the portal and all the students given the Letter of completion have a certified status in his student record. Along with the Letter of completion, this guarantees that KRI database is accurate and that you will not have concerns when your student requires a level two certificate in the future.
This document is protected. Please contact the ATA Regional Administrator if you need the passcode.
If you will be requiring your students to re-watch the Yogi Bhajan videos that go with this Level Two program, you can either purchase the videos (on DVD or Thumb Drive) for each student or you can provide them with the links to stream the videos directly from the Library of Teachings.
Download the PDF with the links to stream the videos from the Library of Teachings in the Link below.
The Library of Teachings website is free to use, but definitely has a cost to maintain! If students will be streaming, but you include the price of L2 video DVDs in your program fees, we would be very grateful if you could donate that amount to the Library of Teachings to help sustain free access. Thank you!
Here you can download the Letter of completion of the L2 modules.
This document must be filled and delivered in an electronic PDF format by the Lead Trainer or the administrator to each qualifying student once they have completed the requirements for the course.
Also make sure that the students list is completed in the portal and all the students given the Letter of completion have a certified status in his student record. Along with the Letter of completion, this guarantees that KRI database is accurate and that you will not have concerns when your student requires a level two certificate in the future.
This document is protected. Please contact the KRI Contract Manager if you need the passcode.
If you will be requiring your students to re-watch the Yogi Bhajan videos that go with this Level Two program, you can either purchase the videos (on DVD or Thumb Drive) for each student or you can provide them with the links to stream the videos directly from the Library of Teachings.
Download the PDF with the links to stream the videos from the Library of Teachings in the Link below.
The Library of Teachings website is free to use, but definitely has a cost to maintain! If students will be streaming, but you include the price of L2 video DVDs in your program fees, we would be very grateful if you could donate that amount to the Library of Teachings to help sustain free access. Thank you!
Here you can download the Letter of completion of the L2 modules.
This document must be filled and delivered in an electronic PDF format by the Lead Trainer or the administrator to each qualifying student once they have completed the requirements for the course.
It is also the Lead trainer’s responsibility to make sure that the students list is completed in the portal and all the students given the Letter of completion have a certified status in his student record. Along with the Letter of completion, this guarantees that KRI database is accurate and that you will not have concerns when your student requires a level two certificate in the future.
This document is protected. Please contact the KRI Contract Manager if you need the passcode.
If you will be requiring your students to re-watch the Yogi Bhajan videos that go with this Level Two program, you can either purchase the videos (on DVD or Thumb Drive) for each student or you can provide them with the links to stream the videos directly from the Library of Teachings.
Download the PDF with the links to stream the videos from the Library of Teachings in the Link below.
The Library of Teachings website is free to use, but definitely has a cost to maintain! If students will be streaming, but you include the price of L2 video DVDs in your program fees, we would be very grateful if you could donate that amount to the Library of Teachings to help sustain free access. Thank you!
The following video should be shown 2-3 times in this exercise. The first time, instruct your students to count how many times they see the basketball passed between the players. Once they’ve seen the video, ask if anyone saw anything unusual? If you get any ‘yes’, have them hold their answers until everyone has had a chance to see the video a second time. Then ask again, did anyone see anything unusual? Then talk about what people saw and what people didn’t-the idea of perception vs. concentration. Finally, you can show the video a third time for those who still haven’t seen the ‘gorilla’ in the midst.
Here you can download the Letter of completion of the L2 modules.
This document must be filled and delivered in an electronic PDF format by the Lead Trainer or the administrator to each qualifying student once they have completed the requirements for the course.
It is also the Lead trainer’s responsibility to make sure that the students list is completed in the portal and all the students given the Letter of completion have a certified status in his student record. Along with the Letter of completion, this guarantees that KRI database is accurate and that you will not have concerns when your student requires a level two certificate in the future.
This document is protected. Please contact the KRI Contract Manager if you need the passcode.
If you will be requiring your students to re-watch the Yogi Bhajan videos that go with this Level Two program, you can either purchase the videos (on DVD or Thumb Drive) for each student, or you can provide them with the links to stream the videos directly from the Library of Teachings.
Download the PDF with the links to stream the videos from the Library of Teachings in the Link below.
The Library of Teachings website is free to use, but definitely has a cost to maintain! If students will be streaming, but you include the price of L2 video DVDs in your program fees, we would be very grateful if you could donate that amount to the Library of Teachings to help sustain free access. Thank you!