ATA Regional Meetings

Sat Nam Trainers of the Aquarian Trainer Academy

Blessings and greetings from your KRI Team. Please take a few minutes to read about important information on the reorganization that you have asked for in Summits and TTEC meetings. 

As you may remember, KRI will no longer have online global TTEC meetings and there will be only one global gathering of trainers each year – The ATA Global Summit – this year it will be September 8 to 11, 2022. Please save this date in your calendar. 

A new system of Regional online meetings has begun in February 2022 and KRI looks for trainers who are interested in working to co-create the agenda these meetings.Ā  After the first meeting of each region we will work together to form steering committees for each Region.Ā 

To participate email Hari Charn – [email protected]

Proposed Schedule for 2022

  • 1st Quarter:

Regional online Meetings in February: US & Canada; Europe; Latin America; China; Australia/Bali/etc

In-Person Forum in March: South East Asia

  • 2nd Quarter:

Regional online Meetings in June: Latin America; Southeast Asia and Australia, China/Taiwan

In-Person Forums: US & Canada (June); Europe (July)

  • 3rd Quarter: No regional Meetings

Global ATA Online Trainer Summit: September 8-11th

  • 4th Quarter:

Regional online Meetings in November: US & Canada; Europe; Latin America; Asia; Southeast Asia/Australia

What is the purpose of each of these meetings?  What is different?  With no more TTEC meetings how will proposals be discussed and voted on?   Please read further.   

Annual Global ATA Trainer Summit

Once a year KRI will organize a meeting for all members of the Global ATA.  This meeting will be in September each year online.  This meeting is the opportunity for trainers to meet with, speak to, learn from and interact with peers from around the Globe. 

What are the elements of the Summit agenda and creation:

  • The agenda is co-created by a diverse group of global trainers from all regions.
  • Deep meditation with peers – led by peers
  • Check in groups with member of the academy in your preferred language- opportunities to deeply connect with trainers outside of your region
  • An all Summit workshop that addresses issues and challenges that are currently engaging trainers. In the past two summits, these have been led by Just Outcomes
  • Fundamental conversations  – topics are proposed by all members of the Academy. What ever is important to you as a trainer – propose a topic that you would like to facilitate.  These conversations often initiate changes in the Academy, proposals for academy members to discuss and vote on, and expansion.
  • Workshops by members of the Academy in multiple languages to develop skills and competencies. 

Regional Trainer Forums

These are in person meetings of trainers that (when possible) also have an online component to make them hybrid. Coming together in-person is valuable to deepen relationships and strengthen service.  Trainers are invited to attend Regional Forums that are annual meetings of trainers.   Even though these meetings are targeted for trainers of a certain region (via language and time zone), any trainer from anywhere is welcome to attend any meeting.

What are the elements of the a Regional Forum:

  • Large group and small group check in
  • Discussions in large group and small groups on topics that are critical to the trainers in the region, addressing regional-specific issues and continuing to decentralize the ATA
  • Group sadhana
  • Group meditation
  • Workshop and presentation by National associations of the region or country
  • Meetings with peers who serve in the same role in the Academy
  • Large group and small group workshops
  • Discussion of proposed policies prior to online voting (same as in the regional online meetings)

Where have regional forums taken place:

  • US/Canada are before Summer Solstice in Espanola and before Winter Solstice in Florida. These meetings are in English with translation available as needed.
  • Latin America Regional Meetings have taken place in multiple locations in the past – Chile, Mexico, Brazil, and one had been planned in Argentina.
  • Asia including Southeast Asia:  China, Taiwan, Malaysia, 
  • Australia
  • Europe – Before the European Yoga Festival

What is the difference between a Forum and a Summit?

Regional Forums are much more local and allow for intimate in person discussions both formal and informal.  Often it is the informal time together that builds trust and understanding between trainers.  Regional Forums are in person while Summits are online. The Global summit often has 200-400 participants with consultants facilitating workshops and presentations while Forums are smaller and sometimes termed cozier events.

Regional Online Meetings

Regional meetings are short (about three hours long), quarterly, online meetings for trainers in each region to come together to discuss what is important for service in their region.  KRI representatives would be participating both in the preparation of the meeting and in discussions.  Being online allows for trainers to meet locally and regionally without travel.  These meetings will be held in the language of the participants with translation available.  Even though these meetings are targeted for trainers of a certain region (via language and time zone), any trainer from anywhere is welcome to attend any meeting.

What are the elements of these meetings:

  • Agenda is formed by trainers of the region through a representative steering committee
  • Current proposals will be discussed prior to voting by the Academy, same as in the Regional in-person Forums. (there no longer will be online TTEC meetings.)
  • Important regional concerns will be discussed
  • ATA orientation for applicants in the region
  • Peer to peer small group meetings
  • Feedback about important regional issues given to KRI
  • KRI Updates (news about important changes in policy, new projects, etc.) will be posted and sent to trainers before meeting and there will be time for discussion
  • Regional ATA administrators will participate and answer questions
  • KRI Outreach Director will participate as well as Executive Director or other staff as needed
  • Notes will be taken and posted

Regional meeting agendas will inform topics that are important for all trainers to discuss at the Annual Global Summit.

The KRI staff are so grateful for all of the work you all do as trainers and members of the Aquarian Trainer Academy.  We also recognize that it can be very difficult to find the time to participate in the administration and running of the ATA on top of your teaching work and already busy lives.  And as KRI decentralizes, the choice is yours.  If you want to, there are many opportunities for you to participate, contribute, influence, co-create, and have your voice heard.  

The new plan for ATA meetings that is described here came from trainer feedback, and we (the KRI staff) hope that it will serve us for the next few years.  The exact dates of the various regional meetings, regional forums, and the global summit will be set in advance and announced so you can, if you want, plan to attend.  Together we are co-creating the container in which the magic and spirit of Kundalini Yoga can most impactfully be transmitted to the next generations of Teachers.  Thank you so much for all you do.  

Look for the exact dates of the 2022 meetings in the bi-weekly Trainer Update emails.  And donā€™t forget to email Hari Charn at [email protected] if you are interested and available to work on your Regional meeting in February or March!